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hot-spot scintigraphy Hot-Spot-Szintigraphie {f}
hotspur Hitzkopf {m}
hotspurStürmer {m}
hotspur Heißsporn {m}
hotsy-totsy [Am.] [coll., dated] [just right] perfekt
Hotte Hotten {n}
hotted up [sl.]frisiert [ugs.] [Mofa etc.]
hot-tempered heißblütig
hot-tempered jähzornig
Hottentot Hottentotte {m}
Hottentot [female]Hottentottin {f}
Hottentot button-quail [Turnix hottentottus] Hottentottenlaufhühnchen {n}
Hottentot election [German Empire, federal elections of 1907] Hottentottenwahl {f} [auch: Hottentottenwahlen] [Deutsches Reich, Reichstagswahlen von 1907]
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus acinaciformis] Hottentottenfeige {f}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis] Essbare Mittagsblume {f}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis]Gelbe Mittagsblume {f}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis]Pferdefeige {f}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis]Hottentottenfeige {f}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis] Hexenfinger {m}
Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis] Küsten-Mittagsblume {f} [auch: Küstenmittagsblume]
Hottentot golden mole [Amblysomus hottentotus] Hottentotten-Goldmull {m}
Hottentot plants [genus Carpobrotus] Mittagsblumen {pl}
Hottentot plants [genus Carpobrotus]Hottentottenfeigen {pl}
Hottentot teal [Anas hottentota] Pünktchenente {f}
Hottentot teal [Spatula hottentota, syn.: Anas hottentota] Hottentottenente {f}
Hottentotic hottentottisch
Hottentot's-poison / Hottentot's poison [Acokanthera oblongifolia, syn.: A. spectabilis, Carissa oblongifolia, Toxicophlaea spectabilis] Afrikanisches Schöngift {n}
Hottentot's-poison / Hottentot's poison [Acokanthera oblongifolia, syn.: A. spectabilis, Carissa oblongifolia, Toxicophlaea spectabilis] Giftlorbeer {m} [Afrikanisches Schöngift]
Hottentotten [name used from Europeans during the colonial time for some tribes in Namibia and South Africa]Hottentotten {pl} [Bezeichnung der Europäer für einige Stämme in Namibia und Südafrika während der Kolonialzeit]
hottest news [treated as sg.] aktuellste Nachrichten {pl}
hottie [Am.] [coll.] [boy] Schmacko {m} [attraktiver Junge] [Jugendspr.]
hottie [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle] Bettflasche {f}
hottie [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle] Wärmflasche {f}
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boy, man] heißer Typ {m} [ugs.]
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [girl, woman]heiße Braut {f} [ugs.]
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [person]attraktive Person {f}
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [person]heiße Schnitte {f} [ugs.] [attraktive Person]
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [woman]heißer Feger {m} [ugs.] [Frau]
hot-tinned wire feuerverzinnter Draht {m}
hotty [Br.] [coll.] Wärmflasche {f}
hotty [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle]Bettflasche {f}
hot-water bag [Am.] Wärmflasche {f}
hot-water bag [Am.]Wärmeflasche {f} [österr.]
hot-water bag [Am.]Thermophor {m}
hot-water boiler Warmwasserboiler {m}
hot-water boiler Warmwasser-Heizkessel {m}
hot-water boilerHeißwasserbereiter {m}
hot-water boiler Boiler {m}
hot-water boilerHeißwasserkessel {m}
hot-water bottleWärmflasche {f}
hot-water bottleWärmeflasche {f} [österr.]
hot-water bottleThermophor {m}
hot-water circulation pumpHeißwasserumwälzpumpe {f}
hot-water heat pump Warmwasser-Wärmepumpe {f}
hot-water heat pumpBrauchwasser-Wärmepumpe {f}
hot-water heat pumpBrauchwasserwärmepumpe {f}
hot-water heat pump Warmwasserwärmepumpe {f}
hot-water production Wassererwärmung {f}
hot-wire Hitzdraht {m}
hot-wire anemometer Hitzdrahtanemometer {n}
hot-wire microphone Hitzdrahtmikrofon {n}
hot-wire microphone [IEC 60050] thermisches Mikrofon {n} [IEC 60050]
hot-wire microphone [IEC 60050] Hitzdrahtmikrophon {n} [IEC 60050]
hot-wire movementHitzdrahtmesswerk {n}
hot-wire probe Hitzdrahtsonde {f}
hot-wire weldingGlühdrahtschweißen {n}
hot-wired [coll.] [started a car engine without a key by joining wires]kurzgeschlossen
hotwiring [coll.]Kurzschließen {n}
hot-wiring (a car) Zündschlossüberbrückung {f}
hot-wiring (a car)Kurzschliessen {n} [eines Autos] [schweiz.]
hot-worked steelwarmgeformter Stahl {m}
houario [rare][Art Mittelmeerbarke mit zwei Mastbäumen]
houbara [Chlamydotis undulata]Kragentrappe {f}
houbara [Chlamydotis undulata] Saharakragentrappe {f}
houbara [Chlamydotis undulata]Große Kragentrappe {f}
houbara bustard [Chlamydotis undulata]Große Kragentrappe {f}
houbara bustard [Chlamydotis undulata] Kragentrappe {f}
houbara bustard [Chlamydotis undulata] Saharakragentrappe {f}
Houdini [Harry Houdini, 1874-1926, escape artist and magician] Houdini {m} [Entfesselungs- und Zauberkünstler]
Houffalize Hohenfels {n}
Hough transformHough-Transformation {f}
Houliston Glacier Houliston-Gletscher {m}
hound Jagdhund {m}
hound Laufhund {m}
houndSpürhund {m}
hound Hund {m} [Jagdhund]
hound [coll: any dog]Hund {m}
hound [dated] [coll.] [rogue]Hund {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Schuft, Lump]
hound [hunting dog]Jaghund {m} [schweiz.] [veraltet]
hound dog [Am.] Spürhund {m}
hound dog [Am.] Bluthund {m}
hound dog [Am.] Jagdhund {m}
hound needlefish [Tylosurus crocodilus] Krokodil-Hornhecht {m} [auch: Krokodilhornhecht]
hound of hell Höllenhund {m} [auch Schimpfwort]
hounded gejagt
hounded gehetzt
« hotphotshot-hotehotehot-hounhourhoushousHous »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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