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horsebreakerBereiter {m}
horsecar [Am.] Pferdebahnwagen {m}
horse-chestnut [Aesculus hippocastanum]Weiße Rosskastanie {f}
horse-chestnut [Aesculus hippocastanum] Gemeine Rosskastanie {f}
horse-chestnut / horse chestnut leafminer / leaf miner (moth) [Cameraria ohridella] Biergarten-Motte {f} [Rosskastanien-Miniermotte]
horse-chestnut family {sg} [family Hippocastanaceae] [sometimes also: horse chestnut family]Rosskastaniengewächse {pl}
horse-chestnut family {sg} [family Hippocastanaceae] [sometimes also: horse chestnut family] Hippocastanaceen {pl}
horse-chestnut leaf miner [Cameraria ohridella] [moth] Balkan-Miniermotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
horse-chestnut leaf miner [Cameraria ohridella] [moth] Kastanien-Miniermotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
horse-chestnut miner [Cameraria ohridella] [moth] Rosskastanien-Miniermotte / Rosskastanienminiermotte {f}
horse-chestnut miner [Cameraria ohridella] [moth]Balkan-Miniermotte {f} [Rosskastanien-Miniermotte]
horse-chestnut scale [Pulvinaria regalis]Wollige Napfschildlaus {f}
horse-chestnuts / horse chestnuts [family Hippocastanaceae]Hippocastanaceen {pl}
horse-chestnuts / horse chestnuts [family Hippocastanaceae]Rosskastaniengewächse {pl}
horsecloth Pferdedecke {f}
-horsed [e. g. four-horsed]-pferdig [z. B. vierpferdig]
horse-dealing Pferdehandel {m}
horse-drawn pferdebespannt
horse-drawn pferdebetrieben
horse-drawn von Pferden gezogen
horse-drawn bus Pferde-Omnibus {m}
horse-drawn caravan [Br.] Planwagen {m}
horse-drawn carriage Pferdekutsche {f}
horse-drawn carriage Pferdewagen {m}
horse-drawn carriageGespannfahrzeug {n}
horse-drawn cartPferdewagen {m}
horse-drawn railroad [Am.]Pferdeeisenbahn {f}
horse-drawn railway [Br.]Pferdeeisenbahn {f}
horse-drawn sleighPferdeschlitten {m}
horse-drawn streetcar [Am.] Pferdestraßenbahn {f}
horse-drawn streetcar [Am.] Rösslitram {n} [schweiz.]
horse-drawn tram network [esp. Br.]Pferdebahnnetz {n}
horse-drawn tramcar Pferdebahnwagen {m}
horse-drawn vehiclePferdefuhrwerk {n}
horse-drawn vehiclebespanntes Fahrzeug {n} [mit Pferd]
horse-drawn vehicle Gespannfahrzeug {n} [mit Pferd]
(horsedrawn) bridal carriageBrautkutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) bridal coachBrautkutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) bride's carriageBrautkutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) bride's coachBrautkutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) wedding carriage Hochzeitskutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) wedding carriage Brautwagen {m} [Hochzeitskutsche]
(horsedrawn) wedding coach Hochzeitskutsche {f}
(horsedrawn) wedding coach Brautwagen {m} [Hochzeitskutsche]
horse-eye jack [Caranx hippos] [crevalle jack] Pferdemakrele {f} [Cavalla]
horseface blenny [Ophioblennius atlanticus] Rotlippen-Schleimfisch {m}
horseface blenny [Ophioblennius steindachneri] Panama-Schleimfisch {m}
horse-faced [Am.] [fig.] [having a large face with lantern jaws and large teeth] pferdegesichtig
horsefeathers [coll.] Unsinn {m}
horsefish [Hippocampus hippocampus, syn.: H. antiquorum, H. antiquus, H. europaeus, H. heptagonus, H. pentagonus, H. vulgaris, Syngnathus hippocampus](Kurzschnäuziges) Seepferdchen {n}
horsefish [Hippocampus hippocampus, syn.: H. antiquorum, H. antiquus, H. europaeus, H. heptagonus, H. pentagonus, H. vulgaris, Syngnathus hippocampus] Kurzschnauzen-Seepferdchen {n}
horsefish [Hippocampus hippocampus, syn.: H. antiquorum, H. antiquus, H. europaeus, H. heptagonus, H. pentagonus, H. vulgaris, Syngnathus hippocampus]Kurzschnauziges Seepferdchen {n}
horsefleshPferdefleisch {n}
horseflies [family Tabanidae]Bremsen {pl}
horseflies [family Tabanidae]Tabaniden {pl} [Bremsen]
horsefly Bremse {f} [Fliege]
horseflyStechfliege {f} [Bremse]
horsefly [numerous species of the family Tabanidae]Pferdefliege {f} [ugs.] [Bremse]
horsefly [Tabanus bovinus] [short for: pale giant horsefly] Rinderbremse {f}
horsefly [Tabanus sudeticus] [short for: dark giant horsefly]Pferdebremse {f}
horsefly bite Bremsenstich {m}
horsefly larvaBremsenlarve {f}
horsefly larvaTabanidenlarve {f} [fachspr.]
horsefly speciesTabanidenart {f} [fachspr.]
horsefly species Bremsenart {f}
horseflyweed [Baptisia tinctoria] Färberhülse {f}
horsefootHuflattich {m}
horsehair Rosshaar {n}
horsehair Pferdehaar {n}
horsehair fungus [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus]Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
horsehair mattress Rosshaarmatratze {f}
horse-hair mummy-cap [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus]Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
horsehair mushroom [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus]Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
horsehair parachute [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus] Rosshaar-Blasssporrübling {m}
horsehair parachute [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus] Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
horsehair toadstool [Gymnopus androsaceus, syn.: Marasmius androsaceus] Rosshaarschwindling {m} [auch: Rosshaar-Schwindling]
horsehair worm [phylum Nematomorpha]Saitenwurm {m}
horsehair worms [phylum Nematomorpha] Saitenwürmer {pl}
horsehair-covered sofa Rosshaarsofa {n}
horsehead / horse head [esp. Am.] [Selene vomer] [lookdown] Pferdekopf {m} [Bodengucker]
horsehead fiddlePferdekopfgeige {f}
Horsehead Nebula Pferdekopfnebel {m}
horsehead pumpPferdekopfpumpe {f}
horsehead seal [Halichoerus grypus]Kegelrobbe {f}
horseheal [Inula helenium]Echter Alant {m}
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Helenenkraut {n} [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Glockenwurz {f} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Brustalant {m} [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Odinskopf {m} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Großer Heinrich {m} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Fadenwurzel {f} [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Altwurzel {f} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Weidenalant {m} [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Edelwurz {f} [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Altkraut {n} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Darmwurz {f} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Donavarwurzel {f} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium]Schlangenkraut {n} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
horse-heal [Inula helenium] Darmkraut {n} [regional] [(Echter) Alant]
« hornhorrhorshorshorshorshorshorsHorshosehosp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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