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household equipment Haushaltgegenstände {f}
household equipment Haushaltstechnik {f}
household expenditure {sg}Haushaltsausgaben {pl}
household expenses Haushaltskosten {pl}
household eyesHausfrauenaugen {pl}
household foil Haushaltsfolie {f} [Aluminiumfolie]
household furniture {sg}Wohnmöbel {pl}
household furniture {sg} Hausmöbel {pl}
household furniture industryWohnmöbelindustrie {f}
household garbage [Am.]Hausmüll {m}
household garbage [Am.]Haushaltsabfall {m}
household garden Hausgarten {m} [Gemüsegarten]
household glovesHaushaltshandschuhe {pl}
household god Hausgott {m}
household gods [Lares, Penates, etc.] Hausgötter {pl} [Laren, Penaten etc.]
household goods Haushaltswaren {pl}
household goods {pl}Hausrat {m}
household guardLeibgarde {f}
household hazardous waste collection vehicle Schadstoffmobil {n}
household help Haushilfe {f} [Person]
household help Haushaltshilfe {f}
household help {sg} Hausangestellte {pl}
household income Haushaltseinkommen {n}
household industry Hausindustrie {f}
household insurance verbundene Wohngebäude- und Hausratversicherung {f}
household insurance Hausratsversicherung {f}
household itemHaushaltsartikel {m}
household items Haushaltsgegenstände {pl}
household items Haushaltsartikel {pl}
household knife Haushaltsmesser {n}
household knights ritterliches Gefolge {n}
household lamp Haushaltslampe {f}
household level Haushaltsebene {f}
household linenWeißzeug {n}
household linen Bett- und Tischwäsche {f}
household literatureHausväterliteratur {f}
household mattersHaushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
household mattersHauswesen {n}
household member Hausgenosse {m}
household memberHaushaltsmitglied {n}
household moneyWirtschaftsgeld {n}
household nameallgemein bekannter Begriff {m}
household name vertrauter Name {m}
household necessities {pl}Hausbedarf {m}
household noise level Zimmerlautstärke {f}
household objects Haushaltsgegenstände {pl}
household (of a king) Hof {m} (eines Königs)
household pet Haustier {n}
household power grid Hausstromnetz {n}
household productsHaushaltsprodukte {pl}
household provisions Haushaltsvorräte {pl}
household refrigerator Haushaltskühlschrank {m}
household refuse Haushaltsmüll {m}
household refusehäuslicher Müll {m}
household refuse collection calendar Abfallkalender {m}
household relationships Wohnverhältnisse {pl}
household remedies Hausmittel {pl}
household remedy Hausmittel {n}
household robot Haushaltsroboter {m}
household rubbish [Br.] Haushaltsabfall {m}
household rubbish [esp. Br.] Hausmüll {m}
household sampleHaushaltsstichprobe {f}
household science teacherArbeitslehrelehrer {m}
household science teacher [female]Arbeitslehrelehrerin {f}
household scissors {pl} [one pair] Haushaltsschere {f}
household servantHausbediensteter {m}
household servant [royal household] [Br.] Hofbediensteter {m}
household servantsHausbedienstete {pl}
household size Haushaltsgröße {f}
household slave Haussklave {m}
household slave [female] Haussklavin {f}
household spending {sg} Haushaltsausgaben {pl}
household spiritHausgeist {m}
household staffHausgesinde {n} [veraltet]
household staff {sg}Hausangestellte {pl} [insgesamt]
household stuff Hausrat {m}
household sugar Haushaltszucker {m}
household supply storeGeschäft {n} für Haushaltswaren
household supply store Haushaltsgerätegeschäft {n}
household survey Haushaltsbefragung {f}
household survey Haushaltserhebung {f}
household tasksHausarbeiten {pl}
household tasks Haushaltsaufgaben {pl}
household textilesHeimtextilien {pl}
household textiles Wohntextilien {pl}
household textiles Haustextilien {pl}
household thermometerHaushaltsthermometer {n}
household toasterFamilientoaster {m}
household troops Haustruppen {pl}
household twine Haushaltsgarn {n}
household tyrantHaustyrann {m}
household useHausgebrauch {m}
household utensil Hausgerät {n}
household waste Hausmüll {m}
household wastehäuslicher Müll {m}
household waste häuslicher Abfall {m}
household wasteHaushaltsmüll {m}
household waste {sg} Haushaltsabfälle {pl}
household waste recycling centre [Br.] <HWRC>Recyclinghof {m} [Altstoffsammelstelle]
household water system Brauchwasseranlage {f}
« hourhoushousHoushoushoushoushoushoushoutHowc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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