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English-German Dictionary

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homopentamer Homopentamer {n}
homopentameric homopentamer
homophile homophil [geh.]
homophileHomophiler {m}
homophilic homophil
homophily Homophilie {f}
homophobeHomophober {m}
homophobe Schwulenhasser {m}
homophobeSchwulenfeind {m} [ugs.]
homophobe [female] Homophobe {f}
homophobia Homophobie {f}
homophobia Schwulenhass {m}
homophobic homosexualitätsfeindlich
homophobic schwulenfeindlich [ugs.]
homophobic homophob
homophobic [regarding lesbians] lesbenfeindlich
homophobic statementshomophobe Äußerungen {pl}
homophonegleichlautendes Wort {n}
homophone Homophon {n}
homophone Homofon {n}
homophonic homophon
homophonic homofon
homophonous homophon
homophonous homofon
homophonyHomophonie {f}
homophonyHomofonie {f}
homoplasious homoplasisch
homoplasmy Homoplasmie {f}
homoplastic homoplastisch
homoplastically homoplastisch
homoplasty Homoplastik {f}
homoplastyHomoioplastik {f}
homoplasy Homoplasie {f}
homoplasy index <HI> Homoplasie-Index {m} <HI> [auch: Homoplasieindex]
homoploid homoploid
homopolar gleichpolig
homopolar unpolar
homopolymerHomopolymer {n}
homopolymerizationEigenpolymerisation {f}
homorganichomorganisch [seltener neben: homorgan]
homorganic homorgan
homorhizyHomorhizie {f}
Homos Homines {pl}
homos Homines {pl}
homos [coll.] [male homosexuals] [chiefly pej.] Homos {pl} [ugs.] [Homosexuelle]
homoscedastic homoskedastisch
homoscedasticity Homoskedastizität {f}
homoserine Homoserin {n}
homoserine dehydrogenase <HSD, HSDH> Homoserindehydrogenase {f} <HSD, HSDH>
homoserine kinase <HSK> Homoserinkinase {f} <HSK>
homoserine kinase <HSK>Homoserin-Kinase {f}
homosexual von der anderen Fakultät [hum.] [postpos.]
homosexual Homosexueller {m}
homosexual [relationship etc.] gleichgeschlechtlich [Beziehung usw.]
homosexual [female]Homosexuelle {f}
homosexual family [family with same-sex or transgender parent] Regenbogenfamilie {f} [Familie mit gleich- oder transgeschlechtlichem Elternteil]
homosexual rightsHomosexuellenrechte {pl}
homosexuality Homosexualität {f}
homosexualitySchwulsein {n}
homosexualityGleichgeschlechtlichkeit {f}
homosexually homosexuell
homosocialityHomosozialität {f}
homospecific homospezifisch
homosphere Homosphäre {f}
homosporous isospor
homospory Homosporie {f}
homospory Isosporie {f}
homosporyGleichsporigkeit {f}
homostylous homostyl
homostyly Homostylie {f}
homoterpene Homoterpen {n}
homotetramerHomotetramer {n}
homotetrameric homotetramer
homothallic homothallisch
homothallismHomothallismus {m}
homothety Homothetie {f}
homothety zentrische Streckung {f}
homotimia [equality of worship and honor] Homotimie {f}
homotopyHomotopie {f}
homotopy category Homotopiekategorie {f}
homotopy classHomotopieklasse {f}
homotopy equivalence Homotopieäquivalenz {f}
homotopy equivalenthomotopieäquivalent
homotopy groupHomotopiegruppe {f}
homotopy invarianceHomotopieinvarianz {f}
homotopy theory Homotopietheorie {f}
homotopy type theory <HoTT> Homotopietypentheorie {f} <HoTT>
homotransplantation Homotransplantation {f}
homotrimer Homotrimer {n}
homotrimerization Homotrimerisierung {f}
homotropic homotrop
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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