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English-German Dictionary

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horizontal pupil horizontale Pupille {f}
horizontal return tubular boiler Flammrohr-Rauchrohrkessel {m}
horizontal return tubular boiler Flammrohrrauchrohrkessel {m} [Rsv.]
horizontal rotisserie [spit] waagrechter Grillspieß {m}
horizontal scrolling horizontales Verrollen {n}
horizontal seal Horizontalabdichtung {f}
horizontal sectionGrundriss {m}
horizontal sectionHorizontalschnitt {m}
horizontal setting Horizontierung {f} [Einrichtung eines Instruments]
horizontal shaper Horizontal-Stoßmaschine {f}
horizontal shaper Waagrechtstoßmaschine {f}
horizontal shift Horizontalverschiebung {f}
horizontal situation indicator <HSI> Horizontal Situation Indicator <HSI> {m}
horizontal skip Zeilensprung {m}
horizontal slit pupilwaagerechte schlitzförmige Pupille {f}
horizontal slit pupilhorizontale Schlitzpupille {f}
horizontal spacing Zeichenabstand {m} [in der Zeile]
horizontal spacinghorizontaler Zeichenabstand {m}
horizontal split [e.g. screen]horizontale Teilung {f} [z. B. Bildschirm]
horizontal spread horizontale Streuung {f}
horizontal stabilizerHöhenleitwerk {n}
horizontal standardhorizontale Norm {f}
horizontal stiffening elementsHorizontalverbände {pl}
horizontal stripe Querstreifen {m}
horizontal structure horizontale Struktur {f}
horizontal sundial Horizontalsonnenuhr {f}
horizontal surfaceHorizontalfläche {f}
horizontal sweep horizontale Abtastung {f}
horizontal (sweep) frequency Horizontalfrequenz {f}
horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls>
horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls>
horizontal tabZeilentabulator {m}
horizontal table Planscheibe {f}
horizontal tasting horizontale Verkostung {f}
horizontal tastingHorizontalverkostung {f}
horizontal threaded spindleRollengewindespindel {f}
horizontal thrustHorizontalschub {m}
horizontal transmissionhorizontale Transmission {f}
horizontal transportationsöhlige Förderung {f}
horizontal tunnel Stollen {m}
horizontal type [electrocardiographic position of the heart]Horizontaltyp {m} [Lagetyp des Herzens]
horizontal waterproofing Horizontalabdichtung {f}
(horizontal) bed-type milling machine(horizontale) Bettfräsmaschine {f}
(horizontal) leveling [Am.] Horizontierung {f}
(horizontal) levelling [Br.] Horizontierung {f}
horizontality Horizontalität {f}
horizontally waagerecht
horizontally challenged [hum.] adipös [fachspr. od. hum.] [fettleibig]
horizontally challenged [hum.] gut gepolstert [ugs.] [fig.] [hum.] [ziemlich dick]
horizontally challenged [hum.] wohlgenährt [auch: wohl genährt] [oft hum.] [dick]
horizontally opposed engine Gegenkolbenmotor {m}
horizontally opposed piston engineGegenkolbenmotor {m}
horizontally pivoted sash windowSchwingfenster {n}
horizontally striped quer gestreift
(horizontally) striped pullover Ringelpullover {m}
horizontally-opposed engine Boxermotor {m}
horizontal-shaft pumpHorizontalpumpe {f}
horizontal-vertical position <PB/2F, PC/2G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code]Querposition {f} <PB/2F, PC/2G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code]
Horlick Ice Stream Horlick-Eisstrom {m}
Horlick Mountains Horlick Mountains {pl}
Horlicks ® [chiefly Br.]heiße Malzmilch {f}
hormaphidids [family Hormaphididae] Hormaphididen {pl}
hormesisHormesis {f}
hormic zielstrebig
horminum sage [Salvia viridis, syn.: S. horminum] Buntschopf-Salbei / Buntschopfsalbei {m} [selten {f}]
horminum sage [Salvia viridis, syn.: S. horminum]Schopf-Salbei / Schopfsalbei {m} [selten {f}]
horminum sage [Salvia viridis, syn.: S. horminum]Scharlachsalbei {m} [selten {f}]
hormogonium Hormogonium {n}
hormonagogue Hormonagogum {n}
hormonal [coll.] [hormone-driven]triebgesteuert
hormonal balance Hormonhaushalt {m}
hormonal balance hormonelles Gleichgewicht {n}
hormonal balanceHormongleichgewicht {n}
hormonal changes hormonelle Veränderungen {pl}
hormonal contraceptionhormonale Kontrazeption {f}
hormonal contraceptionhormonelle Kontrazeption {f}
hormonal contraception hormonelle Verhütung {f}
hormonal fluctuations Hormonschwankungen {pl}
hormonal imbalance hormonelle Ungleichheit {f}
hormonal milieuHormonmilieu {n}
hormonal overproductionHormonüberschuss {m}
hormonal regulationhormonale Regulation {f}
hormonal response Hormonantwort {f}
hormonal stateHormonstand {m}
hormonal statusHormonstand {m}
hormonal treatmentHormonbehandlung {f}
hormonal ups and downs [coll.] Hormonschwankungen {pl}
hormonal withdrawal bleedingHormonentzugsblutung {f}
hormonally hormonal
hormonally active agent endokriner Disruptor {m}
hormonally active agent Xenohormon {n}
hormonally active agent Umwelthormon {n}
hormonally active agent hormonaktive Substanz {f}
hormonally effective hormonell wirksam
« hoothopsHopfhopshorihorihormHornhornhörnhorn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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