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English-German Dictionary

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Humvee <HMMWV> [High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle] Humvee {n} {m} [ein Geländewagen der US-Armee]
Hun Hunne {m}
hun [Am.] [sl.] [short for honey]Süße {f} [Schätzchen]
hun [Am.] [sl.] [short for honey] Süßer {m} [Schätzchen]
hun [coll.] [dated] [pej.] [also: Hun] [German or Austrian, esp. German soldier in World War I or II]Hunne {m} [pej. für einen Deutschen oder Österreicher, bes. als Soldat im 1. oder 2. Weltkrieg]
hun [esp. Am.] [fig.] [pej.] [vandal] Vandale {m} [fig.] [pej.]
Hun [female] Hunnin {f}
hun [Perdix perdix] Rebhuhn {n}
Hun Speech [Kaiser Wilhelm II 1900 address to German troops leaving to put down the Boxer Uprising] Hunnenrede {f}
Hunan mountain stream keelback [Opisthotropis zhaoermii] Hunan-Gebirgsflussnatter {f}
hunch Buckel {m}
hunch Höcker {m} [ugs.]
hunch Vermutung {f}
hunch [feeling, premonition]Ahnung {f} [Vorgefühl]
hunch [feeling]Gefühl {n} [Eindruck, undeutliche Wahrnehmung]
hunch [lump] Auswuchs {m}
hunch [lump] Klumpen {m}
hunch [push, shove] [rare] Stoß {m}
hunch of bread dicke Scheibe {f} Brot
hunchbackBuckel {m}
hunchbackbuckliger Kerl {m}
hunchbackBuckliger {m}
hunchback [female] Bucklige {f}
hunchback [Megaptera novaeangliae]Buckelwal {m}
hunchback [Megaptera novaeangliae] Knurrwal {m}
Hunchback of the Rialto (statue) [Gobbo di Rialto] Buckliger von Rialto {m}
hunchback scallop [Talochlamys pusio, syn.: Chlamys distorta, Hinnites distorta] Höckerige Kammmuschel {f}
hunchbacked bullfish [Aus.] [Heniochus varius] [humphead bannerfish] Seebulle {m} [Schwarzer Wimpelfisch]
hunchbacked coralfish [Heniochus varius] [humphead bannerfish] Schwarzer Wimpelfisch {m}
hunchbacked dwarfbuckliger Zwerg {m}
hunchbacked figuresbucklige Gestalten {pl}
hunchback-flies [family Acroceridae]Kugelfliegen {pl}
hunchback-flies [family Acroceridae] Spinnenfliegen {pl}
hunchbacks Buckel {pl}
hunched gekrümmt
hunched gebeugt
hunched shouldershochgezogene Schultern {pl}
hunched snapper [Am.] [Lutjanus gibbus] Buckel-Schnapper {m} [auch: Buckelschnapper]
hunchunite [Au2Pb]Hunchunit {m}
hundholmenite-(Y) [(Y,REE,Ca,Na)15(Al,Fe)CaxAs1-x(Si,As)Si6B3(O,F)48] Hundholmenit-(Y) {m}
hundi [also: Hundi] Hundi {m}
hundo [Am.] [slang] [hundred dollar bill]Hunni {m} [ugs.]
hundo P [sl.] [one hundred percent]hundertpro [ugs.]
hundred Hunderter {m}
hundred Hundert {n}
hundredHundert {f} [Zahl]
Hundred Acre Wood [Winnie-the-Pooh] Hundert-Morgen-Wald {m} [Pu der Bär]
hundred and eighty degree about-turn [also fig.] Kehrtwendung {f} um hundertachtzig Grad [auch fig.]
hundred and onehundertundeins
hundred dollar bill [Am.] Hundertdollarschein {m}
Hundred Islands National Park Hundred-Islands-Nationalpark {m}
hundred metres {pl} [treated as sg.] [Br.]Hundertmeterlauf {m}
hundred pacer [Deinagkistrodon acutus] Chinesische Nasenotter {f}
hundred per cent incentive linearer Akkord {m}
hundred year calendar hundertjähriger Kalender {m}
hundred year summer Jahrhundertsommer {m}
Hundred Years' War Hundertjähriger Krieg {m}
Hundred-Dollar Baby [Robert B. Parker]Hundert Dollar Baby
hundredfold Hundertfache {n}
hundredfold hundertfältig
hundred-leaved hundertblättrig
hundred-mark bill [Am.]Hundertmarkschein {m}
hundred-mark note [Br.] Hundertmarkschein {m}
hundred-mark note [Br.] Blauer {m} [ugs.] [veraltet]
hundred-pager [book] [coll.] Hundertseiter {m} [Buch] [ugs.]
hundred-petaled [Am.]hundertblättrig
hundred-petalled hundertblättrig
hundreds hunderte
hundreds and thousands [Br.]Liebesperlen {pl}
hundreds and thousands [cake decoration] Zuckerperlchen {pl}
hundreds and thousands <100's & 1000's> Zuckerperlen {pl} [auch Liebesperlen, Liebesperlchen]
hundreds chartHundertertafel {f}
Hundreds, nay thousands.Hunderte, ja Tausende.
hundreds of millions of lossesVerluste {pl} in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe
hundreds of thousands Hunderttausende {pl}
hundreds of times [coll.] x-mal [ugs.]
hundreds of years Jahrhunderte {pl}
hundreds of years old jahrhundertealt
hundreds squareHundertertafel {f}
hundreds (upon hundreds) Aberhunderte {pl} [geh.]
hundred-some [Am.] [coll.]über hundert
hundredth [female] Hundertste {f}
hundredth [fraction] Hundertstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
hundredth [male] Hundertster {m}
hundredth [neuter]Hundertstes {n}
hundredth <100th>hundertste
hundredth of a second 1/100 Sekunde {f}
hundredth of a second Hundertstelsekunde {f}
hundredth of a secondhundertstel Sekunde {f} <100stel Sekunde>
hundredth of a second Hundertstel {f} [ugs.] [Hundertstelsekunde, hundertstel Sekunde]
hundredths [fractions]Hundertstel {pl}
hundredths [persons, items]Hundertste {pl}
hundred-watt (light) bulb Hundert-Watt-Birne {f}
« HumbHumehumihumohumpHumvhundHunghunthunthunt »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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