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hopper opening Trichteröffnung {f} [bei Schneidwerken]
hopper spreaderBetonverteiler {m} [am Fülltrichter]
hopper wagon [Br.] Schüttgutwagen {m}
hopper window Kippfenster {n}
hopper-boy [cooler] [in flour mills] Hopperboy {m}
hoppers [coll.] [family Cicadellidae, syn.: Jassidae]Zwergzikaden {pl}
Hoppe's hawkweed [Hieracium hoppeanum]Hoppes Habichtskraut {n}
Hoppe's screw moss [Desmatodon latifolius]Breitblättriges Bandzahnmoos {n}
hop-pickerHopfenpflücker {m}
hop-picker Hopfenzupfer {m} [regional]
hop-picker [female] Hopfenpflückerin {f}
hop-picker [female] Hopfenzupferin {f} [regional]
hop-pickingHopfenpflücken {n}
hop-picking machine [also: hop picking machine]Hopfenerntemaschine {f}
hop-picking machine [also: hop picking machine] Hopfenpflückmaschine {f}
hop-picking season [also: hop picking season] Hopfenernte {f} [Saison]
hoppier hopfiger
hopping Ausfederung {f}
hoppingGehoppel {n}
hopping Gehoppele {n}
hopping Hopfung {f}
hopping Aufhüpfen {n} [Tanzform]
hopping [coll.] Schwoofen {n} [ugs.] [Tanzen]
hopping [coll.] Schwofen {n} [ugs.] [Tanzen]
hopping [electronic energy transfer]Hopping {n} [elektronischer Energietransfer]
hopping aroundHerumgehüpfe {n} [ugs.]
hopping (around)Gehüpfe {n} [ugs.]
hopping codeSpreizcode {m}
hopping codeHopping-Code {m}
hopping mad [coll.] fuchsteufelswild [ugs.]
hopping mad [coll.] stinksauer [ugs.]
hopping procession of Echternach Echternacher Springprozession {f}
Hopping Scotch [hopscotch]Fußscheibenspiel {n} [Bewegungsspiel]
hopping step Hüpfer {m}
hopping-dick [Turdus aurantius]Weißkinndrossel {f}
Hoppla, We're Alive! Hoppla, wir leben! [Ernst Toller]
hoppy hopfig
hoppy odor [Am.] hopfiger Geruch {m}
hoppy taste Hopfengeschmack {m}
hop-rich reich an Hopfen [nachgestellt]
hopsSpritzfahrten {pl}
hopsHopse {pl} [ugs.]
hops {pl} [dried hop cones] Hopfen {m} [Hopfenzapfen {pl}]
hops museum Hopfenmuseum {n}
hops seal Hopfensiegel {n}
hops trellis wire Hopfendraht {m}
hopscotch[das] Himmel und Hölle [Kinderspiel]
hopscotch Himmel-und-Hölle-Spiel {n}
hopscotch [children's / playground game] Hopse {f} [ugs.] [regional] [Himmel und Hölle, Kinderhüpfspiel]
hopscotch [children's / playground game] Hinkeln {n} [Himmel und Hölle, Kinderhüpfspiel]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hickelsches / Hickerles / Hinkepinke [regional, mundartl. für Himmel und Hölle]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hickelkasten [regional für: Himmel und Hölle (Hüpfspiel)]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hüpfspiel {n} [Himmel und Hölle]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Paradiesspiel {n} [Hüpfkastenspiel]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Tempelhüpfen {n} [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hüpfekästchen [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
hopscotch [children's / playground game] Huppekästchen [regional, bes. Thüringen, Sachsen] [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hüppekästchen [regional] [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
Hopscotch [Ronald Neame] Agentenpoker
hoptoad [Am.] [regional] [toad] Kröte {f}
hoptree [Ptelea trifoliata] Kleeulme {f}
hoptree [Ptelea trifoliata]Lederstrauch {m}
hora [also: horo, oro, etc.] Horo {m} [auch Choro]
HoraceHoraz {m}
Horace Badun [101 Dalmatians] [Disney] Horace
Horace Horsecollar [Disney] Rudi Ross
Horace Horsecollar [Disney]Pferdinand [alt]
Horae Horen {pl}
Hora's loach [Botia morleti] Mausschmerle {f}
Hora's loach [Botia morleti]Aalstrichschmerle {f}
Hora's loach [Yasuhikotakia morleti, syn.: Botia morleti, Botia horae, Botia modesta] Horas Schmerle {f}
Horatian horazisch
horchata [also: orxata] Horchata {f}
horde Rotte {f}
horde Haufe {m} [veraltet]
hordeSchar {f}
horde [also ethn., zool.]Horde {f} [auch ethn., zool.]
horde [coll.]Masse {f} [Menschenmenge]
hordenine [N,N-dimethyltyramine] Hordenin {n} [biogenes Amin; Anhalin, 4-(2-Dimethylamino-ethyl)-phenol]
hordeolum Gerstenkorn {n} [ugs.] [Hordeolum]
hordeolum [stye] Hordeolum {n} [Gerstenkorn]
hordes Horden {pl}
hordes {pl} of childreneine Schar {f} von Kindern
HORECA product [HoReCa product] Horeca-Produkt {n} [HOtel/REstaurant/CAfé bzw. HOtel/REstaurant/CAtering]
horehound [cough sweet] Hustenbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
horehound [genus Ballota]Schwarznessel {f} [Gattung der Lippenblütler]
horehound [genus Marrubium] Andorn {m} [Gattung der Lippenblütler]
horehound [Marrubium vulgare] [common horehound]Andorn {m} [Gewöhnlicher Andorn]
horehound hard candy [Am.]Andorn-Hustenbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
horehound tea Andorntee {m}
HoremhebHaremhab {m} [auch: Horemheb]
Horgen culture [also: Horgen Culture]Horgener Kultur {f}
Horgen potteryHorgener Keramik {f}
horimPenisrohr {n} [Horim]
Horim {pl} [a people mentioned in the Torah] [Horites]Horiter {pl}
Horisme corticata [moth of the family Geometridae] Dunkelbrauner Waldrebenspanner {m}
Horisme corticata [moth of the family Geometridae]Auenparkland-Waldreben-Wellenspanner {m}
HoritesHoriter {pl}
« hookhookhoophopfhopehopphorihorihorihormhorn »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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