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English-German Dictionary

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homoeoid [Br.] Homöoid {n}
homoeomorphic [Br.]homöomorph
homoeomorphism [Br.] Homöomorphismus {m}
homoeomorphous [Br.] homöomorph
homoeopath [Br.] Homöopath {m}
homoeopath [Br.] [female] Homöopathin {f}
homoeopathic [Br.] homöopathisch
homoeopathic (agent) [Br.] Homöopathikum {n}
homoeopathic agents [Br.] Homöopathika {pl}
homoeopathic drug proving [Br.] homöopathische Arzneimittelprüfung {f} <HAMP>
homoeopathically [Br.] homöopathisch
homoeopathy [Br.]Homöopathie {f}
homoeosis [Br.] Homöose {f}
homoeostasis [Br.]Selbstregulation {f}
homoeostasis [Br.] Homöostase {f}
homoeostasis [Br.]Homöostasis {f}
homoeostasis [Br.]Homöostasie {f}
homoeostatic [Br.] homöostatisch
homoeostatically [Br.] homöostatisch
homoeothermal [Br.]homöotherm
homoeotic [Br.]homöotisch
homoeotic gene [Br.] homöotisches Gen {n}
homoeotic genes [Br.] homöotische Gene {pl}
homoepathics [Br.] Homöopathika {pl}
homoepitaxyHomoepitaxie {f}
homoeriodyctyol Homoeriodyctyol {n}
homoeroticismHomoerotik {f}
homoerotism Homoerotik {f}
homofermentative [bacteria] homofermentativ
homogamyHomogamie {f}
homogenateHomogenat {n}
homogeneities Homogenitäten {pl}
homogeneity Einheitlichkeit {f}
homogeneityGleichwertigkeit {f}
homogeneity Homogenität {f}
homogeneity Gleichartigkeit {f}
homogeneityGleichförmigkeit {f}
homogeneity of varianceVarianzhomogenität {f}
homogeneous einheitlich
homogeneous gleichwertig
homogeneous gleichartig
homogeneous (wie) aus einem Guss [nachgestellt]
homogeneous artgleich
homogeneouseinschalig [z. B. Bauteil, Schornstein, Decke]
homogeneous alloy homogene Legierung {f}
homogeneous area Homogenbereich {m}
homogeneous batches homogene Partien {pl}
homogeneous catalysis homogene Katalyse {f}
homogeneous charge compression ignition <HCCI> homogene Kompressionszündung {f} [abgekürzt auch: HCCI]
homogeneous coordinateshomogene Koordinaten {pl}
homogeneous equationhomogene Gleichung {f}
homogeneous equilibrium homogenes Gleichgewicht {n}
homogeneous fieldhomogenes Feld {n}
homogeneous function homogene Funktion {f}
homogeneous material homogenes Material {n}
homogeneous material homogener Werkstoff {m}
homogeneous material einheitliches Material {n}
homogeneous mixture homogenes Gemisch {n}
homogeneous polynomialhomogenes Polynom {n}
homogeneous system Einphasensystem {n}
homogeneous system homogenes System {n}
homogeneous transplantation homogene Transplantation {f} [veraltet] [allogene / allogenetische Transplantation]
homogeneously distributed gleichmäßig verteilt
homogeneousness Gleichartigkeit {f}
homogenesis Homogenese {f}
homogenisation [Br.] Homogenisierung {f}
homogenisation [Br.] Homogenisation {f}
homogenisation [Br.] Homogenisieren {n}
homogenised [Br.] homogenisiert
homogenised cream [Br.]H-Sahne {f}
homogenised cream [Br.]homogenisierte Sahne {f}
homogenised milk [Br.]H-Milch {f}
homogenised milk [Br.] homogenisierte Milch {f}
homogenising [Br.]homogenisierend
homogenizateHomogenisat {n}
homogenization Homogenisierung {f}
homogenization Angleichung {f} [Homogenisierung]
homogenizationVergleichsmäßigung {f}
homogenization Homogenisation {f}
homogenizationHomogenisieren {n}
homogenized homogenisiert
homogenized cream H-Sahne {f}
homogenized cream homogenisierte Sahne {f}
homogenized milkH-Milch {f}
homogenized milkhomogenisierte Milch {f}
homogenizerHomogenisierer {m}
homogenizerHomogenisator {m}
homogenous [rare or dated spv.] homogen
homogenous [rare or dated spv.] gleichartig
homogenously homogen
homogenously distributed gleichmäßig verteilt
homogentisic acid [C8H8O4] Homogentisinsäure {f}
homoglomerin Homoglomerin {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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