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homilyMoralpredigt {f}
homilyHomilie {f}
homily [tedious moralizing lecture] Sermon {m} [ugs.] [langatmiges, langweiliges Gerede]
homily [tedious moralizing lecture]Predigt {f} [ugs.] [Moralpredigt]
hominalhominal [zu Männern gehörend, zum Menschen gehörend]
hominal Menschen-
hominess Behaglichkeit {f} [geh.] [Gemütlichkeit]
hominess Heimeligkeit {f}
hominessGemütlichkeit {f}
hominessTraulichkeit {f}
homing zielsuchend
homing Zielflug {m}
homing Zielfindung {f}
homing [pigeons] heimkehrend [Tauben]
homing ability Heimfindevermögen {n}
homing beacon Zielflugfunkfeuer {n}
homing beaconAnflugfunkfeuer {n}
homing deviceZielfluggerät {n}
homing deviceZielsucheinrichtung {f}
homing deviceZielsuchgerät {n}
homing endonuclease Homing-Endonuklease {f}
homing guidance Zielsuche {f}
homing guidance Zielsuchlenkung {f}
homing instinct Heimfindevermögen {n}
homing pigeon Brieftaube {f}
homing system Zielflugsystem {n}
hominid hominid
hominidmenschenartiges Wesen {n}
hominid menschenähnlich
hominid [family Hominidae]Hominid {m} [seltener für: Hominide]
hominid [family Hominidae]Hominide {m}
hominid [family Hominidae] Menschenaffe {m}
hominid fossilHominidenfossil {n}
hominini Hominini {pl}
hominizationHominisation {f} [fachspr.]
hominoid menschenähnliches Wesen {n}
hominoids [superfamily Hominoidea]Menschenähnliche {pl}
hominoids [superfamily Hominoidea] Menschenartige {pl}
hominology Hominologie {f}
hominy Maismehl {n}
hominy grits {pl} [Am.][gemahlener weißer Mais für Maisbrei]
homo [Can.] [coll.] [homogenized milk] homogenisierte Milch {f}
homo [Can.] [coll.] [homogenized] [milk etc.]homogenisiert
homo [coll.] [male homosexual] [chiefly pej.]Schwuko {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Homosexueller] [pej.]
homo [genus Homo] Homo {m} [Gattung]
Homo [genus]Homo {m} [Gattung]
homo [pej.]Tucke {f} [pej.] [hier: Homosexueller allgemein]
homo [sl.] [pej.] [homosexual person] Homo {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [Homosexueller]
Homo antecessor Homo antecessor {m}
Homo erectus Homo erectus {m}
homo faberHomo faber {m}
Homo Faber: A Report Homo faber. Ein Bericht [Max Frisch]
Homo floresiensisHomo floresiensis {m}
Homo habilis Homo habilis {m}
Homo luzonensis Homo luzonensis {m}
Homo nalediHomo naledi {m}
Homo oeconomicus Homo oeconomicus {m}
Homo sapiens Homo sapiens {m}
homoacetogenesis Homoacetogenese {f}
homoblasty Homoblastie {f}
homocarnosinase Homocarnosinase {f}
homocellular homozellulär
homocentricden gleichen Mittelpunkt habend
homocercal homozerk
homocercal homocerk
homocercy Homozerkie {f}
homochirality Homochiralität {f}
homocitrullineHomocitrullin {n}
homocladic homokladisch
homoclinic orbit homokliner Orbit {m}
homocycloniteOktogen {n} [Sprengstoff]
homocysteinaemia [Br.]Homocysteinämie {f}
homocysteine <Hcy> [C4H9NO2S]Homocystein {n} <Hcy>
homocysteinemia [Am.]Homocysteinämie {f}
homocystinuria <HCU>Homocystinurie {f} <HCU>
homodetic homodetisch
homodimer Homodimer {n}
homodimeric homodimer
homodimerisation [Br.] Homodimerisierung {f}
homodimerization Homodimerisierung {f}
homodimerized homodimerisiert
homodont gleichartig bezahnt
homodontia Homodontie {f}
homodontiaIdodontie {f}
homodontyHomodontie {f}
homodyne homodyn
homodyne detection homodyne Detektion {f}
HomoeansHomöer {pl}
homoeobox [Br.] Homöobox {f}
homoeobox gene [Br.]Homöoboxgen {n}
homoeobox gene family [Br.] Homeoboxgenfamilie {f}
homoeobox genes [Br.] Homöoboxgene {pl}
homoeochilidium [Br.] Homöochilidium {n}
homoeodeltidium [Br.]Homöodeltidium {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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