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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 276 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
homely [plain] [Am.]unscheinbar [Person]
homely [unattractive] [Am.]hässlich [Person]
homely [unpretentious] einfach [schlicht]
homely [unpretentious] schlicht
homely environmenthäusliche Umgebung {f}
home-made hausbacken
home-made hausgemacht
homemade Hausmacher-
home-made selbst gemacht
homemadeselbst gemacht
home-madeselbst gebastelt
home-madeselbst gebaut
homemade selbstgenäht
homemade selbstgemacht
home-made selbstgebastelt
homemade [produced in the country] im Inland hergestellt
home-made [baked]selbstgebacken
home-made [baked] hausgebacken
homemade [home-baked]selbst gebacken
homemade bratwurstHausmacherbratwurst {f} [auch: Hausmacher-Bratwurst]
home-made cake hausgebackener Kuchen {m}
home-made cheese pasta {sg} Kässpatzen {pl} [regional]
homemade face mask [e.g. of cotton, polyester] DIY-Maske {f} [selbstgemachte Alltagsmaske]
home-made ice cream selbstgemachtes Speiseeis {n}
homemaker [esp. Am.] Hausfrau {f}
homemaker [male] [mainly Am.] Hausmann {m}
homemakingHaushaltsführung {f}
homemakingHäuslichkeit {f} [hauswirtschaftliche Tüchtigkeit]
homeobox [Am.]Homöobox {f}
homeobox gene [Am.] Homöoboxgen {n}
homeobox gene family [Am.] Homeoboxgenfamilie {f}
homeobox genes [Am.] Homöoboxgene {pl}
homeochilidium [Am.]Homöochilidium {n}
homeochrome homeochrom
homeodeltidium Homöodeltidium {n}
homeodomain [Am.] Homöodomäne {f} [auch fälschlich: Homeodomäne]
homeodomain protein <HDP>Homeodomänenprotein {n}
homeodomain proteins <HDPs> Homeodomänenproteine {pl}
homeoid [Am.] Homöoid {n}
homeomorphism [Am.]Homöomorphismus {m}
homeomorphism [Am.]Homeomorphismus {m} [Rsv.]
homeopath [Am.] Homöopath {m}
homeopath [Am.] [female] Homöopathin {f}
homeopathic [Am.]homöopathisch
homeopathic (agent) [Am.] Homöopathikum {n}
homeopathic agents [Am.]Homöopathika {pl}
homeopathic dose [Am.] homöopathische Dosis {f}
homeopathic doses [Am.]homöopathische Dosen {pl}
homeopathic drug proving [Am.]homöopathische Arzneimittelprüfung {f} <HAMP>
homeopathic remedy [Am.] homöopathisches Mittel {n}
homeopathically [Am.] homöopathisch
homeopathics [Am.] Homöopathika {pl}
homeopaths [Am.] Homöopathen {pl}
homeopathy [Am.] Homöopathie {f}
homeosisHomöose {f}
homeostasis [Am.] Homöostase {f}
homeostasis [Am.] Selbstregulation {f}
homeostasis [Am.] Homöostasis {f}
homeostasis [Am.] Homoiostase {f} [selten]
homeostasis [Am.] Homöodynamik {f} [Homöostase]
homeostasis [Am.] Selbstregulierung {f}
homeostatic homöostatisch
homeostatically homöostatisch
homeothermal homoiotherm
homeothermal [warm-blooded]homöotherm
homeothermic [warm-blooded]homoiotherm
homeothermismHomöothermie {f} [Warmblütigkeit]
homeothermy Homöothermie {f}
homeotic genehomöotisches Gen {n}
homeotic genes homöotische Gene {pl}
homeowner Hausbesitzer {m}
homeowner Hauseigentümer {m}
homeowner Eigenheimbesitzer {m}
homeowner Wohnungseigentümer {m}
homeowner [female] Eigenheimbesitzerin {f}
homeowner [female] Hausbesitzerin {f}
homeowner [female] Hauseigentümerin {f}
homeowner association <HOA> Hausbesitzerverein {m} <HBV> [schweiz.]
homeowner association <HOA>Hauseigentümerverein {m} <HEV> [schweiz.]
homeowner association <HOA> [also: homeowners' association] Hauseigentümerverband {m} <HEV> [Schweiz]
homeowner's comprehensive insuranceverbundene Gebäudeversicherung {f} <VGV>
homeowners insuranceHausversicherung {f}
homeowner's insurance policyHausrats- und Haftpflichtversicherung {f}
homeownership [home ownership] Hausbesitz {m}
homepage Hauptseite {f}
homepage Homepage {f}
homepage Leitseite {f}
homepageStartseite {f}
homepageTitelseite {f}
homepageEingangsseite {f}
home-plate umpire [baseball]Hauptschiedsrichter {m}
home-produced goods {pl}im Inland hergestellte Ware {f}
home-produced goods {pl} Inlandsware {f}
home-produced products heimische Erzeugnisse {pl}
Homer [ancient Greek poet] Homer {m} [antiker griechischer Dichter]
« homehomehomehomehomehomehomehomehomihomohomo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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