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Horn of AfricaHorn {n} von Afrika
horn of plenty Füllhorn {n}
horn of plenty [Craterellus cornucopioides]Totentrompete {f}
horn of plenty [Craterellus cornucopioides]Herbsttrompete {f}
horn of plenty [Craterellus cornucopioides]Füllhorn {n}
horn of plenty [Craterellus cornucopioides]Toten-Trichterling {m} [selten: Totentrichterling]
horn of plenty [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] [angel's trumpet] Asiatischer Stechapfel {m}
horn of plenty [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] [angel's trumpet]Indischer Stechapfel {m}
horn of plenty [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] [angel's trumpet] Metelstechapfel {m}
horn of plenty [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] [angel's trumpet]Weichhaariger Stechapfel {m}
horn of plenty [Datura metel, syn.: D. alba, D. chlorantha, D. fastuosa] [angel's trumpet]Flaumiger Stechapfel {m}
horn of the bulbs of the heel [Torus corneus]Ballenhorn {n}
horn partHornstimme {f}
horn partHornpart {m}
horn quicksilver [Hg2Cl2] [Mercury(I) chloride] Hornquecksilber {n} [Quecksilber(I)-chlorid]
horn quintetHornquintett {n}
horn radiator Hornstrahler {m}
horn ring Hupring {m}
horn ring [steering wheel]Hupenring {m}
horn section {sg} [of musical band] Bläser {pl} [ugs. und fachspr.]
horn shark [Heterodontus francisci]Hornhai {m}
horn shark [Heterodontus francisci]Stierkopfhai {m}
horn sharks [genus Heterodontus] Hornhaie {pl}
horn sharks [genus Heterodontus] Stierkopfhaie {pl}
horn sharks [genus Heterodontus] Doggenhaie {pl}
horn shavingsHornspäne {pl}
horn shells [family Potamididae] Bracknadeln {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
horn signalHornsignal {n}
horn silver [AgCl] [chlorargyrite] [silver chloride]Hornsilber {n} [Chlorargyrit] [Silberchlorid]
horn sled [Am.]Hornschlitten {m}
horn snails [family Potamididae] Bracknadeln {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
horn soloHornsolo {n}
horn sonata Hornsonate {f}
horn spatula Hornspatel {m} {f} [österr. nur {m}]
horn speaker Druckkammerlautsprecher {m}
horn speaker Druckkammer-Lautsprecher {m}
horn spoon Hornlöffel {m}
horn substanceHornsubstanz {f}
horn thrustHornstoß {m} [Stoß mit den Hörnern]
horn torus Horntorus {m}
horn xylaria [Xylaria corniformis]Hainbuchen-Holzkeule {f}
horn-and-hoof material [organic fertilizer]Horn- und Hufmaterial {n} [Horndünger]
hornbeam ash [Sorbus alnifolia, syn.: Aria alnifolia, Crataegus alnifolia, Micromeles alnifolia, Pyrus alnifolia] Erlen-Mehlbeere {f}
hornbeam ash [Sorbus alnifolia, syn.: Aria alnifolia, Crataegus alnifolia, Micromeles alnifolia, Pyrus alnifolia] Erlenblättrige Eberesche {f}
hornbeam hedge Hainbuchenhecke {f}
hornbeam maple [Acer carpinifolium] Hainbuchenblättriger Ahorn {m}
hornbeam maple [Acer carpinifolium] Hainbuchen-Ahorn {m}
hornbeam seedHainbuchensamen {m}
hornbeam-leaved maple [Acer carpinifolium]Hainbuchen-Ahorn {m}
hornbeam-leaved maple [Acer carpinifolium] Hainbuchenblättriger Ahorn {m}
hornbeams [genus Carpinus] Hainbuchen {pl}
hornbeams [genus Carpinus] Weißbuchen {pl}
hornbill [Bucerotidae] Nashornvogel {m}
