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hustler scene [Am.] Stricherszene {f}
hustling stoßend
hustling Hetzen {n}
HustopečeAuspitz {n}
huswife [sewing kit]Nähetui {n}
hutHütte {f} [einfaches, einstöckiges Bauwerk]
hut Bude {f} [Hütte]
hut barracksBarackensiedlung {f}
hut campBarackenlager {n}
Hut Point PeninsulaHut-Point-Halbinsel {f}
hut terrace [mostly mountaineering huts] Hüttenterrasse {f} [Berghüttenterrasse]
hutchKasten {m}
hutch Kiste {f}
hutch [Am.] [cabinet for storing and displaying dishes]Kredenz {f} [österr.]
hutch [Am.] [cabinet for storing dishes] Geschirrschrank {m}
hutch [coop for small animals]Stall {m} [für Kleintiere]
hutch [for a desk]Aufsatz {m} [für einen Schreibtisch]
hutch wire Stalldraht {m} [für Hasen-, Kaninchenstall]
hutches Kästen {pl}
Hutchins' anglerfish [Lophiocharon hutchinsi] Hutchins Anglerfisch {m}
Hutchins' goose [Branta canadensis canadensis]Atlantische Kanadagans {f}
Hutchinson fracture [also: Hutchinson's fracture] Hutchinson-Fraktur {f}
Hutchinsonian niche Hutchinsonsche Nische {f} [alt]
Hutchinsonian nicheHutchinson'sche Nische {f}
hutchinsonite Hutchinsonit {m}
Hutchinson's freckle [Melanosis circumscripta praecancerosa / praeblastomatosa (Dubreuilh)] melanotische Präkanzerose {f}
Hutchinson's freckle [Melanosis circumscripta praecancerosa / praeblastomatosa (Dubreuilh)] Dubreuilh-Krankheit / Erkrankung {f}
Hutchinson's incisor [Hutchinson's tooth]Hutchinson-Zahn {m} [auch: Hutchinsonzahn] [syphilitischer Zahn]
Hutchinson's pupil [also: Hutchinson pupil] Hutchinson-Pupille {f}
Hutchinson's sign [in ophthalmology and dermatology]Hutchinson-Zeichen {n} [ophthalmologisch und dermatologisch]
Hutchinson's tooth [also: Hutchinson tooth] Tonnenzahn {m}
Hutchinson's tooth [also: Hutchinson tooth] Hutchinson-Zahn {m} [auch: Hutchinsonzahn] [syphilitischer Zahn]
Hutchinson's triad [also: Hutchinson triad] Hutchinson-Trias {f}
Hutchins's goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi]Aleuten-Zwergkanadagans {f}
Hutchins's goose [Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii, syn.: Branta canadensis hutchinsi] Hutschins Zwergkanadagans {f}
hutia-conga [Capromys pilorides]Hutiaconga {f}
hutia-conga / hutiaconga [Capromys pilorides]Greifschwanz-Ferkelratte {f}
hutias [family Capromyidae]Baumratten {pl}
hutias [family Capromyidae]Hutias {pl}
hutias [family Capromyidae]Jutias {pl}
hut-like hüttenartig
hutment Lager {n} von Hütten
hutment Barackenlager {n}
hutong [narrow alley in a Chinese city]Hutong {m} [enge chinesische Gasse]
huts Hütten {pl}
HutsulsHuzulen {pl} [Volk]
hutted camp [chiefly military] Barackenlager {n}
Hutterian Brethren Hutterische Brüder {pl}
Hutterite hutterisch
Hutterite [female] [also: Hutterite woman] Hutterin {f} [weibliches Mitglied der hutterischen Bruderschaft]
Hutterite [member of the Hutterian Brethren] Hutterer {m} [Mitglied der hutterischen Bruderschaft]
Hutterite GermanHutterisch {n}
Hutterites Hutterer {pl}
huttonite [ThSiO4]Huttonit {m}
Hutton's fruit dove [Ptilinopus huttoni] Rapafruchttaube {f}
