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hotel entrance door Hoteleingangstür {f}
hotel facility Hotelanlage {f}
hotel fire Hotelbrand {m}
hotel foyerHotelhalle {f}
hotel foyerHotelfoyer {n}
hotel grounds {pl} Hotelgelände {n}
hotel group Hotelgruppe {f}
hotel guestHotelgast {m}
hotel guestsHotelgäste {pl}
hotel guide Hotelführer {m}
hotel guides Hotelführer {pl}
hotel hallway Hotelkorridor {m}
hotel hallwayHotelflur {m}
hotel in the AlpsAlpenhotel {n}
hotel industry Hotelgewerbe {n}
hotel industryHotelwesen {n}
hotel industryHotellerie {f}
hotel industryHotelindustrie {f}
hotel invoice Hotelrechnung {f}
hotel key Hotelschlüssel {m}
hotel kitchenHotelküche {f}
hotel laundry manager [female] Hotelbeschließerin {f}
hotel letting rooms by the hour (to couples) Stundenhotel {n}
hotel lift [Br.] Hotellift {m}
hotel lift [Br.] Hotelfahrstuhl {m}
hotel linen Hotelwäsche {f} [Bettwäsche, Handtücher etc.]
hotel linens {pl} [less frequent than: hotel linen] Hotelwäsche {f} [Bettwäsche, Handtücher etc.]
hotel lobby Empfangshalle {f} des Hotels
hotel lobbyHotellobby {f}
hotel lobbyHotelhalle {f}
hotel lounge Hotelhalle {f}
hotel lounge Hotellounge {f}
hotel management Hotelmanagement {n}
hotel managerHoteldirektor {m}
hotel managerHotelmanager {m}
hotel manager [female]Hotelmanagerin {f}
hotel manageress Hotelfachfrau {f}
Hotel Mom [coll.] [Am.] Hotel Mama {n} [ugs.]
Hotel Mum [Br.] [coll.] Hotel Mama {n} [ugs.]
hotel overnight stays Hotellogiernächte {pl} [schweiz.]
hotel owner Hotelbesitzer {m}
hotel package Hotelarrangement {n}
hotel personnel Hotelpersonal {n}
hotel pool Hotelpool {m}
hotel prices Hotelpreise {pl}
hotel project Hotelprojekt {n}
hotel ratingHotelklassifizierung {f}
hotel receptionHotelrezeption {f}
hotel receptionist Hotelrezeptionist {m}
hotel receptionist [female] Hotelrezeptionistin {f}
hotel reservation Zimmerreservierung {f}
hotel reservation Hotelreservierung {f}
hotel reservation Hotelvermittlung {f}
hotel reservation Hotelbuchung {f}
hotel roofHoteldach {n}
hotel room Hotelzimmer {n}
hotel room Gästezimmer {n} [im Hotel]
hotel room door Hotelzimmertür {f}
hotel room to the rearHotelzimmer {n} nach hinten
hotel roomsHotelzimmer {pl}
Hotel Rwanda [Terry George] Hotel Ruanda
hotel safeHotelsafe {m}
hotel safe Hoteltresor {m}
Hotel Savoy Hotel Savoy [Joseph Roth]
hotel sectorHotelbereich {m} [Hotelsektor]
hotel sector Hotelsektor {m}
hotel sector Hotelbranche {f}
hotel selection Hotelauswahl {f}
hotel servantHausdiener {m} [Hotel]
hotel serviceHoteldienstleistung {f}
hotel shipHotelschiff {n}
hotel signHotelschild {n}
hotel staffHotelpersonal {n}
hotel stars Hotelsterne {pl}
hotel stayHotelaufenthalt {m}
hotel suite Hotelsuite {f}
hotel suitesHotelsuiten {pl}
hotel (swimming) pool Hotelschwimmbad {n}
hotel tariff Zimmerpreise {pl}
hotel thief Hoteldieb {m}
hotel towelHotelhandtuch {n}
hotel towerHotelturm {m}
hotel trade Hotelgewerbe {n}
hotel trade Beherbergungsgewerbe {n}
hotel train Hotelzug {m}
Hotel Transylvania [Genndy Tartakovsky] Hotel Transsilvanien
hotel voucherHotelgutschein {m}
(hotel) bellman [Am.] Gepäckträger {m} im Hotel
(hotel) room boy Roomboy {m}
hotelier Hotelbesitzer {m}
hotelierHotelier {m}
hotelier [female] Hotelbesitzerin {f}
hotelier [female]Hotelierin {f}
hoteliers Hoteliers {pl}
hotel-keeperHotelbesitzer {m}
Hotelling's law [also Hotelling law] Hotellings Gesetz {n}
Hotelling's lemmaHotellings Lemma {n}
Hotelling's rule [also Hotelling rule]Hotelling-Regel {f}
Hotelling's T-squared distribution Hotellings T-Quadrat-Verteilung {f}
hotels Hotels {pl}
« hosthotchotphotshot-hotehotehot-hounhourhous »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers