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hole current Löcherstrom {m} [Halbleiter]
hole cutter Lochsäge {f}
hole cutting snips Lochblechschere {f}
hole density Löcherdichte {f}
hole density Defektelektronendichte {f}
hole depthBohrungstiefe {f}
hole diameterLochdurchmesser {m}
hole feedingLochfraß {m}
hole gripper Lochgreifer {m}
hole in a wall Mauerloch {n} [Loch in einer Mauer]
hole in one [fig.] [perfect achievement]Volltreffer {m} [fig.] [großer Erfolg]
hole in one [golf] Hole-in-One {n}
hole in one's stocking Loch {n} im Strumpf
hole in the budgetDeckungsloch {n} im Haushalt
hole in the budget Deckungslücke {f}
hole in the budget Etatloch {n}
hole in the cloud cover Wolkenloch {n}
hole in the clouds Wolkenloch {n}
hole in the door Türloch {n}
hole in the ground Erdloch {n}
hole in the ice Eisloch {n}
hole in the ice [man-made, for fishing, diving]Wuhne {f}
hole in the ice [natural phenomenon] Wake {f}
hole in the ozone layer Ozonloch {n}
hole in the toothLoch {n} im Zahn
hole in the wall [Br.] [coll.] Geldautomat {m} [außen an einer Bank]
hole in the wall [Br.] [coll.] [cash machine] Bankomat® {m} [österr.] [Geldautomat]
hole in the wall [Br.] [coll.] [cash machine] Bancomat {m} [schweiz.] [Geldautomat]
hole mismatchLochversatz {m}
hole pattern Lochbild {n}
hole pattern [heat exchanger] Lochcode {m} [Wärmetauscher]
hole punch Locheisen {n}
hole punch Lochstanzer {m}
hole punchLochstanze {f}
hole punchLocher {m}
hole punchLochstempel {m}
hole puncher [Am.] Locher {m}
hole saw circle cutter einstellbare Lochsäge {f}
hole site Lochstelle {f}
hole spacing Lochabstand {m}
hole spacing Bohrlochabstand {m}
hole template Lochschablone {f}
(hole) fillerSpachtelmasse {f}
(hole) reamerLochstrecker {m}
hole-and-corner zwielichtig
hole-and-corner anrüchig
hole-and-corner [attr.] [hidden]versteckt
hole-and-corner [coll.] [attr.] [kept secret] heimlich
hole-cutting shear Lochblechschere {f}
holed ausgehöhlt
holed coin [coin with a hole in the middle] Lochmünze {f}
holed up versteckt
hole-dwelling bee [Heriades species]Löcherbiene {f}
hole-electron pair Loch-Elektron-Paar {n} [selten] [Elektron-Loch-Paar]
hole-free steel lunkerfreier Stahl {m}
hole-hole-electron process <h-h-e process>Loch-Loch-Elektron-Prozess {m} <h-h-e-Prozess>
hole-in-oneVolltreffer {m}
hole-in-one [golf] Einlochen {n} mit dem ersten Schlag
hole-in-the-ground latrineDonnerbalken {m} [ugs.]
hole-in-the-heart baby Baby {n} mit (angeborenem) Herzfehler
hole-in-the-wall in die Wand eingebaut
hole-in-the-wall [Am.] [coll.] [kleiner, abgelegener, unscheinbarer Ort, z. B. ein Restaurant oder Geschäft]
hole-in-the-wall [Br.] [coll.] Geldautomat {m}
hole-in-the-wall [coll.]Rattenloch {n} [ugs.]
holeproof [having no flaws or weak points] haltbar [von dauerhafter Beschaffenheit, strapazierfähig]
holes Löcher {pl}
Holes [Andrew Davis] Das Geheimnis von Green Lake
Holes [Louis Sachar] Löcher. Die Geheimnisse von Green Lake
holes in the groundErdlöcher {pl}
holesawLochsäge {f}
hole-storage effectTrägerspeichereffekt {m}
holey löcherig
holey coin [coin with a hole in the middle] Lochmünze {f}
Holger Nielsen method Holger-Nielsen-Methode {f}
Holguín blind snake [Typhlops leptolepis]Holguín-Blindschlange {f}
Holi [Hindu religious festival]Holi-Fest {n} [Frühlingsfest, Hinduismus]
Holi (game) Holi-Spiel {n}
Holi partyHoli-Party {f}
holiday {sg} [esp. Br.] Ferien {pl}
holiday [esp. Br.] Erholungsurlaub {m}
holiday [esp. Br.] ferial [österr.]
holiday [esp. Br.] Urlaub {m}
holiday [esp. Br.]Ferial- [österr.]
holiday [feast day] Feiertag {m}
Holiday [George Cukor] Die Schwester der Braut
holiday abroad Auslandsurlaub {m}
holiday accommodation Ferienunterkunft {f}
holiday accommodation Urlaubsdomizil {n}
holiday accommodations [esp. Br.] Ferienunterkünfte {pl}
holiday acquaintance Urlaubsbekanntschaft {f}
holiday addressUrlaubsadresse {f}
holiday address Urlaubsanschrift {f}
holiday adventure Urlaubsabenteuer {n}
holiday airline Ferienflieger {m}
holiday allowance Urlaubsgeld {n}
holiday apartmentFerienappartement {n}
holiday apartment Ferienapartment {n}
holiday apartment [Am.]Urlaubswohnung {f} [Ferienwohnung]
« hogghoisholaholdholdholeholiholiholihollholl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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