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English-German Dictionary

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Horsfield's hill partridge [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis] Sumatrabuschwachtel {f}
Horsfield's hill partridge [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis] Weißgesicht-Buschwachtel {f}
Horsfield's hill partridge [Arborophila orientalis] Sumatrawaldrebhuhn {n}
Horsfield's jungle babbler [Malacocincla sepiarium]Horsfield-Maustimalie {f}
Horsfield's tarsier [Cephalopachus bancanus, syn.: Tarsius bancanus]Sunda-Koboldmaki {m}
Horsfield's tortoise [Testudo horsfeldii, syn.: Agrionemys horsfieldii] Russische Landschildkröte {f}
Horsfield's tortoise [Testudo horsfieldii, syn.: Agrionemys horsfieldii] Vierzehenschildkröte {f}
Horsfield's tortoise [Testudo horsfieldii, syn.: Agrionemys horsfieldii]Vierzehen-Landschildkröte {f}
Horsfield's tortoise [Testudo horsfieldii, syn.: Agrionemys horsfieldii]Steppenschildkröte {f}
Horsfield's treeshrew [Tupaia javanica]Java-Spitzhörnchen {n}
horsfordite [Cu5Sb]Horsfordit {m}
horsies Pferdchen {pl}
horsing around [coll.] [physically] Raufen {n} und Kämpfen im Spiel [oft an der Grenze zwischen Spaß und Ernst]
horst Horst {m}
horst Horstscholle {f}
horsy Pferdchen {n}
horsyHotto {n} [Baby-/Kindersprache] [Pferd]
horsy [spv.]pferdeähnlich
horsy [spv.]pferdenärrisch
horsy [e.g. face, smell, teeth]Pferde- [z. B. Gesicht, Geruch, Gebiss]
horsy face Pferdegesicht {n} [ugs.]
horsy teeth {pl} Pferdegebiss {n} [ugs.]
hortative ermahnend
hortatory mahnend
Hortega cells [microglia]Hortega-Zellen {pl}
Hortense McDuck [Disney]Dortel Duck
hortensia [Hydrangea macrophylla] Tellerhortensie {f}
hortensia [Hydrangea macrophylla] Gartenhortensie {f}
horticultural gartenbaulich
horticultural engineer Gartenbauingenieur {m}
horticultural engineering Gartenbautechnik {f}
horticultural farm Gartenbaubetrieb {m}
horticultural management Gartenbau-Management {n}
horticultural production [also: horticulture production]Gartenbauproduktion {f}
horticultural products Gartenbauprodukte {pl}
horticultural science Gartenbauwissenschaft {f}
horticultural science {sg} <HS>Gartenbauwissenschaften {pl} <GBW>
horticultural sector Gartenbausektor {m}
horticultural showGartenschau {f}
horticultural show Gartenbauausstellung {f}
horticultural society Gartenbaugesellschaft {f}
horticultural tunnel Gewächshaustunnel {m}
horticultural wasteGartenabfall {m}
horticultural waste {sg}Gartenabfälle {pl}
horticultureGartenbaukunst {f}
horticulture Hortikultur {f} [fachspr.]
horticulture Gartenkultur {f}
horticultureGartenwirtschaft {f} [Gartenbau]
horticulture [gardening, market gardening]Gartenbau {m}
horticulture industry Gartenbauwirtschaft {f}
horticulturist Gartenbaukünstler {m}
horticulturist Gemüsegärtner {m}
horticulturist Gärtner {m}
horticulturistGartenbauer {m}
horticulturist [female] Gärtnerin {f}
horticulturist [female]Gartenbaukünstlerin {f}
Hortobágy racka sheep [Ovis aries strepsiceros Hortobágyiensis] Hortobágyer Zackelschaf {n}
Horton Hears a Who! [Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino]Horton hört ein Hu!
Horton overland flow <HOF> Horton'scher Oberflächenabfluss {m} <HOF>
Horton-Magath-Brown syndrome [Arteriitis temporalis] Horton-Magath-Brown-Syndrom {n}
Horton's disease [Arteriitis temporalis (Horton)]Morbus Horton {m}
Horton's disease [Arteriitis temporalis (Horton)] Horton'sche Riesenzellarteriitis {f}
Horton's disease [Arteriitis temporalis (Horton)] Horton-Arteriitis {f}
Horton's equation Horton-Gleichung {f}
Horton's sydrome [also: Horton syndrome] Horton-Syndrom {n}
Horus Horus {m} [ägyptischer Gott]
Horus Horos {m} [ägyptischer Gott]
HorusHor {m} [ägyptischer Gott]
Horus falconHorusfalke {m}
Horus myth Horusmythos {m}
Horus nameHorusname {m}
Horus swift [Apus horus] Horussegler {m}
horvathite-(Y) [NaY [F2|CO3]] [horváthite-(Y)]Horváthit-(Y) {m}
Horvath's rock lizard [Iberolacerta horvathi]Kroatische Gebirgseidechse {f}
hosannaHosianna {n}
hose Schlauch {m}
hose Kniehose {f}
hoseStrumpfwaren {pl}
hose [flexible tube] biegsames Rohr {n}
hose [stockings]Strümpfe {pl}
hose barbSchlauchtülle {f}
hose bib Schlauchhahn {m}
hose bridge Schlauchbrücke {f}
hose cable Schlauchleitung {f}
hose change Schlauchwechsel {m}
hose clampSchlauchklemme {f}
hose clamp Schlauchschelle {f}
hose clamp pliers {pl} [one pair] Schlauchklemmzange {f}
hose clipSchlauchbinder {m}
hose clip Schlauchschelle {f}
hose clip Schlauchklemme {f}
hose connectionSchlauchverschraubung {f}
hose connection Schlauchverbindung {f}
hose connection [e.g. Storz connection] Schlauchkupplung {f} [z. B. Storz-Kupplung]
« horshorshorshorshorsHorshosehosphosphosphost »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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