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hall [Br.] [esp. in names: Hall] [manor] Gutshaus {n} [Herrenhaus]
hall [corridor] Flur {m} [Korridor]
hall [dining hall, assembly room] [Speise- und Versammlungsraum in College, Universität]
hall [esp. Br.]Studentenwohnheim {n}
hall [large public room or building] Halle {f}
hall [large room] Saal {m}
hall [vestibule] Vorzimmer {n} [österr.]
Hall angleHallwinkel {m}
Hall angle Hall-Winkel {m}
Hall babbler [Pomatostomus halli]Rußbauchsäbler {m}
hall church Hallenkirche {f}
hall cladding [inside decoration] Hallenauskleidung {f}
hall clockStanduhr {f}
hall closet [Am.] Garderobenschrank {m}
Hall coefficient Hallkoeffizient {m}
Hall coefficientHall-Koeffizient {m}
hall concept [exhibitions]Hallenkonzept {n} [Ausstellungen]
Hall constant Hallkonstante {f}
Hall constantHall-Konstante {f}
Hall constant Hall-Koeffizient {m}
Hall crabapple [Malus halliana]Halls Apfel {m}
hall cupboardGarderobenschrank {m} [Vorzimmerschrank]
Hall device Hallgerät {n}
hall door Saaltür {f} [auch: Saaltüre]
hall duty Gangaufsicht {f} [während der Pause]
Hall effect Hall-Effekt {m}
Hall effect sensorHall-Effekt-Geber {m}
Hall (effect) sensorHall-Sensor {m}
hall floor Hallenboden {m}
hall for cultural events [esp. in smaller towns]Kultursaal {m}
Hall generatorHall-Generator {m}
hall house [also: hall-house] [often as a gloss on "Dielenhaus"]Dielenhaus {n}
Hall in Tyrol Hall {n} in Tirol
hall lightingSaalbeleuchtung {f}
Hall magnetometer Hall-Magnetometer {n}
Hall magnetometry Hall-Magnetometrie {f}
hall manager [of exhibition, sports or market hall] Hallenmeister {m} [Hallenleiter]
Hall mobilityHall-Beweglichkeit {f}
Hall modulatorHallmodulator {m}
hall monitor Fluraufsicht {f}
hall monitor [Am.] [für die Pausenaufsicht auf dem Gang eingeteilter Schüler]
hall monitor [Am.] Gangaufsicht {f}
Hall of Antiquities Antiquarium {n}
hall of art Kunsthalle {f}
Hall of Distant Fragrance Halle {f} des Weitreichenden Duftes
hall of fame Ruhmeshalle {f}
hall of fame Ehrenhalle {f}
hall of fame goalkeeper Torwartlegende {f}
hall of fame playerSpielerlegende {f}
Hall of Famer [coll.]Mitglied {n} der Hall of Fame
Hall of Hearts [Care Bears] Herzsaal {m} [Glücksbärchis]
hall of joy Freudensaal {m} [poetisch, bes. in religiösem Kontext]
Hall of Justice [Am. coll.: police headquarters] Polizeipräsidium {n}
hall of knights Rittersaal {m}
Hall of LiberationBefreiungshalle {f}
hall of mirrors Spiegelsaal {m}
hall of mirrorsSpiegelkabinett {n}
Hall of Mirrors [Versailles]Spiegelsaal {m} von Versailles
hall of paintings Bildersaal {m}
Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests Halle {f} der Ernteopfer
Hall of Records Halle {f} der Aufzeichnungen
hall of residenceStudentenheim {n}
hall of residence [Br.] Studentenwohnheim {n}
hall of residence [for theology students]Konvikt {n}
Hall of Supreme Harmony Halle {f} der höchsten Harmonie
hall passFreifahrtschein {m}
hall plan Hallenplan {m}
hall porterHotelportier {m}
Hall probeHall-Sonde {f}
Hall resistance Hall-Widerstand {m}
hall roof Hallendach {n}
Hall sensor Hall-Geber {m}
hall standFlurgarderobe {f}
hall stand Garderobe {f} [Ständer]
hall tree [esp. Am.] Kleiderständer {m} [auch Flurgarderobe]
Hall voltage Hallspannung {f}
Hall voltage Hall-Spannung {f}
hall window [hallway window] Flurfenster {n}
Hallam Foe [David Mackenzie]Hallam Foe – This Is My Story
Halle dialectHallisch {n} [Dialekt]
Halle dialect Hallensisch {n} [Dialekt]
Halle Pietism Hallescher Pietismus {m}
Halle Pietism Hallischer Pietismus {m}
Halle Pietism Hallenser Pietismus {m}
Halle (Saale) Halle (Saale) {n}
Halle (Westphalia)Halle (Westfalen) {n}
Hall-effect current sensor Hall-Stromsensor {m}
Hall-effect limit switchHall-Effekt-Endschalter {m}
Hall-effect limit switchdummy Hall-Effekt-Endschalter {m}
Hallein Hallein {n}
hallelujahHalleluja {n}
Hallelujah Chorus [Handel's Messiah] Halleluja {n}
Hallermann-Streiff syndromeHallermann-Streiff-Syndrom {n} <HSS>
Haller's apple moss [Bartramia halleriana]Hallers Apfelmoos {n}
Haller's apple moss [Bartramia halleriana] Hallersches Apfelmoos {n}
Haller's fescue [Festuca halleri] Hallers Schwingel {m}
Haller's fescue [Festuca halleri] Felsen-Schwingel {m}
Haller's organ Haller-Organ {n}
Haller's organ Hallersches Organ {n} [alt]
« halfhalfhalfhalfhalfhallHallhallhalohaltHama »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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