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home comforts {pl} häuslicher Komfort {m}
home comingHeimkehr {f}
home computer Heimcomputer {m}
home computerHobbyrechner {m}
home computer Homecomputer {m}
home computer workstationHeimcomputerarbeitsplatz {m} [auch: Heimcomputer-Arbeitsplatz]
home concert Hausmusik {f}
home consoleHeimkonsole {f}
home construction Wohnungsbau {m}
home consumption Inlandsverbrauch {m}
home contents insurance Hausratversicherung {f}
home control Haussteuerung {f}
home cooking Hausmannskost {f}
home cooking häusliche Küche {f}
home correspondent Inlandskorrespondent {m}
Home Counties [Br.] Grafschaften {pl}, die an London angrenzen
home country Heimat {f}
home country Heimatland {n}
home countryVaterland {n}
home country Herkunftsland {n} [Mensch]
home country principleHerkunftslandsprinzip {n}
home country principle Herkunftslandprinzip {n}
home county Heimatbezirk {m}
home court advantage [basketball]Heimspielvorteil {m}
home crowd heimisches Publikum {n}
home crowd Heimpublikum {n}
home cryogenic vessel Kryogenbehälter {m} für den Hausgebrauch
home currency Heimatwährung {f}
home curse [sports jargon]Heimfluch {m} [Sportjargon]
home decoration Inneneinrichtung {f}
home decorationWohnungsausstattung {f} [Wohnaccessoires]
home defeatHeimniederlage {f}
home defense [Am.]Reichsverteidigung {f} <RVT> [Luftwaffe]
home delivery Anlieferung {f} frei Haus
home deliveryHauszustellung {f}
home deliveryLieferung {f} nach Hause
home delivery [fast food] Lieferung {f} frei Haus
Home Delivery [Stephen King] Hausentbindung
home demand Inlandsnachfrage {f}
home detention curfew [electronic tagging] elektronisch überwachter Hausarrest {m}
home directoryBenutzerverzeichnis {n}
home draw Heimunentschieden {n}
home dutieshäusliche Pflichten {pl}
home ec [coll.] Hauswirtschaft {f}
home economics Hauswirtschaftslehre {f}
home economicsÖkotrophologie {f}
home education Hausunterricht {m}
home educationPrivatunterricht {m}
home electronics [treated as sg.]Unterhaltungselektronik {f}
home entertainment market Heimunterhaltungsmarkt {m}
home entertainment rights Videogrammrechte {pl}
home entertainment technology Heimunterhaltungstechnik {f}
home environmentWohnumgebung {f}
home environment häusliches Milieu {n}
home environmenthäusliche Umgebung {f}
home exchange Haus- oder Wohnungstausch {m}
home exchange Heimatbörse {f}
home fight [e.g. boxing] Heimkampf {m}
home fire Wohnungsbrand {m}
home fixture Heimspiel {n}
Home Fleet [traditional name of the fleet of the RN which protected the UK's territorial waters 1902 - 1967] Heimatflotte {f} [traditioneller Name der Flotte der RN, die die Hoheitsgewässer GB's schützte 1902 - 1967]
home for asylum seekers [hostel]Asylbewerberheim {n}
home for old peopleAltersheim {n}
home for old people Seniorenheim {n}
home for the aged Seniorenheim {n}
home for the blindBlindenanstalt {f}
home for the elderlyAltersheim {n}
home for the elderly Altenwohnheim {n}
home freein Sicherheit
home fries [Am.] Bratkartoffeln {pl}
Home from Home Die andere Heimat - Chronik einer Sehnsucht [Edgar Reitz]
home front Heimatfront {f}
home furnishing [Am.] Einrichtungsgegenstände {pl}
home furnishings {pl} Hausmobiliar {n}
home galaxy Heimatgalaxie {f}
home game Heimspiel {n}
home goal [soccer] Heimtor {n} [Fußball]
home groundHeimspielstätte {f}
home ground [football] eigene Spielstätte {f}
home groupHauskreis {m}
home group Zellgruppe {f} [Hauskeis]
Home Guard [Austrian nationalist paramilitary group, 1920s and 1930s] Hahnenschwänzler {pl} [pej.]
Home Guard [Br.]Bürgerwehr {f}
Home Guard [paramilitary group in Austria in the 1920s and 30s] Heimwehr {f} [Österreich]
home gym Heimtrainer {m}
home health care häusliche Krankenpflege {f}
home health carehäusliche Pflege {f}
home health nurse Hauspflegerin {f}
home helpHaushaltshilfe {f}
home help [Br.] Heimhelferin {f} [österr.]
home help wanted Haushaltshilfe gesucht
home improvementHeimwerken {n}
Home ImprovementHör mal, wer da hämmert
home improvement article Heimwerkerartikel {m}
home improvement center [Am.] Baumarkt {m}
home improvement market [Am.]Heimwerkermarkt {m}
home improver [Am.] Heimwerker {m}
home improver [Am.] [female]Heimwerkerin {f}
home industry Heimindustrie {f}
home industry heimische Wirtschaft {f}
« hollHoloHolsHolyhomehomehomehomehomehomehome »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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