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house-agentHäusermakler {m}
houseboat Hausboot {n}
houseboat Wohnboot {n}
houseboat vacation [Am.] Hausbooturlaub {m}
houseboat vacation [Am.]Urlaub {m} auf dem Hausboot
housebook Hausbuch {n}
housebound ans Haus gefesselt
houseboy [Asian English, otherwise dated]Hausdiener {m}
housebreaker Einbrecher {m}
housebreaker [Br.]Abrissarbeiter {m}
housebreaking Einbruch {m} [kriminell]
housebreaking [dogs]Sauberkeitserziehung {f} [Hunde]
housebreakingsEinbrüche {pl}
housebroken sauber
housebroken [Am.]stubenrein
housebuilding Wohnungsbau {m}
housebuilding Hausbau {m}
house-building permission Baugenehmigung {f}
house-building rat [Leporillus conditor, syn.: L. jonesi] Langohr-Häschenratte {f}
house-building rat [Leporillus conditor] Große Häschenratte {f}
housecarlHuscarl {m}
housecleaner Reinigungskraft {f}
housecleaner [female]Putzfrau {f}
housecleaning Haushaltsreinigung {f}
housecleaningHausputz {m}
housecleaning Aufwartung {f} [regional] [Hausputz]
housecoatHauskleid {n}
housecoatHausmantel {m}
housecraft [Br.] [dated] [domestic science] Hauswirtschaft {f}
housed untergebracht
housed jointGratverbindung {f} [Holztechnik]
house-dust allergy Hausstauballergie {f}
house-elf [Harry Potter] Hauself {m}
house-elves [Harry Potter] Hauselfen {pl}
housefather Hausvater {m} [Leiter einer Anstalt, eines Heims]
housefather [archaic] [father of a family] Hausvater {m} [veraltet] [Familienoberhaupt]
houseflies Stubenfliegen {pl}
housefly [Musca domestica] Stubenfliege {f}
house-fly [Musca domestica]Stubenfliege {f}
housefulHaus voll {n}
house-high haushohe
household Haushalt {m}
household Hausstand {m}
householdPrivathaushalt {m}
household Familie {f} [Hausgemeinschaft]
household Haushaltung {f} [geh.] [Haushalt]
household Wirtschaft {f} [Haushalt, Hauswirtschaft]
household [attr.]Haushalts-
household [attr.]hauswirtschaftlich
household [attr.] [e.g. duties] häuslich [Haushalts-; z. B. Pflichten]
household [familiar]allgemein bekannt
household [house community] Hausgemeinschaft {f}
household accessories Haushaltzubehör {n}
household account book Haushaltsbuch {n}
household account book Wirtschaftsbuch {n} [Haushaltsbuch]
household accounts Haushaltskonten {pl}
household activitieshäusliche Tätigkeiten {pl}
household activities Haushaltstätigkeiten {pl}
household activity Haushaltsaktivität {f}
household affairsHaushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
household affairs {pl}Hauswesen {n}
household aids haushaltliche Geräte {pl}
household aids Haushaltshilfen {pl}
household ammoniawässrige Ammoniaklösung {f}
household and personal effects {pl} Hausrat {m}
household applianceHausgerät {n}
household applianceHaushaltsgerät {n}
household appliance manufacturer Hausgerätehersteller {m} [auch: Hausgeräte-Hersteller]
household appliances Haushaltsgeräte {pl}
household article Haushaltsartikel {m}
household arts {pl} [as cooking, sewing, baby care, concerned with the maintenance and care of a household]Hauswirtschaft {f} [Hauswirtschaftslehre]
household assistancehauswirtschaftliche Versorgung {f}
household bucketHaushaltseimer {m}
household budget Haushaltsbudget {n}
household budget Haushaltskasse {f}
Household Cavalry [Br.] Hofreiterei {f}
household chemicals Haushaltschemikalien {pl}
household chore Hausarbeit {f}
household chores Hausarbeiten {pl}
household chores Haushaltspflichten {pl}
household coal Hausbrandkohle {f}
household consumptionHaushaltskonsum {m}
household consumption Haushaltsverbrauch {m}
household consumptionPrivatverbrauch {m}
household consumption Privatkonsum {m}
household contents insuranceHausratversicherung {f}
household cultHauskult {m}
household customerHaushaltskunde {m}
household day [formerly a paid vacation day for housekeeping chores] Hausarbeitstag {m}
household day [formerly a paid vacation day for housekeeping chores]Haushaltstag {m}
household deities Hausgötter {pl}
household deity Hausgott {m}
household detergentHaushaltsreiniger {m}
household detergentHaushaltswaschmittel {n}
household dutieshäusliche Pflichten {pl}
household economics [used as sg.]Haushaltsökonomie {f}
household effects {pl} Hausrat {m}
household effects {pl} Hausmobiliar {n}
household electronicsHaushaltselektronik {f}
« hounhourhoushousHoushoushoushoushoushoushout »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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