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holiday apartment <holiday apt.> Ferienwohnung {f} <FeWo>
holiday area Feriengebiet {n}
holiday areaUrlaubsgebiet {n}
holiday area Erholungsgebiet {n}
holiday area Ferienregion {f}
holiday at the seaside [esp. Br.]Badeurlaub {m}
holiday at the seaside [esp. Br.] Urlaub {m} am Meer
holiday baggageUrlaubsgepäck {n} [bes. Fluggepäck]
holiday bonus zusätzliches Urlaubsgeld {n}
holiday brochureUrlaubsprospekt {m}
holiday budget [Br.]Urlaubsbudget {n}
holiday by the seaside [esp. Br.] Urlaub {m} am Meer
holiday cabin [Br.] Ferienhütte {f}
Holiday cactus [genus Hatiora] [Easter cactus] Osterkaktus {m}
Holiday cactus [genus Schlumbergera] [Christmas cactus]Weihnachtskaktus {m}
holiday calendar [Br.] Ferienkalender {m}
holiday camp [Br.]Ferienlager {n}
holiday camp [Br.]Ferienkolonie {f} [Ferienlager]
holiday care [e.g. supervisory programme of children] Ferienbetreuung {f}
holiday chalet [esp. Br.] Ferienchalet {n}
holiday chalet [holiday cottage] [esp. Br.] Ferienhaus {n}
holiday clothes {pl} [dated] Sonntagsstaat {m} [hum.]
holiday clothes {pl} [esp. Br.] Urlaubskleidung {f}
holiday clothes {pl} [festive]Festtagskleidung {f}
holiday club Ferienclub {m}
holiday coloniesFerienkolonien {pl}
holiday colony Ferienkolonie {f}
holiday commerce Festtagsgeschäft {n} [seltener für: Feiertagsgeschäft, Saisongeschäft]
holiday complex Ferienanlage {f}
holiday complex Feriensiedlung {f}
holiday cottage [Br.]Ferienquartier {n} [Ferienhaus]
holiday countryUrlaubsland {n}
holiday course Ferienkurs {m}
holiday courseFerienschule {f}
holiday cover [Br.] Urlaubsvertretung {f} [Person]
holiday cover [Br.]Ferienaushilfe {f}
holiday desire Urlaubslust {f}
holiday destination [Br.]Ferienziel {n}
holiday destination [esp. Br.] Urlaubsziel {n}
holiday diary [Br.]Reisetagebuch {n}
holiday effectFerieneffekt {m}
holiday entitlement [Br.] Urlaubsanspruch {m}
holiday entitlementsUrlaubsbestände {pl}
holiday facility [esp. Br.]Ferienanlage {f}
holiday feeling [Br.]Urlaubsstimmung {f}
holiday feelingsFeriengefühle {pl}
holiday fever [Br.] Reisefieber {n}
holiday finerySonntagsstaat {m} [hum.]
holiday flat Ferienwohnung {f}
holiday flat [Br.]Urlaubswohnung {f} [Ferienwohnung]
holiday flirtation Urlaubsflirt {m}
holiday from hell [Br.] [fig.] absolut katastrophaler Urlaub {m}
holiday frustration Urlaubsfrust {m}
holiday fun Urlaubsspaß {m}
holiday fund Reisekasse {f}
holiday greetingsUrlaubsgrüße {pl}
holiday guestUrlaubsgast {m}
holiday heart syndrome <HHS>Holiday-Heart-Syndrom {n} <HHS>
holiday homeFerienhaus {n}
holiday home Ferienwohnung {f}
holiday home Ferienhäuschen {n}
holiday home Freizeithaus {n} [Ferienhaus]
holiday homes Ferienhäuser {pl}
holiday hostel [Br.] Ferienwohnheim {n}
holiday hotel Ferienhotel {n}
holiday hotelUrlaubshotel {n}
holiday in a foreign countryAuslandsurlaub {m}
holiday in another country Auslandsurlaub {m}
holiday in Scotland [esp. Br.]Schottlandurlaub {m}
holiday in Spain [esp. Br.] Spanienurlaub {m}
holiday internship Ferienpraktikum {n}
holiday internshipFerialpraktikum {n} [österr.]
holiday island Urlaubsinsel {f}
holiday island Ferieninsel {f}
holiday job [Br.]Ferienjob {m} [ugs.]
holiday job [Br.] Ferialjob {m} [österr.]
holiday job [Br.]Ferienarbeit {f}
holiday leave [Br.] Erholungsurlaub {m}
holiday let [Br.] Mietferienwohnung {f}
holiday let [Br.] Ferienwohnung {f} zur Vermietung
holiday lights {pl} Lichterkette {f}
holiday liner Urlaubsdampfer {m}
holiday lodge Ferienhaus {n}
holiday love Urlaubsliebe {f}
holiday (love) affairUrlaubsabenteuer {n} [Liebesaffäre]
holiday luggage Urlaubsgepäck {n}
holiday maker Ferienreisender {m}
holiday maker Urlauber {m}
holiday maker Feriengast {m}
holiday maker [female]Ferienreisende {f}
holiday marketUrlaubsmarkt {m}
holiday mealFesttagsmenü {n}
holiday moodUrlaubsstimmung {f}
holiday moodFeiertagsstimmung {f}
holiday moodFerienstimmung {f}
holiday offersUrlaubsangebote {pl}
holiday outfit [esp. Br.]Urlaubsoutfit {n} [auch: Urlaubs-Outfit]
holiday package [Am.] Pauschalreise {f}
holiday pageant Festumzug {m}
holiday paradise Urlaubsparadies {n}
« hoisholaholdholdholeholiholiholihollhollholl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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