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English-German Dictionary

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horse flies [family Tabanidae] Bremsen {pl}
horse flies [family Tabanidae]Tabaniden {pl} [Bremsen]
horse float [trailer] [Aus.] [NZ] Pferdeanhänger {m}
horse flower [Melampyrum arvense] [field cow-wheat]Acker-Wachtelweizen / Ackerwachtelweizen {m}
horse fluPferdegrippe {f}
horse fly [family Tabanidae] Bremse {f}
horse fly [family Tabanidae] Breme {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [Bremse]
horse fly larva Bremsenlarve {f}
horse fly larva Tabanidenlarve {f}
horse fly species Tabanidenart {f}
horse fly species Bremsenart {f}
horse follicle mite [Demodex equi] Haarbalgmilbe {f} des Pferdes
horse freak [coll.]Pferdenarr {m} [ugs.]
horse freak [coll.]Pferdefreak {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
horse freak [female] [coll.] Pferdenärrin {f} [ugs.]
horse girl Pferdemädchen {n}
horse goddessPferdegöttin {f}
horse grenadier Grenadier {m} zu Pferd
Horse Guards [Br.]Leibgarde {f}
horse hair allergy Pferdehaarallergie {f}
horse hair broom Rosshaarbesen {m}
horse hair broom Pferdehaarbesen {m}
horse head pumpPferdekopfpumpe {f}
horse herdsman Rosshirt {m}
horse herdsman [also: horse-herdsman] Pferdehirt {m}
Horse hockey! [Am.] [coll.]Unsinn!
horse jumping Springsport {m}
horse jumping showReit- und Springturnier {n}
horse keeperPferdehalter {m}
horse keeping Pferdehaltung {f}
horse kick [also: horse's kick] Hufschlag {m} [Tritt]
horse kick injury Trittverletzung {f} durch ein Pferd
horse latitudes Rossbreiten {pl}
horse laugh Gewieher {n} [ugs.] [Lachen]
horse leather Pferdeleder {n}
horse leather shoe Pferdelederschuh {m}
horse leather shoesPferdelederschuhe {pl}
horse leech / horse-leech [Haemopis sanguisuga]Pferdeegel {m}
horse logging Holzrücken {n} mit Pferden
horse louse fly [Hippobosca equina]Pferdelausfliege {f}
horse lover Pferdefreund {m}
horse lover Pferdeliebhaber {m}
horse lover [female] Pferdefreundin {f}
horse lover [female]Pferdeliebhaberin {f}
horse lungworm [Dictyocaulus arnfeldii] Lungenwurm {m} des Pferdes
horse mackerel [Caranx hippos] [crevalle jack]Pferdemakrele {f} [Cavalla]
horse mackerel [Trachurus capensis, syn.: Trachurus trachurus capensis]Kap-Bastardmakrele {f}
horse mackerel [Trachurus trachurus]Bastardmakrele {f}
horse mackerel [Trachurus trachurus] Stöcker {m} [Makrelenart]
horse mango [Mangifera foetida] Stinkende Mango {f}
horse manurePferdemist {m}
horse manure Pferdedung {m}
horse manure Stallmist {m} [von Pferden]
horse market Pferdemarkt {m}
horse market Rossmarkt {m}
horse meat Pferdefleisch {n}
horse meat productionPferdefleischproduktion {f}
horse meat productsPferdefleischprodukte {pl}
horse medicinePferdeheilkunde {f}
horse millRossmühle {f} [Göpel]
horse mint [Mentha longifolia, syn.: M. sylvestris, M. tomentosa] Ross-Minze {f}
horse mint [Mentha spicata L.] Grüne Minze {f}
horse mint [Mentha sylvestris] [Br.] Rossminze {f}
horse murderer Pferdemörder {m}
horse mushroom [Agaricus arvensis, syn.: Psalliota arvensis] Weißer Anischampignon {m}
horse mushroom [Agaricus arvensis, syn.: Psalliota arvensis]Schaf-Egerling / Schafegerling {m}
horse mushroom [Agaricus arvensis, syn.: Psalliota arvensis]Gemeiner Anisegerling / Gemeiner Anis-Egerling {m}
horse mushroom [Agaricus arvensis, syn.: Psalliota arvensis] Schafchampignon {m}
horse mushroom [Agaricus arvensis]Anisegerling {m}
horse nettle [Solanum rostratum, syn.: S. cornutum] Schnabel-Nachtschatten / Schnabelnachtschatten {m}
horse nettle [Solanum rostratum, syn.: S. cornutum]Stachel-Nachtschatten / Stachelnachtschatten {m}
horse ointment Pferdesalbe {f}
horse operaWestern {m}
horse ownerPferdebesitzer {m}
horse owner Pferdehalter {m}
horse owner [female] Pferdebesitzerin {f}
horse owner [female] Pferdehalterin {f}
horse parsley [Smyrnium olusatrum] Pferdeeppich {m}
horse parsley [Smyrnium olusatrum] Gespenst-Gelbdolde {f}
horse parsley [Smyrnium olusatrum]Alisander {m}
horse pensionPferdepension {f}
horse peopleReitervolk {n}
horse pondSchwemme {f}
horse pondPferdeschwemme {f}
horse portraitPferdeportrait {n} [alt]
horse portraitPferdeporträt {n}
horse power <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.> Pferdestärke {f} <PS>
horse practicePferdepraxis {f}
horse race Pferderennen {n}
horse racing Pferderennen {n}
horse racingPferderennsport {m}
horse racing Rennsport {m} [Pferderennsport]
horse radish [Armoracia rusticana, syn.: A. lapathifolia, Cochlearia armoracia, Nasturtium armoracia] Kren {m} [österr.] [südd.]
horse radish [Armoracia rusticana] Meerrettich {m}
horse radish / horseradish [Armoracia rusticana, syn.: A. lapathifolia, Cochlearia armoracia, Nasturtium armoracia]Echter Meerrettich {m}
horse rancher Pferderancher {m}
horse ridingPferdereiten {n}
horse riding Reiten {n} [auf einem Pferd]
horse riding clothes {pl} Reitbekleidung {f}
horse ripperPferdeschlitzer {m}
« hornhörnhornhorrhorshorshorshorshorshorsHors »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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