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« backPage 259 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
holder of a pledgePfandhalter {m}
holder of a pledgePfandnehmer {m}
holder of a position Stelleninhaber {m}
holder of a position [female]Stelleninhaberin {f}
holder of a putInhaber {m} einer Verkaufsoption
holder of a scholarship Empfänger {m} eines Stipendiums
holder of a securityInhaber {m} eines Wertpapiers
holder of a shareInhaber {m} einer Aktie
holder of a title Inhaber {m} eines Titels
holder of an / the office Amtsinhaber {m}
holder of an / the office [female]Amtsinhaberin {f}
holder of an account Kontoinhaber {m} [Inhaber eines Kontos]
holder of an annuity Rentenempfänger {m}
holder of an annuity [female] Rentenempfängerin {f}
holder of an officeAmtsinhaber {m}
holder of approvalZulassungsinhaber {m}
holder of bearer shares Inhaberaktionär {m}
holder of office Amtsträger {m}
holder of preferential sharesVorzugsaktionär {m}
holder of rights Rechtsinhaber {m}
holder of rightsRechteinhaber {m}
holder of rights of useNutzungsberechtigter {m}
holder of shares Inhaber {m} von Aktien
holder of the account Kontoinhaber {m} [Inhaber des Kontos]
holder of the chair [female]Lehrstuhlinhaberin {f} [Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls]
holder of the check [Am.] Scheckinhaber {m} [Inhaber des Schecks]
holder of the cheque [Br.] Scheckinhaber {m} [Inhaber des Schecks]
holder of the deposit Inhaber {m} der Einlage
holder of the land charge Träger {m} der Landungsgebühr
holder of the licence [Br.] Lizenzinhaber {m} [Inhaber der Lizenz]
holder of the license [Am.] Lizenzinhaber {m} [Inhaber der Lizenz]
holder of the patent [effective owner]Patentinhaber {m} [Inhaber des Patents]
holder of the right of disposal Verfügungsberechtigter {m}
holder sleeveEinsatzhülse {f}
holders Besitzer {pl}
holders Inhaber {pl}
Hölder's inequality Hölder-Ungleichung {f}
holders of power Machthaber {pl}
Hölder's theorem [also: Holder's theorem, theorem of Hölder, theorem of Holder]Satz {m} von Hölder
holdfast Befestigung {f}
holdfast Haltevorrichtung {f}
holdfast Halter {m} [Haltevorrichtung]
holdfast Haftorgan {n}
holdfast [castle, fortress, tower]Burg {f}
hold-file Wiedervorlage {f}
hold-harmless agreementHaftungsfreistellung {f}
hold-harmless clause Freistellungsklausel {f}
holding haltend
holdingAnteil {m}
holdingBesetzthalten {n}
holdingBeteiligung {f}
holding Lagerbestand {m}
holding innehabend
holdingEntscheidung {f} [Gericht]
holdingAustragung {f}
holding [association football] Halten {n}
holding [of opinions] Vertretung {f} [von Ansichten]
holding a meeting tagend
holding an opponent [foul]Halten {n} des Gegners [Foul]
holding area Zwischenspeicherung {f}
holding areaStellplatz {m}
holding area Lagerplatz {m}
holding area Aufbewahrungsort {m}
holding area Aufenthaltsraum {m}
holding areaUnterbringung {f}
holding areaWarteraum {m}
holding areaWartebereich {m}
holding attackFesselung {f} des Feindes
holding backaufhaltend
holding back Hinhaltung {f}
holding back [reticently] zurückhaltend
holding band Halteband {n}
holding basin [for spent atomic fuel] Abklingbecken {n}
holding brakeHaltebremse {f}
holding capacityFassungsvermögen {n}
holding capacity Haltevermögen {n}
holding cell Zelle {f} [Haftraum]
holding cellHaftraum {m} [Gefängniszelle]
holding centre [Br.] Auffangbecken {n} [fig.]
holding chamber [inhaler] Vorschaltkammer {f} [Kammer der Inhalationshilfe]
holding circuitWarteschaltung {f}
holding clampHalteklammer {f}
holding clampHalteschelle {f}
holding companyDachgesellschaft {f}
holding company Beteiligungsgesellschaft {f}
holding company Holding {f}
holding companyHoldinggesellschaft {f}
holding companyUnternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft {f}
holding company Beteiligungsunternehmen {n} [Unternehmen, das Beteiligungen an anderen hält]
holding company Holdingunternehmen {n}
holding company Muttergesellschaft {f}
holding costLagerkosten {pl}
holding current Haltestrom {m}
holding ejector Betriebsstrahler {m}
holding fixtureAufnahme {f} [Werkstück]
holding forceHaltekraft {f}
holding forceHaftkraft {f}
holding gains Wertzuwachs {m} eines Bestands
holding hands Händchenhalten {n}
holding hands händchenhaltend
« hocuHoevhogghoisholaholdholdholeholiholiholi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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