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hollowDelle {f} [Bodendelle]
hollow [promise] leer [fig.]
hollow [sound]dumpf
hollow [e.g. of throat] Kuhle {f} [z. B. am Hals]
hollow [meaningless]bedeutungslos
hollow [recessed]ausgespart [versenkt, eingelassen]
hollow anode Hohlanode {f}
hollow axle Hohlachse {f}
hollow back Hohlkreuz {n}
hollow back Hohlrücken {m}
hollow between the breasts Brustgrube {f}
hollow blockHohlblockstein {m}
hollow block floor Stahlbetonrippendecke {f}
hollow body Hohlkörper {m}
hollow body design Hohlkörperbauweise {f}
hollow bolete [Suillus cavipes, syn.: Boletinus cavipes] Hohlfuß-Schuppenröhrling / Hohlfußschuppenröhrling {m}
hollow bolete [Suillus cavipes, syn.: Boletinus cavipes]Hohlfuß-Röhrling / Hohlfußröhrling {m}
hollow bolt Hohlbolzen {m}
hollow brick Hohlziegel {m}
hollow brickLochziegel {m}
hollow casting Hohlguss {m}
hollow chargeHohlladung {f}
hollow checker brick [Am.] Gitterhohlstein {m}
hollow cheeks eingefallene Wangen {pl}
hollow chequer brick [Br.] Hohllochstein {m}
hollow chequer brick [Br.] Gitterhohlstein {m}
hollow chop pliers {pl} [one pair] Hohlkehlzange {f}
Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's [Ransom Riggs]Die Stadt der besonderen Kinder
hollow concrete block Betonhohlblockstein {m}
hollow concrete masonry unit [Am.] <hollow CMU>Hohlblockstein {m}
hollow conductor Hohlrohrleitung {f}
hollow cone Hohlkegel {m}
hollow connectorleeres Verbindungsstück {n}
hollow core door Wabentür {f}
hollow core technologyFaltkerntechnik {f}
hollow cylinderHohlzylinder {m}
hollow dowel pinSpannhülse {f} [geschlitzt, kleiner Durchmesser]
Hollow EarthHohlwelt {f}
hollow earth Hohlerde {f}
hollow extrusion Hohlfließpressen {n} [auch: Hohl-Fließpressen]
hollow fiber [Am.]Hohlfaser {f}
hollow fibre [Br.]Hohlfaser {f}
hollow filament Hohlfilament {n}
hollow grinding Hohlschliff {m}
hollow handle Hohlgriff {m}
hollow handle Hohlheftgriff {m}
hollow headHohlkopf {m}
hollow hootinghohler Ruf {m}
hollow keyHohlschlüssel {m}
hollow larkspur [Corydalis cava] [hollowroot] Hohler Lerchensporn {m}
hollow larkspur [Corydalis cava] [hollowroot] Zottelhose {f} [regional] [Hohler Lerchensporn]
hollow larkspur [Corydalis cava] [hollowroot] Taubenkopf {m} [regional] [Hohler Lerchensporn]
hollow log coffin [traditioneller Baumsarg der australischen Ureinwohner]
hollow needle Hohlnadel {f}
hollow needle [canula] Kanüle {f}
hollow (of a valley)Talsenke {f}
hollow of the knee Kniekehle {f}
hollow of the throatHalsgrube {f}
hollow organ Hohlorgan {n}
hollow part Hohlkörper {m}
hollow part Hohlteil {n}
hollow patternHohlform {f}
hollow peace Scheinfriede {m}
hollow phrases hohle Phrasen {pl}
hollow prism Hohlprisma {n}
hollow profile Hohlprofil {n}
hollow promiseleeres Versprechen {n}
hollow promises leere Versprechungen {pl}
hollow punch Locheisen {n}
hollow reamerHohlmeißel {m}
hollow rivetHohlniet {m} [auch {n}]
hollow rodGestängerohr {n}
hollow root [spv.] [Corydalis cava]Hohler Lerchensporn {m}
hollow round back Hohlrundrücken {m}
hollow screw Hohlschraube {f}
hollow section Hohlprofil {n}
hollow section rim Hohlkammerfelge {f}
hollow shaft Hohlwelle {f}
hollow shaft hohle Welle {f}
hollow shaft motorHohlwellenmotor {m}
hollow shank taper <HSK>Hohlschaftkegel {m} <HSK>
hollow spaceHohlraum {m}
hollow sphere Hohlkugel {f}
hollow stopperHohlstopfen {m}
hollow tile Hohlziegel {m}
hollow toothhohler Zahn {m}
hollow top shaft(senkrechte) Antriebshohlwelle {f}
hollow trunk (of a tree) Baumhöhle {f}
hollow vesselHohlgefäß {n}
hollow victorywertloser Sieg {m} [ähnlich Pyrrhussieg]
hollow wheelHohlrad {n}
hollow word Worthülse {f} [pej.]
hollow wordsleere Worte {pl}
hollow wordshohle Worte {pl}
hollow words(leere) Worthülsen {pl}
hollow-anode tubeHohlanodenröhre {f}
hollow-bore needleHohlnadel {f} [Hohlkanüle]
hollow-bore needle Hohlkanüle {f}
hollow-cast hohlgegossen
hollow-cathode lamp <HCL> [also: hollow cathode lamp]Hohlkathodenlampe {f} <HKL>
« holdholeholiholiholihollhollhollHoloHolsHoly »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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