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English-German Dictionary

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hybrid financing Mischfinanzierung {f}
hybrid forms Mischformen {pl}
hybrid generatorHybridgenerator {m}
hybrid (golf) club [golf] Hybrid-Schläger {m} [Golf]
hybrid hard drive <HHD>Hybridfestplatte {f}
hybrid helixHybridhelix {f}
hybrid image Hybridbild {n}
hybrid immunity Hybridimmunität {f}
hybrid languageMischsprache {f}
hybrid language Hybridsprache {f}
hybrid laser Hybrid-Laser {m}
hybrid lavender [Lavandula x intermedia]Hybrid-Lavendel {m}
hybrid lavender [Lavandula x intermedia] Lavandin {m}
hybrid learning integriertes Lernen {n}
hybrid light barrier Gabellichtschranke {f}
hybrid locomotive Hybridlokomotive {f}
hybrid locomotiveZweikraftlokomotive {f}
hybrid machineHybridmaschine {f}
hybrid mail Hybridpost {f}
hybrid marram [Calammophila baltica, syn.: Ammocalamagrostis baltica, Ammophila baltica, Arundo baltica, Calamagrostis baltica, Psamma baltica] Baltischer Strandhafer {m}
hybrid material Hybridmaterial {n}
hybrid methodHybridmethode {f}
hybrid microcircuit Hybridmikroschaltung {f} [auch: Hybrid-Mikroschaltung]
hybrid modelHybridmodell {n}
hybrid moleculeHybridmolekül {n}
hybrid monkshood [Aconitum × cammarum] Garten-Eisenhut / Garteneisenhut {m}
hybrid motorHybridmotor {m}
hybrid network Kombinationsnetz {n}
hybrid operating room [Am.] <hybrid OR> Hybrid-Operationssaal {m} <Hybrid-OP>
hybrid operating theatre [Br.] <hybrid OT>Hybrid-Operationssaal {m} <Hybrid-OP>
hybrid orbital Hybridorbital {n}
hybrid organismHybridorganismus {m}
hybrid PET / MRI system PET / MR-Hybridsystem {n}
hybrid plane [Platanus × hispanica, syn.: Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida] London-Platane {f}
hybrid plane [Platanus × hispanica, syn.: Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida] Hybrid-Platane {f}
hybrid plane [Platanus × hispanica, syn.: Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida] Gemeine Platane {f}
hybrid plane [Platanus × hispanica, syn.: Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida] Bastard-Platane {f}
hybrid plane [Platanus × hispanica, syn.: Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hybrida] Ahornblättrige Platane {f}
hybrid plantBastardpflanze {f}
hybrid progeny hybride Nachkommenschaft {f}
hybrid progeny {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Hybridnachkommen {pl}
hybrid progeny {usually pl}Hybridnachkommenschaft {f}
hybrid propulsion Hybridantrieb {m}
hybrid prosthesis Hybridprothese {f}
hybrid regime [democracy index] Hybridregime {n} [Demokratieindex]
hybrid regulator Hybridregler {m}
hybrid riceHybridreis {m}
hybrid rock Mischgestein {n}
hybrid rocket Hybridrakete {f}
hybrid rush [Juncus hybridus, syn.: J. ambiguus]Frosch-Binse {f}
hybrid rush [Juncus hybridus, syn.: J. ambiguus]Frosch-Simse {f}
hybrid ryegrass [Lolium x hybridum, syn.: Lolium x boucheanum] Bastardweidelgras {n}
hybrid seedHybridsaatgut {n}
hybrid stateHybridzustand {m}
hybrid stonecrop [Phedimus hybridus, syn.: Sedum hybridum, Aizopsis hybrida]Sibirische Fetthenne {f}
hybrid stonecrop [Phedimus hybridus, syn.: Sedum hybridum, Aizopsis hybrida] Bastard-Mauerpfeffer {m}
hybrid strawberry tree [Arbutus x andrachnoides, syn.: A. andrachnoides, A. unedo x A. andrachne] Hybriderdbeerbaum {m}
hybrid string [e.g. tennis, string instruments] Hybridsaite {f} [auch: Hybrid-Saite] [z. B. Tennis, Saiteninstrumente]
hybrid swarm Hybridschwarm {m}
hybrid system Hybrid-System {n}
hybrid system Hybridsystem {n}
hybrid systemHybrid-Anlage {f}
hybrid taxon Hybridtaxon {n}
hybrid tea roseTeehybride {f}
hybrid tombstone Hybridspannturm {m}
hybrid type Mischtyp {m}
hybrid varieties Hybridsorten {pl}
hybrid variety Hybridsorte {f}
hybrid vehicle Hybridfahrzeug {n}
hybrid vigour [Br.] Heterosiseffekt {m}
hybrid warfare hybride Kriegführung {f}
hybrid warfarehybride Kriegsführung {f}
hybrid welding Hybridschweißen {n}
hybrid word Zwitterwort {n}
hybrid zoneHybridzone {f}
hybridisation [Br.]Einkreuzung {f}
hybridisation [Br.] Hybridisierung {f}
hybridisation [Br.] Hybridisation {f}
hybridisation [Br.] Bastardierung {f}
hybridisation event [Br.]Hybridisierungsereignis {n}
hybridismMischbildung {f}
hybridityHybridität {f}
hybridization Kreuzung {f}
hybridization Mischung {f}
hybridizationEinkreuzung {f}
hybridization Hybridisierung {f}
hybridization Hybridisation {f}
hybridizationBastardbildung {f}
hybridizationBastardierung {f}
hybridization eventHybridisierungsereignis {n}
hybridization study Hybridisierungsstudie {f}
hybridizerZüchter {m}
hybridizing kreuzend
hybridogenesis Hybridogenese {f}
hybridogenic hybridogen
hybridogenous hybridogen
hybridoma technology Hybridom-Technik / Hybridomtechnik {f}
hybridoma technologyHybridomatechnik {f}
« hurlHurthushhusthyalhybrhybrhydrhydrhydrhydr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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