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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 281 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
homoglycans Homoglykane {pl}
homograft Homograft {n}
homograft Homotransplantat {n}
homograph Homograf {n}
homographHomograph {n}
homographic homographisch
homographic homografisch
homographs Homographe {pl}
homographsHomografe {pl}
homography Homographie {f}
homography Homografie {f}
homoiconicityHomoikonizität {f}
homoiohydric homoiohydrisch
homoiohydry Homoiohydrie {f}
homoiologyHomoiologie {f}
homoiosmotic homoiosmotisch
homoiostatic homoiostatisch
homoioteleuton Homoioteleuton {n}
homoioteleutonHomöoteleuton {n}
homoiotherm gleichwarm
homoiotherm homoiotherm
homoiothermal [Br.]homöotherm
homoiothermy Homoiothermie {f}
homoiousia [rare]Wesensähnlichkeit {f}
HomoiousiansHomöusianer {pl}
homokinetic joint Gleichlaufgelenk {n}
homokinetic joint homokinetisches Gelenk {n}
homokinetic joint shaftGleichlaufgelenkwelle {f}
homolecithal homolecithal
homolog [Am.]Homolog {n}
homologation Freigabe {f}
homologationHomologation {f}
homologation Homologierung {f}
homologic [rare for: homologous]homolog
homological algebrahomologische Algebra {f}
homologically homologisch
homologized homologisiert
homologous entsprechend [übereinstimmend]
homologous artificial insemination <HAI> homologe künstliche Insemination {f}
homologous chromosome homologes Chromosom {n}
homologous chromosomeshomologe Chromosomen {pl}
homologous gene homologes Gen {n}
homologous geneshomologe Gene {pl}
homologous insemination homologe Insemination {f} <HI>
homologous pair homologes Paar {n}
homologous pairingHomologenpaarung {f}
homologous proteinhomologes Protein {n}
homologous protein sequence homologe Proteinsequenz {f}
homologous protein sequences homologe Proteinsequenzen {pl}
homologous proteins homologe Proteine {pl}
homologous recombination <HR> homologe Rekombination {f} <HR>
homologous separation Homologentrennung {f}
homologous serieshomologe Reihe {f}
homologous transplantationAllotransplantation {f}
homologue Homolog {n}
homology Homologie {f}
homology group Homologiegruppe {f}
homology model Homologiemodell {n}
homology modeling [Am.] Homologie-Modelling {n}
homology modeling [Am.]Homologiemodellierung {f}
homology modelling [Br.] Homologie-Modelling {n}
homology modelling [Br.] Homologiemodellierung {f}
homology theory Homologietheorie {f}
homolysis Homolyse {f}
homolytic cleavagehomolytische Spaltung {f}
homolytic fission homolytische Spaltung {f}
homomeric homomer
HomomonumentHomomonument {n}
homomorph homomorph
homomorphismHomomorphismus {m}
homomorphyHomomorphie {f}
HomonadeisHomonadeis {pl} [Homonadenser]
HomonadensiansHomonadenser {pl}
Homonoia coinage Homonoia-Prägung {f}
homonomous homonom
homonomous segmentation homonome Segmentierung {f}
homonomy Homonomie {f}
homonym Homonym {n}
homonymTeekesselchen {n}
homonym Teekesselwort {n} [Homonym]
homonymity Homonymität {f}
homonymity [rare] [homonymy] Namensgleichheit {f}
homonymousgleichlautend [auch: gleich lautend]
homonymously homonym
homonyms Homonyme {pl}
homonymyHomonymie {f}
homonymy Namensgleichheit {f}
homoousia [sameness of substance]Homoousie {f} [Wesenseinheit]
homoousia [sameness of substance] Homousie {f} [Wesensgleichheit]
homoparental family [rare] [same-sex family] Regenbogenfamilie {f}
homoparentality [rare] [same-sex parenting] Homoparentalität {f} [selten] [gleichgeschlechtliche Elternschaft]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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