hornbills [family Bucerotidae]Nashornvögel {pl}
hornbills [family Bucerotidae] Hornvögel {pl}
hornblende [(Ca,Na,K)2-3 (Mg,Fe,Al)5 [(OH,F)2 /(Si,Al)2Si6O22]]Hornblende {f} [ein Klinoamphibol]
hornblende gabbro Hornblende-Gabbro {m} [auch: Hornblendegabbro]
hornblende-peridotite Hornblende-Peridotit {m}
hornblende-pyroxenite [also: hornblende pyroxenite]Hornblende-Pyroxenit {m}
hornblenditeHornblendit {m}
hornblowerHornbläser {m}
hornblower's signHornblower-Zeichen {n}
hornbookBuchstabentafel {f}
Hornbostel-Sachs classification [also: Hornbostel-Sachs Classification] Hornbostel-Sachs-Systematik {f}
Hornbostel-Sachs system Hornbostel-Sachs-Systematik {f}
Hornby's storm petrel [Oceanodroma hornbyi]Kragenwellenläufer {m}
horn-colored ram's horn [Am.] Posthornschnecke {f}
horndog [Am.] [coll.]geiler Bock {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Horne GlacierHorne-Gletscher {m}
horned adder [Bitis caudalis] Gehörnte Puffotter {f}
horned aeolid [Hermissenda crassicornis, syn.: Cavolina crassicornis, Phidiana crassicornis] Prachtvolle Fadenschnecke {f}
horned altarHörneraltar {m}
horned armor snail [Am.] [Brodia pagodula]Pagodenschnecke {f}
horned armor snail [Am.] [Brodia pagodula]Stachelige Turmdeckelschnecke {f}
horned armour snail [Br.] [Brodia pagodula] Stachelige Turmdeckelschnecke {f}
horned armour snail [Br.] [Brodia pagodula] Pagodenschnecke {f}
horned armour snail [Br.] [Brotia pagodula, syn.: Melania pagodula] Thailändische Stachel-Turmdeckelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
horned armour snail [Br.] [Brotia pagodula, syn.: Melania pagodula] Riesen-Turmdeckelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
horned armour snail [Br.] [Brotia pagodula, syn.: Melania pagodula](Stachelige) Pagoden-Turmdeckelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
horned bannerfish [Heniochus varius] Schwarzer Wimpelfisch {m}
horned bladderwort [Utricularia cornuta]Gehörnter Wasserschlauch {m}
horned bullfish / bull-fish [Aus.] [Heniochus varius] [humphead bannerfish]Seebulle {m} [Schwarzer Wimpelfisch]
horned bush viper [Atheris ceratophora] Usambara-Buschviper {f}
horned buttercup [Ceratocephala testiculata, syn.: C. testiculatus, Ranunculus testiculatus] Gradfrüchtiges / Geradfrüchtiges Hornköpfchen {n}
horned cattle {pl}Hornvieh {n}
horned chip sea star [Protoreaster nodosus]Knotiger Walzenseestern {m}
horned coot [Fulica cornuta] Rüsselblässhuhn {n}
horned coralfish [Am.] [Heniochus chrysostomus] [threeband pennantfish] Pazifik-Wimpelfisch {m}
horned crown Hörnerkrone {f}
horned cucumber [Cucumis metuliferus]Horngurke {f}
horned curassow [Pauxi unicornis]Hornhokko {m}
horned desert viper [Cerastes cerastes] Wüsten-Hornviper {f}
horned dock [Rumex bucephalophorus] Stierkopf-Ampfer {m}
horned dor beetle [Odonteus armiger] Gehörnter Mistkäfer {m}
horned dung beetle [Copris lunaris]Mondhornkäfer {m}
horned frog Krötenechse {f}
horned grebe [Podiceps auritus]Ohrentaucher {m}
horned guan [Oreophasis derbianus]Zapfenguan {m}
« HopfhopshorihorihormHornhornhörnhornhorrhors »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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