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honoring of the dead [Am.] Totenehrung {f}
honoris causa <h.c.> ehrenhalber <e. h., eh.>
honorless [Am.]ehrenlos
honors [Am.]Ehren {pl}
honors class [Am.] [Talentklasse]
honors course [Am.] [higher level course]Leistungskurs {m} [Kurs auf erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau]
honors student [Am.] [Student mit ausgezeichneten Leistungen]
Honor's Way [Katherine Kingsley] Verzeih, wenn du kannst
honour [Br.] Ehre {f}
honour [Br.] Ehrung {f}
honour [Br.] Auszeichnung {f}
honour [Br.] Gloria {f} [auch {n}] [meist ironisch]
honour [Br.] [archaic] [chastity, virginity of a woman] Ehre {f} [veraltet] [Jungfräulichkeit einer Frau]
Honour Among Thieves [Jeffrey Archer]Die Stunde der Fälscher
honour amongst thieves [Br.] Ganovenehre {f}
honour crime [Br.] Verbrechen {n} im Namen der Ehre
honour goblet [Br.]Ehrenbecher {m} [veraltet] [u. a. Auszeichnung der dt. Luftwaffe beider Weltkriege für Abschüsse]
honour guard [Br.]Ehrenformation {f}
honour killing [Br.] Ehrenmord {m}
honour roll [Br.]Ehrenliste {f}
honour roll clasp of the German army [WW II] [Br.]Ehrenblattspange {f} des Deutschen Heeres [2. WK]
honour sword [Br.]Ehrendegen {m}
Honour thy father and thy mother. [Lutheran version of the fourth commandment] [Br.] Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren. [das vierte Gebot]
Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.] Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.
Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.]Ehre, dem die Ehre gebührt. [Röm 13,7; Luther 1984] [oft zit. als: Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.]
honourable [Br.] ehrenhaft
honourable [Br.]ehrenwert
honourable [Br.]honorig
honourable [Br.]achtbar
honourable [Br.] ehrenvoll
honourable [Br.] hochlöblich [veraltet]
honourable [Br.] ehrbar
honourable [Br.] ehrenfest [veraltet] [ehrbar, ehrenwert]
honourable [Br.]ehrsam [geh.]
honourable burial [Br.] ehrenvolles Begräbnis {n}
honourable captivity [Br.]Ehrenhaft {f} [veraltet]
Honourable Charles Gore [Br.] Ehrenwerter Karl Gore {m} [Sohn des Grafen Arran]
honourable discharge [Br.] ehrenhafte Entlassung {f}
honourable intentions [Br.] seriöse Absichten {pl}
honourable intentions [Br.]ehrbare Absichten {pl} [geh.]
honourable intentions [man wants to marry a woman] [Br.] ehrenwerte Absichten {pl} [Mann will Frau heiraten]
honourable man [Br.]ehrenhafter Mann {m}
honourable man [Br.] ehrenvoller Mann {m}
honourable man [Br.]Ehrenmann {m}
honourable member [Br.] Kollege {m} [Parlament]
honourable peace [Br.] ehrenvoller Friede {m}
honourableness [Br.]Honorigkeit {f} [veraltend]
honourableness [Br.] Ehrenhaftigkeit {f}
honourably [Br.] ehrenwert
honourably [Br.] ehrenhaft
honourably [Br.]ehrenvoll
honourably [Br.]in Ehren
honourably [Br.] wie ein Ehrenmann
honourably [Br.]rühmend
honourably [Br.]lobend
honourably mentioned [Br.] lobend erwähnt
honour-bound [Br.] ehrverpflichtet [veraltet]
honoured [Br.] geehrt
honoured [Br.] [promise etc.] eingelöst [Versprechen etc.]
honoured guests [Br.] Ehrengäste {pl}
honoured place [Br.]Ehrenplatz {m}
honouring [Br.] beehrend [geh.]
honouring [Br.] Verehrung {f}
honouring [Br.] Auszeichnung {f}
honouring [Br.]ehrend
honouring of the dead [Br.]Totenehrung {f}
honourless [Br.] ehrenlos
honours [Br.]Ehren {pl}
Honours and rewards await him. [Br.]Ehren und Belohnungen warten auf ihn.
honours student [Br.] [Student mit ausgezeichneten Leistungen]
Honshu Honshū {n}
Honshu maple [Acer rufinerve] Rostnerviger Ahorn {m}
Honshu maple [Acer rufinerve] Rosthaariger Streifenahorn {m}
Honshu maple [Acer rufinerve] Rostbart-Ahorn / Rostbartahorn {m}
Honshu maple [Acer rufinerve] Rotnerviger Schlangenhaut-Ahorn {m}
Honshu pipefish [Doryrhamphus japonicus]Honshu-Seenadel {f}
Honshu wolf [Canis lupus hodophilax] [extinct]Honshu-Wolf {m} [ausgestorben]
honu [Chelonia mydas] [green sea turtle] Grüne Meeresschildkröte {f}
honu [Chelonia mydas] [green sea turtle]Suppenschildkröte {f}
Honville [Belgium] Hondorf {n}
hoo [Br.] [Lancashire, West Yorkshire dialect] [she] sie
Hoo Roo! [Aus.] [sl.] Auf Wiedersehen!
hooch [Am.] [sl.] schwarzgebrannter Schnaps {m}
hooch [Am.] [sl.] [shelter or improvised dwelling in Asia] [Unterstand oder improvisierte Unterkunft in Asien]
hooch [coll.]Fusel {m} [ugs.]
hooch [coll.]Schnaps {m} [ugs.]
hoochie [Am.] [sl.]Schlampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Flittchen]
Hoochie Coochie [erotic dance] Hoochie Coochie {m}
hood Haube {f} [Kapuze, auch Motorhaube]
hood Kapuze {f}
hoodHut {m} ohne Krempe
hood Schute {f}
-hood -heit
hood [Am.] Motorhaube {f}
hood [Am.] [coll.] Kühlerhaube {f}
hood [Am.] [coll.] [neighborhood]Nachbarschaft {f}
hood [Am.] [sl.]Ghetto {n}
hood [Br.] [on a convertible] Fetzendachl {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [Textildach eines Cabrios]
hood [Br.] [on a pram, convertible etc.] Verdeck {n}
hood [coll.]Ganove {m} [ugs.]
« honehonehoneHonghonohonohoodhoodhoofhookhool »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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