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hooked [hook-shaped]hakig
hooked agrimony [Agrimonia gryposepala] Haariger Odermennig {m}
hooked bead rimWulstfelge {f}
hooked beak / billHakenschnabel {m}
hooked blade Hakenklinge {f}
hooked bristlegrass [Setaria verticillata]Quirlige Borstenhirse {f}
hooked bristlegrass [Setaria verticillata] Kletten-Borstenhirse {f}
hooked bristles Hakenstacheln {pl}
hooked forceps {pl} [one pair] Hakenpinzette {f}
hooked intoeingehakt
hooked nailHakennagel {m}
hooked nose Adlernase {f} [ugs. für: Höckernase]
hooked nose gekrümmte Nase {f}
hooked nose Hakennase {f}
hooked nose Höckernase {f}
hooked on [drugs etc.] süchtig nach
hooked scorpion-moss [Scorpidium scorpioides] Echtes Skorpionsmoos {n}
hooked spring moss [Warnstorfia exannulata, syn.: Drepanocladus exannulatus]Ringloses Moorsichelmoos {n}
hooked squid [Onychoteuthis banksii, syn.: O. aequimanus, O. fusiformis, O. lesueurii, Chaunoteuthis mollis, Loligo banksii, L. bartlingii, L. felina, Onykia angulatus, Teleoteuthis caroli] Gemeiner Hakenkalmar {m}
hooked squids [family Onychoteuthidae] Hakenkalmare {pl}
hooked tweezers {pl} [one pair] Hakenpinzette {f}
hookedness Hakenförmigkeit {f}
hook-ended chain slingHakenkette {f}
hookeralter Kahn {m}
hooker Fischerboot {n}
hookerHuker {m}
hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.]Nutte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] Schlampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [billige Prostituierte]
hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.]Schnepfe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Prostituierte]
hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [prostitute, working for a pimp] Pferdchen {n} [ugs.] [Straßenprostituierte (meistens mit Zuhälter)]
hooker [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [prostitute] Hure {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Prostituierte]
hooker [rugby] Hakler {m}
hooker [sl.] [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [prostitute] Schnalle {f} [pej.] [Hure]
hooker boots [Am.] [sl.]Nuttenstiefel {pl}
Hooker Glacier Hooker-Gletscher {m}
Hooker's balsamroot [Balsamorhiza hookeri var. lagocephala] Hasenköpfige Balsamwurzel {f}
Hooker's banksia [Banksia hookeriana] Hookers Banksie {f}
Hooker's green [colour]Hookersgrün {n} [auch: Hookergrün]
Hooker's onion [Allium acuminatum]Kerzen-Lauch / Kerzenlauch {m}
Hooker's sea lion [Phocarctos hookeri] Neuseeländischer Seelöwe {m}
Hooker's sea lion [Phocarctos hookeri] Auckland-Seelöwe {m}
Hooker's willow [Salix hookeriana] Hookers Weide {f}
Hooke's joint [cardan joint]Kreuzgelenk {n}
Hooke's law hookesches Gesetz {n} [Elastizitätsgesetz]
Hooke's law Hooke'sches Gesetz {n} [Elastizitätsgesetz]
hooking einhakend
hooking [ice hockey]Haken {n} mit dem Stock [Eishockey]
hooking [programming technique]Einschubmethode {f} [Programmierung]
hooking into einhakend
hook-lipped rhino [Diceros bicornis] [coll.]Spitzmaulnashorn {n}
hook-lipped rhinoceros [Diceros bicornis] Schwarzes Nashorn {n}
hook-lipped rhinoceros [Diceros bicornis]Spitzmaulnashorn {n}
hook-marked straw moth [Agapeta hamana] Distelwickler {m} [selten] [Nachtfalterspezies]
hooknoseHakennase {f}
hooknoseAdlernase {f} [ugs.] [Höckernase]
hooknose [Agonus cataphractus] Steinpicker {m}
hooknose [Am.] [Oncorhynchus kisutch] [silver / coho salmon] Silberlachs {m} [Coho-Lachs]
hook-nosed krummnasig
hook-nosed hakennasig
hook-nosedmit (einer) Hakennase [nachgestellt]
hooknosed [spv.] hakennasig
hooknoses [family Agonidae] Panzergroppen {pl}
hooknoses [family Agonidae]Agoniden {pl}
hooksAufhänger {pl}
hooksHaken {pl}
hook-shank tapMuttergewindebohrer {m} mit gebogenem Schaft
hook-shaped hakenförmig
hook-snouted worm snake [Myriopholis macrorhyncha, syn.: Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus]Hakenschnabel-Schlankblindschlange {f}
hookswitchGabelschalter {m}
hook-tips [family Drepanidae] Sichelflügler {pl} [Schmetterlingsfamilie]
hook-tips / hooktips [family Drepanidae] [also: hooktip and thyatirid moths] Sichelflügler {pl} [Nachtfalterfamilie]
hooktooth dogfish [Aculeola nigra] Hakenzahn-Dornhai {m}
hooktooth shark [Chaenogaleus macrostoma] Hakenzahnhai {m}
hook-type spanner wrench [Am.]Hakenschlüssel {m} [mit Nase für Nutmuttern]
hookup Ringsendung {f}
hook-up Schaltung {f}
hook-upZusammenschaltung {f}
hook-upgemeinsame Ausstrahlung {f}
hook-up Schaltkonferenz {f}
hook-upKopplung {f} [der Kreise]
hookup Zusammenschaltung {f}
hook-up Verbindung {f}
hook-up [Am.]Anschluss {m}
hookup [coll.] [brief sexual relationship] Affäre {f} [kurze Liebesaffäre]
hookup [coll.] [meeting people for the purpose of having sex] Sex-Date {n}
hook-up [of a transmitter]Zuschalten {n} [eines Senders]
hookup / hook-up charges [coll.]Anliegerleistungen {pl}
hookup wireSchaltdraht {m}
hookups Ringsendungen {pl}
hookwormHakenwurm {m}
hookworm [Ancylostoma duodenale] Grubenwurm {m} [Hakenwurm]
hookworm diseaseHakenwurmkrankheit {f}
hookwormsHakenwürmer {pl}
hooky gekrümmt
hooky hakig
hooky [Am.] [coll.]Schuleschwänzen {n}
hooley [strong wind] Sturm {m} [starker Wind]
hooligan Randalierer {m}
« honohonohoodhoodhoofhookhoolhoothopsHopfhops »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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