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English-German Dictionary

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homotype Homotyp {m} [symmetrisches Spiegelbild]
homotypic homotypisch
homotypic synonym homotypisches Synonym {n}
homotypical homotypisch
homovanillic acid <HVA>Homovanillinsäure {f} <HVA>
homoxenous homoxen
homozygosity Reinerbigkeit {f}
homozygosity Homozygotie {f}
homozygotic reinerbig
homozygotic gleicherbig
homozygous reinerbig
homozygous gleicherbig
Homs Homs {n}
homunculi {pl} Homunkuli {pl}
homunculusMenschlein {n}
homunculus Homunkulus {m}
homy [esp. Am.] [spv.] [homey] gemütlich
hon [Am.] [coll.] [short for: honey]Schatz {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [Liebling]
honcho [sl.]Boss {m} [ugs.]
honda [in a lasso]Lassoschlinge {f}
honda knot [loop knot commonly used in a lasso] Hondaknoten {m} [Auge für die Lassoschlinge]
HondelangeHondelingen {n}
Hondo / They Called Him Hondo [John Farrow]Man nennt mich Hondo
Honduran Honduraner {m}
Honduran honduranisch
Honduran [female]Honduranerin {f}
Honduran curlyhair [Brachypelma albopilosum] [tarantula]Kraushaar-Vogelspinne {f}
Honduran emerald [Amazilia luciae, formerly: Polyerata luciae] Honduras-Amazilie {f}
Honduran four-lined burrowing snake [Adelphicos visoninum]Honduranische Wühlnatter {f}
Honduran milk snake [Lampropeltis abnorma]Pazifik-Dreiecksnatter {f}
Honduran milk snake [Lampropeltis abnorma]Honduras-Dreiecksnatter {f}
Honduran palm-pitviper [Bothriechis marchi] Marchs Palmlanzenotter {f}
Honduran red-banded earth snake [Geophis damiani] Honduranische Rotband-Erdnatter {f}
Honduran white bat [Ectophylla alba]Weiße Fledermaus {f}
Honduran white bat [Ectophylla alba] Gelbohrfledermaus {f}
Honduran white bat [Ectophylla alba] Honduras-Zwergfledermaus {f}
(Honduran) curlyhair tarantula [Brachypelma albopilosum] Kraushaar-Vogelspinne {f}
(Honduran) lempira <HNL> (honduranische) Lempira {f} <HNL>
Honduran-born in Honduras geboren
Honduran-flagged [vessel, ship, tanker, etc.] unter honduranischer Flagge fahrend
HonduransHonduraner {pl}
Honduras <.hn>Honduras {n}
Honduras bobwhite [Colinus nigrogularis] Schwarzkehlwachtel {f}
Honduras bobwhite [Colinus nigrogularis] Schwarzkehlzahnwachtel {f}
Honduras emerald [Amazilia luciae]Hondurasamazilie {f}
Honduras mahogany [Swietenia macrophylla] [true mahagoni] Caoba {n} [Caoba de Honduras, Caoba-Holz]
Honduras mahogany [Swietenia macrophylla] [true mahogany]Amerikanisches Mahagoni {n} [Echtes Mahagoni]
Honduras mahogany [Swietenia macrophylla] [true mahogany] Echtes Mahagoni {n}
Honduras mahogany (tree) [Swietenia macrophylla]Echter Mahagonibaum {m}
Honduras mahogany (tree) [Swietenia macrophylla]Amerikanischer Mahagonibaum {m}
Honduras pine [Pinus elliottii] Elliott-Kiefer {f}
hone Schleifstein {m}
honeWetzstein {m}
honed by a master craftsman [postpos.] von Meisterhand geprüft
honessite [Ni6Fe2(SO4)(OH)16·4H2O] Honessit {m}
honest aufrichtig
honestoffen [ehrlich, aufrichtig]
honest bieder [veraltend] [rechtschaffen]
honest rechtschaffen [veraltend]
honest geradsinnig [veraltet] [aufrichtig, ehrlich]
honest wahrhaftig [Gemüt]
honest sauber [anständig]
honest [sincere, frank] gerade [aufrichtig]
honest [upright] brav [veraltend] [rechtschaffen (z. B. Mann, Bursche, Bürger)]
honest [upright] aufrecht [redlich]
honest [upright]honett [veraltend] [rechtschaffen]
Honest Abe [coll.] [best-known nickname of Abraham Lincoln] Abraham Lincoln {m}
honest brokerehrlicher Vermittler {m}
honest broker [fig.]ehrlicher Makler {m} [fig.]
honest by nature [postpos.] von Natur aus ehrlich
Honest FritzDeutscher Michel {m}
Honest injun! [Am.] [coll.] [now considered offensive] Großes Indianerehrenwort! [hum.]
Honest injun! [Am.] [coll.] [now considered offensive](Ganz) ehrlich!
Honest John D. Foulfellow [Pinocchio] [Disney] Ehrlicher John
honest man Ehrenmann {m}
honest man ehrlicher Mann {m}
honest manMann {m} von Ehre
honest man Aufrechter {m}
honest man Biedermann {m} [Ehrenmann]
honest piece of work ehrliches Stück {n} Arbeit
honest soul ehrliche Seele {f}
honest toil ehrliche Arbeit {f}
Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true]Ungelogen! [ugs.]
honesties [genus Lunaria]Silberblätter {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria] Silbertaler {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria]Silberlinge {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria] Judaspfennige {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria] Mondviolen {pl}
honestly ehrenvoll
honestly geradezu
honestlyauf ehrliche Weise
honestly ungelogen [ugs.]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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