Hutton's shearwater [Puffinus huttoni] Huttonsturmtaucher {m}
Hutton's tube-nosed bat [Murina huttoni]Weißbauch-Röhrennasenfledermaus {f}
Hutton's vireo [Vireo huttoni] Huttonvireo {m}
Hutu Hutu {m}
Huxley's layerHuxley-Schicht {f}
Huxley-Wilberforce debateHuxley-Wilberforce-Debatte {f}
Hüxter Gate Hüxtertor {n} [Lübeck]
Huygens' principle Huygens'sches Prinzip {n}
Huygens' principle Huygenssches Prinzip {n} [alt]
Huygens' principlehuygenssches Prinzip {n}
Huygens-Fresnel principlehuygenssches Prinzip {n}
Huygens-Fresnel principle Huygens'sches Prinzip {n}
Huzza, ... Heißa, ... [veraltet] [auch: heisa]
HWC paper [heavyweight coated paper]HWC-Papier {n}
hyacinth Hyazinthe {f}
HyacinthHyakinthos {m}
hyacinth [ZrSiO4]Hyazinth {m} [rotbrauner Zirkon von Edelsteinqualität]
hyacinth bean [Lablab purpureus, syn.: Dolichos lablab, Dolichos purpureus, Lablab niger, Lablab lablab, Vigna aristata, Lablab vulgaris]Helmbohne {f}
hyacinth bean [Lablab purpureus, syn.: Dolichos lablab, Dolichos purpureus, Lablab niger, Lablab lablab, Vigna aristata, Lablab vulgaris] Indische Bohne {f}
hyacinth bean [Lablab purpureus, syn.: Dolichos lablab, Dolichos purpureus, Lablab niger, Lablab lablab, Vigna aristata, Lablab vulgaris] Ägyptische Bohne {f}
hyacinth bean [Lablab purpureus, syn.: Dolichos lablab, Dolichos purpureus, Lablab niger, Lablab lablab, Vigna aristata, Lablab vulgaris] Hyazinth-Bohne {f}
hyacinth bean [Lablab purpureus, syn.: Dolichos lablab, Dolichos purpureus, Lablab niger, Lablab lablab, Vigna aristata, Lablab vulgaris] Faselbohne {f} [veraltet]
hyacinth bulbHyazinthenzwiebel {f}
hyacinth candytuft [Iberis amara]Bittere Schleifenblume {f}
hyacinth candytuft [Iberis amara] Bitterer Bauernsenf {m}
hyacinth candytuft [Iberis amara]Grützblume {f}
hyacinth family {sg} [Hyacinthaceae]Hyazinthengewächse {pl}
hyacinth macaw [Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus]Hyazinthara {m}
hyacinth macaw [Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus] Hyazinth-Ara {m}
hyacinth visorbearer [Augastes scutatus] [species of hummingbird] Schildkolibri {m}
hyacinth visorbearer [Augastes scutatus] [species of hummingbird] Grünmaskenkolibri {m}
hyacinthine flycatcher [Cyornis hyacinthinus, syn.: Niltava hyacinthina, N. hyacinthinus]Hyazinthenblauschnäpper {m}
hyacinthine macaw [Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus] Hyazinth-Ara {m}
hyacinthine niltava [Cyornis hyacinthinus, syn.: Niltava hyacinthina, N. hyacinthinus]Hyazinthenblauschnäpper {m}
hyacinths [genus Hyacinthus]Hyazinthen {pl}
hyaena [Br.]Hyäne {f}
hyaenas [Br.] [family Hyaenidae]Hyänen {pl}
hyaenodonHyaenodon {m}
Hyala vitrea [syn.: H. mediterranea, Cingula vitrea, Onoba vitrea, Turbo vitreus] [marine snail of the family Iravadiidae]Durchscheinendes Spiralhorn {n} [Meeresschneckenart]
hyalin Hyalin {n}
hyaline hyalin
hyalineHyalin {n}
hyaline glasklar [durchsichtig]
« hunthunthurlHurthushhusthyalhybrhybrhydrhydr »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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