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English-German Dictionary

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humoristic [cheerfully jocular]heiter
humoristic [funny, comical]komisch
humoristic [humorous]humorvoll
humoristic [jocular, jesting]scherzhaft
humoristic [witty, funny] witzig
humorless [Am.]humorlos
humorless [Am.]ohne jeden Humor [nachgestellt]
humorless [Am.] [speech, laugh, book] trocken [humorlos]
humorlessly [Am.] humorlos
humorlessly [Am.] ohne jeden Humor
humorlessness [Am.] Humorlosigkeit {f}
humorology [Am.]Wissenschaft {f} des Humors
humorous komisch
humorous lustig
humorous humorig
humorous <hum.> humoristisch <hum.>
humorous <hum.>humorvoll <hum.>
humorous <hum.> scherzhaft <scherzh.>
humorous asideEinschiebsel {n} [ugs.] [eine witzige Einlage]
humorous aside witzige Einlage {f}
humorous effect [Br.] humorvoller Effekt {m}
humorous neologismscherzhafte Neubildung {f}
humorous paper Witzblatt {n} [Komik]
humorous remarkWitz {m}
humorous sketchHumoreske {f}
humorous story Humoreske {f}
humorous styleArt {f} von Humor
humorous veinhumorvolle Stimmung {f}
[humorous Austrian and Bavarian term for sb.'s brain]Hirnkastl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [hum.] [Kopf, Verstand]
[humorous name for a male Bavarian] [slightly pej.] Bazi {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [leicht pej.] [fig.] [ein Bayer]
[humorous reply to someone knocking on the door]Herein, wenn's kein Schneider ist! [veraltend] [hum.]
humorously humorvoll
humorously witzig
humorously heiter
humorously <hum.> scherzhaft <scherzh.>
humorousness Spaßhaftigkeit {f}
humorousness [rare]Humorigkeit {f} [humorige Art]
humors [Am.] [elemental fluids of the body] Körpersäfte {pl}
humors of life [Am.]Launen {pl} des Lebens
humorsome [Am.] [capricious] [archaic] launenhaft
humour [Br.] Humor {m}
humour [Br.] Komik {f}
humour [Br.]Temperament {n}
humour [Br.] [archaic]Körperflüssigkeit {f}
humour [Br.] [disposition, temperament]Gemütsart {f}
humour [Br.] [mood, quirk or whim]Laune {f}
humour [Br.] [mood] Gemütsverfassung {f}
humour [Br.] [mood] Stimmung {f}
humourist [Br.] [spv.]Humorist {m}
humourless [Br.] humorlos
humourless [Br.] [speech, laugh, book] trocken
humourless [Br.] ohne (jeden) Humor [nachgestellt]
humourlessly [Br.] humorlos
humourlessly [Br.] ohne jeden Humor
humourlessly [Br.]humorloserweise [selten]
humourlessness [Br.]Humorlosigkeit {f}
humours [Br.] [elemental fluids of the body] Körpersäfte {pl}
humours of life [Br.] [dated] Launen {pl} des Lebens
humoursome [Br.] [capricious] [archaic] launenhaft
humoursomeness [rare] [good humour] guter Humor {m}
humous humos
hump Auswuchs {m}
humpBuckel {m}
hump Hindernis {n}
humpHöcker {m}
hump kleiner Hügel {m}
humpHubbel {m} [regional]
hump [Br.]Stinklaune {f} [ugs.]
hump [Br.] Trübsinn {m}
hump [Br.] [coll.] schlechte Laune {f}
hump [in a gravity shunting yard] Eselsrücken {m}
hump beetle [Gibbium psylloides] Buckelkäfer {m}
hump beetle [Gibbium psylloides] Kugelkäfer {m}
hump day [coll.] [Am.] Mitte {f} der Arbeitswoche [üblicherweise Mittwoch]
hump day [coll.] [Am.] Mittwoch {m} [Mitte der Arbeitswoche; Wochenmitte]
hump hose Buckelschlauch {m}
hump knife Buckelsmesser {n}
hump nose [hooked nose] Höckernase {f}
hump width Humpbreite {f}
humpbackBuckeliger {m}
humpback [female] Buckelige {f}
humpback anglerfish [Melanocetus johnsonii] Buckliger Anglerfisch {m}
humpback batfish [Platax batavianus] Batavia-Fledermausfisch {m}
hump-back bridge [Br.] Buckelbrücke {f}
humpback brittlegill [Russula caerulea, syn.: Russula amara] Buckel-Täubling {m}
humpback cat shark [Apristurus gibbosus]Buckelkatzenhai {m}
humpback cowry / cowrie [Mauritia mauritiana, syn.: M. mauritiana mauritiana, Cypraea (Mauritia) mauritiana, C. mauritiana, C. nebulosa, C. regina, C. trifasciata, C. turbinata, C. undulata] Mauritius-Kauri {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
humpback cowry / cowrie [Mauritia mauritiana, syn.: M. mauritiana mauritiana, Cypraea (Mauritia) mauritiana, C. mauritiana, C. nebulosa, C. regina, C. trifasciata, C. turbinata, C. undulata]Buckelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
humpback dolphin [genus Sousa] Buckeldelfin {m}
humpback dolphin [Sousa plumbea, syn.: Delphinus plumbeus, Steno plumbeus] Bleifarbener Delfin {m}
humpback dolphin [Sousa teuszii]Kamerunflussdelfin {m}
humpback grouper [Chromileptes altivelis] Pantherfisch {m}
humpback grouper [Chromileptes altivelis] Paddelbarsch {m}
humpback grouper [Cromileptes altivelis] Pantherbarsch {m}
« humahumaHumbHumehumihumohumpHumvhundHunghunt »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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