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English-German Dictionary

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howbeit [archaic] obschon [geh.]
Howchin GlacierHowchin-Gletscher {m}
How'd it go? [coll.]Wie war's? [ugs.]
How'd it go? [coll.] Wie lief's? [ugs.]
howdah [in India] Sänfte {f} [auf dem Rücken eines Elefanten]
howdunit [Am.] [coll.]Krimi {m} [Thematik, wie ein Verbrechen stattfinden konnte]
Howdy doodie? [Am.] [coll.]Hi! Wie geht's? [ugs.]
Howdy! [Am.] Hallo!
Howdy! [Am.] [coll.]Tach (auch)! [ugs.]
Howdy-do! [Am.] [coll.]Hallöchen! [ugs.]
howe [spv.] Hügelgrab {n}
Howe come (that) ...?Woran liegt es, dass ...?
Howe GlacierHowe-Gletscher {m}
Howell-Jolly bodyHowell-Jolly-Körperchen {n}
Howell's fig shell [Ficus pellucida, syn.: F. atlanticus]Ficus pellucida {f} [Meeresschneckenart] [Feigenschnecke]
however aber
however dagegen
however doch
however hingegen
howeverindes [geh.] [jedoch]
howeverallein [veraltet] [aber / doch]
howeverindessen [geh.] [jedoch]
however freilich [allerdings]
howeverhinwiederum [veraltend]
howeverwiederum [allerdings]
however gleichwohl
however [albeit] wenn auch nur
however clever he may bemag er auch noch so klug sein
however described wie auch immer bezeichnet
However, experience has shown that ...Die Erfahrung hat jedoch gezeigt, dass ...
However, I consider it essential that ...Ich halte es aber für (dringend) erforderlich, dass ...
however much ganz egal wie viel
however much so viel ... (auch)
however muchsosehr
However much he tried, ... Wie sehr er sich auch bemühte, ...
however namedwie auch immer benannt
However rich he may be ... So reich er auch sein mag ...
however that be wie dem auch sei
however that may be wie dem auch sein mag
however that may bejedenfalls
However you do it. Wie Sie es auch immer machen. [formelle Anrede]
how-how diagramWie-Wie-Diagramm {n}
howieite [Na(Fe,Mn)10(Fe,Al)2Si12O31(OH)13] Howieit {m}
howitzerHaubitze {f}
howlGeheul {n}
howl Heulen {n}
howl of wolves Wolfsgeheul {n}
Howland IslandHowlandinsel {f}
howler Stilblüte {f}
howler grober Schnitzer {m} [ugs.]
howlerschwerer Fehler {m}
howler [coll.] [blunder]Schnitzer {m} [ugs.] [Fehler]
howler [coll.] [blunder] Bock {m} [ugs.] [Schnitzer]
howler [fam.] [sl.] Lachnummer {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
howler [football / soccer] [a goal conceded by a goalkeeper through an error] faules Ei {n} [Fußballjargon]
howler [football] Hammer {m}
howler [howling person, animal, or thing] Heuler {m} [heulende Person, heulendes Tier od. Ding]
howler [stylistic lapse of a teacher, lecturer] Kathederblüte {f} [Stilblüte eines Lehrers, Vortragenden]
howler monkey [genus Alouatta, subfamily Alouattinae] Brüllaffe {m}
howler (monkey) species Brüllaffenart {f} [auch: Brüllaffen-Art]
howler (monkey) species {pl}Brüllaffenarten {pl} [auch: Brüllaffen-Arten]
howling Geheul {n}
howlingHeulen {n}
howling Pfeifen {n}
howling Johlen {n}
howlingGeflenne {n} [ugs.]
howling Geheule {n} [ugs.]
howlingGejaule {n} [ugs.]
howlingHeulerei {f} [ugs.] [heftiges Weinen]
howlingGejohle {n} [ugs.]
howling gale heulender Sturm {m}
howling jackass [Dacelo leachii] Haubenliest {m}
howling jackass [Dacelo leachii] Blauflügel-Kookaburra {m}
howling jackass [Dacelo leachii] Blauflügel-Jägerliest {m}
howling noisePfeifton {m}
howling of (the) wolves Wolfsgeheul {n}
howling success Bombenerfolg {m} [ugs.]
howling successRiesenerfolg {m} [ugs.]
Howling VI: The Freaks [Hope Perello] Final Attack
howling wolf heulender Wolf {m}
howlite [Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5] Howlith {m}
howlite [Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5] Howlit {m}
howls {pl} of protestProtestgeschrei {n}
howls {pl} (of protest) Geschrei {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Empörung, Proteste]
howls of rage Wutschreie {pl}
howness Wieheit {f}
How're your ... (doing)? [coll.] [e.g. How're your kids doing?] Wie geht's / gehts deinen / Ihren ...? [ugs.] [z. B. ... deinen / Ihren Kindern]
How's business?Wie läuft das Geschäft?
How's everyone doing? Wie geht es allen?
How's he doing? Wie geht es ihm?
How's he doing? Wie steht es um ihn?
How's it going?Wie geht's?
How's it going? Wie läuft's?
How's it going? Was macht die Kunst? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
How's it hanging? [sl.]Wie gehts?
How's it hangin'? [sl.] Wie geht's?
« houshoutHowcHowdHowmhowbHow'hub hubshuffhuge »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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