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House of Habsburg-Lorraine Haus {n} Habsburg-Lothringen
House of Hohenzollern [German noble family]Haus {n} Hohenzollern [deutsches Adelsgeschlecht]
House of Humour and Satire [Br.] Haus {n} des Humors und der Satire
house of ill repute Freudenhaus {n} [veraltet] [Bordell]
House of Lancaster Haus Lancaster {n}
house of learning Lehrhaus {n} [jüdisch]
house of literature Literaturhaus {n}
House of Lords Oberhaus {n}
House of Lords House of Lords {n} [britisches Oberhaus]
House of Lords [supreme court of appeal for criminal cases in England, Wales and Northern Ireland]oberstes Rechtsmittelgericht {n} in Strafsachen [für England, Wales und Nordirland]
House of Lords [UK's supreme court of appeal for civil cases] oberstes Rechtsmittelgericht {n} in Zivilsachen [für das Vereinigte Königreich]
House of Lords [upper house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
House of Mecklenburg Haus {n} Mecklenburg
House of Meetings [Martin Amis]Haus der Begegnungen
house of mirrors Spiegelkabinett {n}
house of mourning Trauerhaus {n}
House of MouseMickys Clubhaus
House of NassauHaus {n} Nassau
House of Numbers [Russell Rouse]Der Henker nimmt Maß
House of OrangeOranjer {pl}
House of Orange-NassauHaus {n} Oranien-Nassau
house of parliament [in a general sense] Abgeordnetenhaus {n} [im allg. Sinn]
House of Peers [variant name of the upper house of the Imperial Assembly, Cisleithania 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des Reichsrats, Cisleithanien 1867-1918]
house of pleasure [euphem.] [brothel]Freudenhaus {n} [euphem.] [veraltend] [Bordell]
house of prayerGebetshaus {n}
house of prayer Gotteshaus {n}
house of prayerBethaus {n}
house of princes [imperial diet]Fürstenbank {f} [Reichstag]
house of prostitution Bordell {n}
house of quality <HOQ>House of Quality {n} <HoQ>
house of representativesAbgeordnetenhaus {n}
House of Representatives [esp. Am.] Repräsentantenhaus {n}
House of Representatives [lower house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918] Abgeordnetenhaus {n} [Unterhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
House of Representatives of Berlin [Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin; state parliament of Berlin, Germany]Abgeordnetenhaus {n} von Berlin
house of responsibility Haus {n} der Verantwortung
House of ReussHaus {n} Reuß
House of Sand and Fog [Vadim Perelman] Haus aus Sand und Nebel
House of SavoyHaus {n} Savoyen
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Haus {n} Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
house of silenceHaus {n} der Stille
House of Splendid Isolation [Edna O'Brien]Das einsame Haus
house of stoneHaus {n} aus Stein
house of studiesStudienhaus {n}
house of studies [studium generale] Generalstudium {n}
house of the dead Totenhaus {n}
House of the Long Shadows [Pete Walker] Das Haus der langen Schatten
House of the Rising Sun [James Lee Burke] Vater und Sohn
house of three storeys [esp. Br.]Haus {n} mit drei Stockwerken
house of three stories [esp. Am.] Haus {n} mit drei Stockwerken
House of Wax [André De Toth, 1953]Das Kabinett des Professor Bondi
House of Welf Haus {n} Welf
House of Wettin [dynasty] Wettiner {pl} [bis 1919 sächsisches Herrscherhaus]
House of Windsor Haus {n} Windsor
house of woodHaus {n} aus Holz
house of worshipGotteshaus {n}
House of York Haus York {n}
(House of) Bernadotte [royal dynasty of Sweden] Bernadottes {pl} [Hause Bernadotte]
house officer [Br.] Arzt {m} im Praktikum <AiP>
house officer [Br.] Turnusarzt {m} [österr.]
house officer [servant] Hausoffizier {m}
House on Haunted Hill [William Malone]Haunted Hill
house on the seafront Haus {n} am Meer
house organ Betriebszeitschrift {f}
house organHausorgel {f}
house overlooking the sea Haus {n} mit Blick aufs Meer
house overlooking the sea Haus {n} mit Aussicht aufs Meer
house owner Hausbesitzer {m}
house owner Hauseigentümer {m}
house owner [female]Hausherrin {f} [österr., südd.: Hausbesitzerin]
house owner's policy Hauseigentümerversicherung {f}
house paintFassadenfarbe {f}
house painter Anstreicher {m}
house painter [female] Anstreicherin {f}
house painter and decoratorMaler und Anstreicher [österr. Berufsbezeichnung]
house painting Hausmalerei {f}
house party Hausparty {f}
house pet Haustier {n}
house physician [Am.]Arzt {m} im Praktikum <AiP>
house plantZimmerpflanze {f}
house plant careZimmerpflanzenpflege {f}
house pole Dachabspannstange {f}
house policy Hausratsversicherungspolice {f}
house priceHauspreis {m}
house price bubble [Br.] Hauspreisblase {f}
house prices Häuserpreise {pl}
house property Hauseigentum {n}
house pseudoscorpion [Chelifer cancroides]Bücherskorpion {m}
house purchaseHauskauf {m}
house rat [Rattus rattus]Hausratte {f}
house rat [Rattus rattus]Dachratte {f}
house redroter Hauswein {m}
house regulations {pl} Hausordnung {f}
house rentMietzins {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Miete]
house reserved for an elderly person Altenteilerhaus {n}
house rosé (wine)Rosé-Hauswein {m}
house rulesHausregeln {pl}
house rules {pl}Hausordnung {f}
house rules {pl}Heimordnung {f}
house safeHaussafe {m} [zuhause]
house searchHausdurchsuchung {f}
« hot-hot-hourhourhousHoushoushoushoushoushous »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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