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English-German Dictionary

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hoodlum [pej.] Ganove {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
hoodlumsGanoven {pl}
hoodlums Strolche {pl}
hoodman blind [obs.] [also: hoodman-blind]Blindekuhspiel {n}
hoodoo Unglücksbringer {m}
hoodooUnglückbote {m} [selten neben: Unglücksbote]
hoodoo Unglück {n}
hoodooUnglücksbote {m}
hoodoo [column of weathered rock]Hoodoo {m} [Felspfeiler]
hoodoos Unglücksbringer {pl}
hoodrat [sl.]Dorfmatratze {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.]
hoodsHauben {pl}
hoods Kapuzen {pl}
hoods [worn on top of helmets] Gügler {pl}
hood-shaped kappenförmig
hoodwink [archaic] [blindfold]Augenbinde {f}
hoodwinked getäuscht
Hoodwinked! [Blue Yonder Films] Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung
hoodwinker [pej.] Freimaurer {m}
hoodwinking hintergehend
hoodwinking täuschend
hoody Kapuzenpulli {m}
hooey [coll.] Unsinn {m}
hooey [coll.] Quatsch {m} [ugs.]
hooey [coll.]Schmarrn {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Unsinn]
hooey [coll.] dummes Zeug {n} [ugs.]
hooey [coll.]Gelabere {n} [ugs.]
hooey [coll.] Spökes {m} [ugs.] [regional] [Unsinn, dummes Zeug]
hoof Huf {m}
hoof Klaue {f} [bei Paarhufern]
hoof Schale {f} [Jägersprache] [Klaue vom Schalenwild, z. B. Reh]
hoof abscessHufabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]
hoof abscessHufabszeß {m} [österr. auch {n}] [alt]
hoof boot Hufschuh {m}
hoof cancer Hufkrebs {m}
hoof capsule Hufkapsel {f}
hoof capsule Hornschuh {m}
hoof care Hufpflege {f}
hoof care product Hufpflegemittel {n}
hoof contraction Zwanghuf {m}
hoof crownKronenrand {m}
hoof frogHufstrahl {m}
hoof fungus [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria or Polyporus fomentarius] Feuerschwamm {m}
hoof fungus [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] (Echter) Zunderschwamm {m}
hoof fungus [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Echter Zunderpilz {m}
hoof fungus [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius]Zunderpilz {m}
hoof giant clam [Hippopus hippopus, syn.: H. equinus, H. maculatus, Chama asinus, C. hippopus, Tridachnes ungula]Pferdehufmuschel {f}
hoof glue Hufkleber {m}
hoof greaseHuffett {n} [Lederpflege, Hufpflege]
hoof histologyHufhistologie {f}
hoof knife Hufmesser {n}
hoof lossAusschuhen {n}
hoof oilHuföl {n} [Lederpflege, Hufpflege]
hoof printHufabdruck {m}
hoof prints Hufspuren {pl}
hoof prints [of a horse] Pferdespuren {pl}
hoof quarter {sg} Trachten {pl} des Hufes
hoof shells [family Hipponicidae]Hufschnecken {pl}
hoof (shield) limpet [Scutus unguis, syn.: S. (Aviscutum) unguis, S. corrugatus, Parmophorus elegans, Patella unguis] Spaltnapfschnecke {f}
hoof snails [family Hipponicidae] Hufschnecken {pl}
hoof sole Hufsohle {f}
hoof wall [Paries corneus]Hufwand {f}
hoof-and-mouth disease <HMD> Aphthenkrankheit {f} der Klauentiere [auch beim Wild, ausnahmsweise auch beim Menschen (Melker)]
hoof-and-mouth disease <HMD> [Am.] Maul- und Klauenseuche {f} <MKS>
hoofbeat Hufschlag {m}
hoofbeats Hufschläge {pl}
hoofbeats {pl} [the typical sound]Hufschlag {m} [Getrappel]
hoofed gehuft
hoofed animal Huftier {n}
hoofed animals Huftiere {pl}
hoofed gameSchalenwild {n}
hoofer [Am.] [coll.] Berufstänzer {m}
hoofer [female] [Am.] [coll.]Berufstänzerin {f}
hoofer [female] [Am.] [coll.] Revuegirl {n} [ugs.]
hoofs Hufe {pl}
hoofsKlauen {pl}
hoof-shaped hufförmig
Hoogerwerf's pheasant [Lophura hoogerwerfi] Sumatrafasan {m}
Hoogerwerf's pheasant [Lophura hoogerwerfi] Atjeh-Fasan {m} [auch: Atjehfasan]
Hoogmoed's stubfoot toad [Atelopus (spumarius) hoogmoedi] Hoogmoed-Harlekinkröte {f}
Hoogstraal's lemniscomys [Lemniscomys hoogstraali]Hoogstraal-Streifengrasmaus {f}
Hoogstraal's striped grass mouse [Lemniscomys hoogstraali] Hoogstraal-Streifengrasmaus {f}
hoo-ha [coll.]Brimborium {n} [ugs.]
hookAufhänger {m}
hookHaken {m}
hook Kloben {m} [Eisenhaken]
hook Netzmasche {f}
hookHook {m}
hook [boxing] Seitwärtshaken {m}
hook [cradle of a telephone] Telefongabel {f}
hook [e.g. sales hook]Masche {f} [Trick]
hook [in loom] Platine {f}
hook [popular music]Hookline {f} [charakteristische Melodiephrase od. Textzeile]
hook [popular music]Hook {f} [ugs. in Rapperkreisen für Hookline]
Hook [Steven Spielberg]Hook
hook [telephone cradle]Gabel {f}
hook and eyeHaken und Öse
hook and eye Heftel {n}
hook and eyeHaftel {n} [österr., südd.]
hook and eye closureHaken- und Ösenverschluss {m}
« honeHonkhonohonohoodhoodhookhookhoophop[Hope »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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