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honest broker ehrlicher Vermittler {m}
honest broker [fig.] ehrlicher Makler {m} [fig.]
honest by nature [postpos.]von Natur aus ehrlich
Honest FritzDeutscher Michel {m}
Honest injun! [Am.] [coll.] [now considered offensive] Großes Indianerehrenwort! [hum.]
Honest injun! [Am.] [coll.] [now considered offensive] (Ganz) ehrlich!
Honest John D. Foulfellow [Pinocchio] [Disney]Ehrlicher John
honest man Ehrenmann {m}
honest man ehrlicher Mann {m}
honest manMann {m} von Ehre
honest manAufrechter {m}
honest man Biedermann {m} [Ehrenmann]
honest piece of work ehrliches Stück {n} Arbeit
honest soul ehrliche Seele {f}
honest toilehrliche Arbeit {f}
Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true] Ungelogen! [ugs.]
honesties [genus Lunaria] Silberblätter {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria] Silbertaler {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria]Silberlinge {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria]Judaspfennige {pl}
honesties [genus Lunaria] Mondviolen {pl}
honestly ehrenvoll
honestly geradezu
honestlyauf ehrliche Weise
honestly ungelogen [ugs.]
honestly offen [ehrlich, aufrichtig]
honestly redlich
Honestly, did you ever think (that) ...Ganz ehrlich, hättest du je gedacht, dass ...
Honestly! [annoyed]Also wirklich!
honest-to-goodness echt [wirklich]
honest-to-goodness waschecht
honest-to-goshen [Am.] [coll.] waschecht [fig.]
honesty Ehrlichkeit {f}
honesty Redlichkeit {f}
honesty Aufrichtigkeit {f}
honesty Rechtschaffenheit {f} [veraltend]
honesty [archaic] [chastity]Keuschheit {f}
honesty [decency] Anständigkeit {f}
honesty [frankness]Offenheit {f}
honesty [genus Lunaria] Silberblatt {n} [Mondviole]
honesty [respectability]Ehrbarkeit {f}
honesty [sense of honour] Ehrenhaftigkeit {f}
honesty box Kasse {f} des Vertrauens
honesty boxVertrauenskasse {f}
Honesty is the best policy. Ehrlich währt am längsten.
honewort [Trinia glauca] Blaugrüner Faserschirm {m}
honewort [Trinia glauca]Kleiner Faserschirm {m}
honey Honig {m}
honey [colour] honiggelb
honey [colour] honigfarben
Honey [Bille Woodruff] Honey
honey [person] Liebling {m}
honey [person] Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
honey [person] Herzchen {n} [Kosewort]
honey [referring to a woman] Süße {f} [Freundin, Mädchen]
honey agaric [genus Armillaria] Hallimasch {m}
honey ants [species of various genera] [honeypot ants] Honigameisen {pl} [Arten verschiedener Gattungen] [Honigtopfameisen]
Honey Baby [Mika Kaurismäki]Honey Baby
honey badger [Mellivora capensis]Honigdachs {m}
honey badger [Mellivora capensis]Ratel {m}
honey bear [Helarctos malayanus, syn.: Ursus malayanus] [sun bear] Malaienbär {m}
honey bear [Helarctos malayanus, syn.: Ursus malayanus] [sun bear] Sonnenbär {m}
honey bear [kinkajou] [Potos flavus] Wickelbär {m}
honey bear [kinkajou] [Potos flavus] Honigbär {m}
honey bee [Apis mellifica]Honigbiene {f}
honey bee tracheal mite [Acarapis woodi]Tracheenmilbe {f}
honey beerMet {m}
honey bees [genus Apis] Honigbienen {pl}
honey birds [family Indicatoridae] Honiganzeiger {pl}
honey blue-eye [Pseudomugil mellis]Honig-Blauauge {n}
honey bread [also: honeybread] [bread made or served with honey] Honigbrot {n} [mit Honig gebackenes oder serviertes Brot]
honey brown Honigbraun {n}
honey brown honigbraun
honey bucket [esp. Am.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [fig.] [hum.] [here: outdoor toilet]Dixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi ®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
honey bucket [esp. Am.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [fig.] [hum.] [here: outdoor toilet] Dixi-Klo {n} [ugs.] [Dixi ®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
honey bun [Am.] Honigbrötchen {n}
honey bun [coll.] [form of address] Liebling {m} [Anrede]
honey buzzard [Pernis apivorus] Wespenbussard {m}
honey cake [also: honeycake]Honigkuchen {m}
honey cell Honigzelle {f}
honey chile [esp. Southern Am.] [coll.] Liebling {m}
honey chile [esp. Southern Am.] [coll.]Kleines {n} [Anrede: Liebling]
honey clover [Melilotus albus] Bokharaklee {m}
honey clover [Melilotus albus] Weißer Honigklee {m}
honey clover [Melilotus albus]Weißer Steinklee {m}
honey comb structure Wabenstruktur {f}
honey cowrie / cowry [Erosaria helvola, syn.: Cypraea aphrodite, C. argusculus, C. australis, C. badia, C. borneensis, C. cancellata, C. chalcedonica, C. derosa, C. helvola, C. timorensis] Honig-Kaurischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
honey dipperHoniglöffel {m}
honey dipper Honigdreher {m}
honey do list [esp. Am.] [hum.] [also spelled honey-do, honeydue or honeydew list] [Katalog von (häuslichen) Aufgaben, die ein Ehe-, Lebens- oder Liebespartner dem anderen abfordert]
honey drizzleHonigfaden {m}
honey dwarf gourami [Aus.] [Trichogaster chuna] Honiggurami {m} [Honigfadenfisch]
honey extraction Honiggewinnung {f}
honey extractor Honigschleuder {f}
honey farmImkerei {f} [Betrieb]
honey flowTracht {f} [Imkerei]
honey fungus [Armillaria mellea] Honigfarbiger Hallimasch {m}
honey fungus [Armillaria mellea]Honiggelber Hallimasch {m}
« homihomohomohomohomohonehonehonehonehonohono »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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