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hose connector Schlauchverbinder {m}
hose coupling Schlauchkupplung {f}
hose coupling wrench Kupplungsschlüssel {m}
hose crew Schlauchmannschaft {f}
hose diameterSchlauchdurchmesser {m}
hose drying tower Schlauchturm {m}
hose element Schlauchkörper {m}
hose fittingSchlauchanschluss {m}
hose fittingSchlaucharmatur {f}
hose holderSchlauchhalter {m}
hose holder Schlauchhalterung {f}
hose hookSchlauchhaken {m}
hose laundry Schlauchwäscherei {f}
hose laying vehicle Schlauchwagen {m} <SW>
hose level Schlauchwaage {f}
hose lineSchlauchleitung {f}
hose materialSchlauchmaterial {n}
hose mountingSchlauchbefestigung {f}
hose nipple Schlauchnippel {m}
hose nozzle Schlauchtülle {f}
hose package Schlauchpaket {n}
hose pipe Wasserschlauch {m}
hose pumpSchlauchpumpe {f}
hose reelSchlauchhaspel {f}
hose reelSchlauchtrommel {f}
hose reel cartSchlauchwagen {m}
hose replacementSchlauchwechsel {m}
hose ruptureSchlauchbruch {m}
hose screw connectionSchlauchverschraubung {f}
hose seal Schlauchdichtung {f}
hose set Schlauchset {n} {m}
hose stemSchlauchnippel {m}
hose strap Schlauchband {n}
hose system Schlauchsystem {n}
hose tower Schlauchturm {m}
hose trailerSchlauchanhänger {m}
hose trolleySchlauchwagen {m}
hose water Strahlwasser {n}
hose workshop Schlauchwerkstatt {f}
Hosea Hoschea {m} [auch: Hosea]
Hosea Hosea {m}
hosebag [Am.] [sl.]Schlampe {f} [ugs.]
hosecock [also: hose cock] [threaded exterior faucet]Schlauchhahn {m}
hosed [sl.] [in trouble]im Arsch [vulg.]
hosed down abgespritzt [mit Wasserstrahl]
hose-drying tower Schlauchtrocknungsturm {m}
hose-free schlauchlos
hosel [golf] [Verbindungsstück zwischen Schlägerkopf und Schaft]
hosepipe [Br.]Schlauch {m}
hosepipe ban [Br.]Gartenschlauchverbot {n}
hosepipe ban [Br.]Bewässerungsverbot {n}
hosepipe gut [rare] [garden-hose gut]Gartenschlauchdarm {m} [selten] [auch: Gartenschlauch-Darm] [porzine proliferative Enteropathie]
hoser [Can.] [coll.] Schmarotzer {m} [ugs.]
hoses Schläuche {pl}
Hose's broadbill [Calyptomena hosii] Azurbreitrachen {m}
Hose's broadbill [Calyptomena hosii] Fleckenflügel-Breitrachen {m}
Hose's langur [Presbytis hosei]Hose-Langur {m}
Hose's (palm) civet [Diplogale hosei] Schlichtroller {m}
Hose's pygmy flying squirrel [Petaurillus hosei]Hoses Kleinstgleithörnchen {n}
Hoshko GlacierHoshko-Gletscher {m}
hosierStrumpfwarenhändler {m}
hosier Strumpfwirker {m}
hosier [female] Strumpfwarenhändlerin {f}
hosieryStrumpfware {f}
hosiery Strümpfe {pl}
hosiery Trikotage {f}
hosiery {sg}Strumpfwaren {pl}
hosiery factory Strickerei {f} [Strumpfwarenfabrik]
hosiery factoryWirkerei {f} [Fabrik]
hosiery goods Strickwaren {pl} [Strumpfwaren]
hosiery goods Wirkwaren {pl}
hosiery goods Strickwaren {pl} [Strümpfe]
hosiery goodsStrumpfwaren {pl}
hosiery knitting Strumpfstrickerei {f} [Herstellung]
hosiery knittingStrumpfwirkerei {f} [Herstellung]
hosiery knitting mill Strumpfwirkerei {f} [Fabrik]
hosiery knitting millStrumpfstrickerei {f} [Fabrik]
Hosomi-Sakurai reaction Hosomi-Sakurai-Reaktion {f}
hospice Hospiz {n}
hospiceSterbeklinik {f}
hospice careHospizarbeit {f}
hospice for the terminally ill Sterbehospiz {n}
Hospice of the Holy Spirit Heilig-Geist-Spital {n} [Nürnberg]
hospice shop [Am.] [Can.] Second-Hand-Laden {m} [karitativ]
hospice teamHospizteam {n}
hospitabilityGastfreiheit {f}
hospitable gastfreundlich
hospitable gastfrei
hospitable wirtlich [veraltend] [gastlich]
hospitable to sth. [soil, environment] [pred.] günstig für etw. [Akk.] [nachgestellt]
hospitableness Gastlichkeit {f}
hospitableness Gastfreundschaft {f}
hospitalHospital {n}
hospitalKrankenhaus {n}
hospital Klinik {f}
hospitalSpital {n} [schweiz. ugs. auch {m}] [regional, bes. österr. u. schweiz. für: Krankenhaus]
hospitalKrankenanstalt {f}
« horshorshorshorsHorshosehosphosphosphosthost »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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