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English-German Dictionary

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host family [host parents] Gasteltern {pl}
host father Gastvater {m} [bei Auslandsaufenthalt in einer Gastfamilie]
host finding Wirtsfindung {f}
host fishWirtsfisch {m}
host fish species Wirtsfischart {f}
host function Wirtsfunktion {f}
host galaxy Heimatgalaxie {f}
host genomeWirtsgenom {n}
host genotype Wirtsgenotyp {m}
host immune responseWirtsimmunantwort {f}
host information [internet server information] Hostangabe {f} [Angabe von Internet-Server]
host insectWirtsinsekt {n}
host language Wirts-Programmsprache {f}
host Member State [EU member state that grants entry to citizens from other EU states]Aufnahmemitgliedstaat {m}
host membrane Wirtsmembran {f}
host molecule Wirtsmolekül {n}
host mossWirtsmoos {n}
host mother [for a foreign-exchange student]Gastmutter {f} [bei Auslandsaufenthalt in einer Gastfamilie]
host mother [surrogate mother]Leihmutter {f}
host nationGastgeberland {n}
host of angels Engelsschar {f}
host of heaven himmlische Heerscharen {pl}
host of measures Maßnahmendschungel {m}
host organelle Wirtsorganell {n}
host organism Wirtsorganismus {m}
host parents Gasteltern {pl}
host parents [e.g. of a young cuckoo] Wirtseltern {pl} [z. B. eines Jungkuckucks]
host phloem Wirtsphloem {n}
host plant Wirtspflanze {f}
host plant [for the larvae of lepidoptera] Nahrungspflanze {f} [selten] [für Raupen]
host plant [for the larvae of lepidoptera] Futterpflanze {f} [für Raupen]
host plant leaves Wirtspflanzenblätter {pl}
host plant preference Wirtspflanzenpräferenz {f}
host plantsWirtspflanzen {pl}
host population Wirtspopulation {f}
host preference Wirtspräferenz {f}
host processor Wirtsrechner {m}
host processor <HP> Zentralrechner {m} <ZR>
host program Wirtsprogramm {n}
host rangeWirtsspektrum {n}
host range Wirtsbereich {m}
host reaction Wirtsreaktion {f}
host restriction Wirtsbeschränkung {f}
host rockNebengestein {n}
host rockWirtsgestein {n}
host rockMuttergestein {n}
host sedge [Carex hostiana]Saum-Segge / Saumsegge {f}
host sedge [Carex hostiana] Hosts Segge {f}
host shift Wirtswechsel {m}
host sister Gastschwester {f}
host size Wirtsgröße {f}
host society Gastgesellschaft {f}
host specializationWirtsspezialisierung {f}
host speciesWirtsart {f}
host specificity Wirtsspezifität {f}
host starWirtsstern {m}
host stateAufnahmeland {n}
host state [of refugees]Aufnahmestaat {m} [von Flüchtlingen]
host taxaWirtstaxa {pl}
host tree Wirtsbaum {m}
host treesWirtsbäume {pl}
host tropism Wirtstropismus {m}
host (wafer) [capitalization varies] Oblate {f} [Hostie]
host workstation Host-Workstation {f}
host xylem Wirtsxylem {n}
hosta [Hemerocallis spp.]Taglilie {f}
hosta [Hosta spp.] Funkie {f}
hostageGeisel {f} [veraltet {m}]
hostage crisis Geiseldrama {n}
hostage crisis Geiselkrise {f}
hostage dealGeiseldeal {m} [ugs.] [auch: Geisel-Deal]
hostage dramaGeiseldrama {n}
hostage exchangeGeiselaustausch {m}
hostage executionGeiselexekution {f}
hostage negotiator Geiselvermittler {m}
hostage negotiatorGeiselunterhändler {m}
hostage negotiator [female] Geiselunterhändlerin {f}
hostage negotiator [female] Geiselvermittlerin {f}
hostage release Geiselfreilassung {f}
Hostage Rescue Team <HRT> Geiselrettungsteam {n} [Spezialeinheit der US-Bundesermittlungsbehörde FBI]
hostage situation [hostage taking]Geiselnahme {f}
hostage takers Geiselnehmer {pl}
hostage-recoveryGeiselbefreiung {f}
hostages Geiseln {pl}
hostage-taker Geiselnehmer {m}
hostage-taker [female]Geiselnehmerin {f}
hostage-takingGeiselnahme {f}
hostage-taking drama Geiseldrama {n}
hostas [genus Hosta, syn.: Funkia]Herzblattlilien {pl}
hosted gehostet
hosted ausgerichtet [Veranstaltung]
hosted by veranstaltet von
hostel Herberge {f}
hostelHeim {n} [Institution]
hostel Unterkunft {f} für die Nacht
hostel Jugendherberge {f}
hostelWohnheim {n}
hostelHostel {n}
Hostel [Eli Roth]Hostel
hostel [for students] Burse {f}
« Horshosehosphosphosphosthosthosthotchotphots »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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