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honey melon sage [Salvia rutilans, also S. elegans] Honigmelonen-Salbei / Honigmelonensalbei {m} {f}
honey mesquite [Prosopis glandulosa]Honig-Mesquite {f}
honey mushroom [Armillaria solidipes, syn.: A. polymyces]Gemeiner Hallimasch {m}
honey mustard Honigsenf {m}
honey nectar bat [Macroglossus minimus] Zwerg-Langzungenflughund {m}
honey oilHonigöl {n}
honey pieHonigkuchen {m} [mit Kruste]
honey pie [coll.] (meine) Süße {f}
honey pinkgill [Entoloma cetratum] Ockerblättriger Rötling {m}
honey plantsBienenweide {f}
honey plants Bienentrachtpflanzen {pl}
honey pomelo [Citrus grandis]Honigpomelo {f}
honey possum [Tarsipes rostratus]Honigbeutler {m}
honey possum [Tarsipes rostratus] Rüsselbeutler {m}
honey possum [Tarsipes spenserae]Koboldmakifuß {m} [auch Honigbeutler]
honey powderHonigpulver {n}
honey production Honigerzeugung {f}
honey productionHonigproduktion {f}
honey sac Honigmagen {m}
honey sac [stomach] Honigblase {f} [Honigmagen]
honey separatorHonigschleuder {f}
honey solution Honiglösung {f}
honey spelt Honigdinkel {m} [auch: Honig-Dinkel]
honey spoon Honiglöffel {m}
honey spurge [Euphorbia mellifera] Honiggebende Wolfsmilch {f}
honey spurge [Euphorbia mellifera]Honig-Wolfsmilch {f}
honey stomach [sac]Honigblase {f} [Honigmagen]
honey stoneHonigstein {m} [Mellit]
honey superHonigraum {m}
honey trap Honigfalle {f}
honey trap [fig.]Sexfalle {f} [ugs.]
honey tree [Madhuca longifolia, syn.: M. indica, M. latifolia, Bassia longifolia, Illipe latifolia]Indischer Butterbaum {m}
honey truck [Am.]Umkleidewagen {m}
honey truck [Am.] Toilettenwagen {m}
honey truck [Am.] Düngewagen {m}
honey twirler Honigdreher {m}
honey wagon [Am.]Düngewagen {m}
honey wagon [Am.] Toilettenwagen {m}
honey wagon [Am.] Umkleidewagen {m}
honey wine Met {m}
honey wine Honigwein {m}
honey yellow honiggelb
honey yellow [RAL 1005] Honiggelb {n} [RAL 1005]
honey yield Honigertrag {m}
(honey) bee behavior [Am.] Bienenverhalten {n}
(honey) bee behaviour [Br.] Bienenverhalten {n}
(honey) yield Tracht {f} [Honigernte]
honey-bearing euphorbia [Euphorbia mellifera] [dated] Honiggebende Wolfsmilch {f}
honey-bearing euphorbia [Euphorbia mellifera] [dated]Honig-Wolfsmilch {f}
honey-bearing spurge [Euphorbia mellifera]Honig-Wolfsmilch {f}
honey-bearing spurge [Euphorbia mellifera]Honiggebende Wolfsmilch {f}
honeybee [spv.] [esp. Apis mellifica]Honigbiene {f} [bes. Westliche Honigbiene]
honeybees [genus Apis] Honigbienen {pl}
honeyberry [Celtis australis]Europäischer Zürgelbaum {m}
honeyberry [Celtis australis]Südlicher Zürgelbaum {m}
honeyberry [Melicoccus bijugatus, syn.: Melicocca bijuga] [Spanish lime] Honigbeere {f}
honeybun [coll.] [form of address] Liebling {m} [Anrede]
honeybunch [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [term of endearment]Liebchen {n} [veraltend] [Anrede]
honey-colored [Am.]honigfarben
honey-coloured [Br.]honigfarben
honeycomb Honigwabe {f}
honeycomb Wabe {f}
honey-combHonigwabe {f}
honeycombWabenmuster {n}
honeycombRoß {n} [regional, bes. mdt.] [Wabe]
honeycombRoße {f} [regional, bes. mdt.] [Wabe]
honeycombBienenwabe {f}
honeycomb [packaging] Wabenpappe {f} [Verpackung]
honeycomb [tripe from the second stomach of a ruminant]Netzmagen {m} [als Kuttelspezialität]
honeycomb [with honey]Futterwabe {f}
honeycomb cellHonigzelle {f}
honeycomb condenser Wabenkondensor {m}
honeycomb coreWabenkern {m}
honeycomb cowfish [Acanthostracion polygonius]Bienenwaben-Kofferfisch {m}
honeycomb fabric Waffelpikee {m} [österr. auch {n}]
honeycomb fabric Waffelpiqué {m} [österr. auch {n}]
honeycomb filefish [Cantherhines pardalis] Netzfeilenfisch {m}
honeycomb filter Wabenfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
Honeycomb Glacier Honeycomb-Gletscher {m}
honeycomb gridWabenblende {f}
honeycomb grouper [Epinephelus merra] Honigwaben-Zackenbarsch {m}
honeycomb grouper [Epinephelus merra]Zwerg-Wabenbarsch {m}
honeycomb grouper [Epinephelus merra] Merra-Wabenbarsch {m}
honeycomb lung Wabenlunge {f}
honeycomb lungHonigwabenlunge {f}
honeycomb moray [Gymnothorax favagineus, syn.: Gymnothorax permistus] [laced moray]Netzmuräne {f}
honeycomb moray [Muraena melanotis]Hornmuräne {f}
honeycomb moth [Galleria mellonella](Große) Wachsmotte {f}
honeycomb patternWabenmuster {n}
honeycomb stingray [Himantura uarnak]Indo-Australischer Tüpfelrochen {m}
honeycomb stomach [Reticulum]Netzmagen {m} [Wiederkäuer]
honeycomb structureWabenstruktur {f}
honeycomb tripe Netzmagen {m} [als Kuttelspezialität]
honeycomb ventWabenkamin {m}
honeycomb winding Wabenwicklung {f} [Korbwicklung]
honeycomb worm [Sabellaria alveolata]Trichterwurm {m}
honeycomb worm [Sabellaria alveolata]Bienenzelle {f} [Trichterwurm]
honeycomb worm [Sabellaria alveolata] (Südliche) Sandkoralle {f} [Trichterwurm]
honeycomb worm [Sabellaria alveolata] Röhren-Sandkoralle {f} [Trichterwurm]
« homohomohomohomohonehonehoneHonghonohonohood »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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