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« backPage 274 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
home recordHeimbilanz {f}
home region Heimatregion {f}
home remedies Hausrezepte {pl}
home remedy Hausmittel {n}
home remedy kit Hausapotheke {f}
home requirements {pl}Eigenbedarf {m}
home residentHeimbewohner {m}
home respirationHeimbeatmung {f} [Beatmung zu Hause]
home respiratorHeimrespirator {m}
home router Heimrouter {m}
home row [in touch typing] mittlere Tastenreihe {f} [Schreibmaschinen-/Computertastatur]
home rule Selbstregierung {f}
home rule Selbstverwaltung {f}
home rule Autonomie {f}
home rule Selbstbestimmung {f}
home rule innere Autonomie {f}
home ruleautonome Selbstverwaltung {f}
home rule Homerule {f}
home runHeimserie {f}
home run [baseball] Home-Run {m}
home run [baseball]Homerun {m}
home run [baseball] Home Run {m} [Baseball]
home safe Heimsparbüchse {f}
home sales Inlandsverkäufe {pl}
home sauna Heimsauna {f}
home school Hausunterricht {m}
home schoolingHeimunterricht {m}
home schooling Hausunterricht {m}
home screen Homescreen {m} [Hauptbildschirm, Startbildschirm]
Home Secretary [Br.] Innenminister {m}
Home Secretary [Br.] [female]Innenministerin {f}
home sector Heimsektor {m}
home security Haussicherheit {f}
home serviceDienst {m} im Inland
home service officeKleinlebensversicherung {f}
home shirtHeimtrikot {n}
home sicknessHeimweh {n}
home side Heimmannschaft {f}
home sideGastgeber {m} [Heimmannschaft]
home signalEinfahrsignal {n}
home slaughtering Hausschlachtung {f}
home soda maker Trinkwassersprudelgerät {n}
home soilHeimaterde {f}
home sound system Hausbeschallungsanlage {f}
home stagingHome Staging {n} [professionelles Adaptieren von Immobilien zur Verkaufsförderung]
home standHeimspielserie {f}
home starHeimatstern {m}
home state Heimatstaat {m}
home straight [Br.] [also fig.: last part of an activity or campaign] Zielgerade {f} [auch fig.: einer Kampagne etc.]
home stretch Zielgerade {f}
home stretchesZielgeraden {pl}
home studioHeimstudio {n}
home swap Haus- oder Wohnungstausch {m}
Home, Sweet HomeTrautes Heim, Glück allein.
home table Heimtabelle {f}
home teamHeimmannschaft {f}
home team Heimteam {n}
home team {sg}Platzherren {pl}
home team {sg} Gastgeber {pl} [Platzherren]
home team {sg} Hausherren {pl}
home team [association football] Heimelf {f}
home telephone Telefon {n} zu Hause
home telephone numberprivate Telefonnummer {f}
home territory [fig.]Stammland {n}
home territory [of an animal]alltäglicher Lebensraum {m} [eines Tieres]
home textiles Heimtextilien {pl}
home textilesWohntextilien {pl}
home theater [Am.] Heimkino {n}
home time Ende {n} des Schultags
home timeFeierabend {m}
home townGeburtsstadt {f}
home townHeimatstadt {f}
home townHeimatort {m}
home town Heimatsort {m} [selten] [Heimatort]
home townvaterstädtisch
home townVaterstadt {f}
home town [native town]Heimatgemeinde {f}
home tradeBinnenhandel {m}
home trading vessel Binnenschiff {n}
home treasury [anthology, in books titles] Hausschatz {m} [Anthologie, in Büchertiteln]
home truth unbequeme Wahrheit {f}
home truth [often home truths]bittere Wahrheit {f} [über sich selber]
home truth [usually home truths]nackte Wahrheit {f} [unangenehme Wahrheit]
home tutor Hauslehrer {m}
home universityHeimatuniversität {f}
home user Heimanwender {m}
home ventilation Wohnungslüftung {f}
home ventilation system Wohnraumlüftung {f}
home victory Heimsieg {m}
home video recorder <HVR> Heimvideorecorder {m}
home village Heimatort {m}
home villageHeimatdorf {n}
home visitHausbesuch {m}
home warming party Wohnungseinweihung {f} [Einzugsfeier]
home water carbonatorTrinkwassersprudelgerät {n}
home water softener Hausenthärtungsanlage {f}
home waters heimatliche Gewässer {pl}
home waters Heimatgewässer {pl}
home wear [rare] [casual wear] Homewear {f} [bequeme Kleidung für zuhause]
home weaverHausweber {m}
« HolsHolyhomehomehomehomehomehomehomehomehomi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers