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English-German Dictionary

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hydraulic presshydraulische Presse {f}
hydraulic pressureHydraulikdruck {m}
hydraulic pressure pumpHydraulikdruckpumpe {f}
hydraulic pressure test Abdrückprobe {f} [Wasserdruck]
hydraulic pressure test hydraulische Innendruckprüfung {f}
hydraulic prime moverWasserkraftmaschine {f}
hydraulic profile [of a river]Wasserspiegellinie {f} [eines Flusses]
hydraulic pumpFlüssigkeitspumpe {f}
hydraulic pumpHydropumpe {f}
hydraulic ramhydraulischer Widder {m}
hydraulic ramp Hebebühne {f}
hydraulic rescue cutter hydraulische Rettungsschere {f}
hydraulic rescue spreader hydraulischer Rettungsspreizer {m}
hydraulic reservoir Hydraulikbehälter {m}
hydraulic shock absorberhydraulische Schwingbremse {f}
hydraulic shunt hydraulische Weiche {f}
hydraulic (soil) failurehydraulischer Grundbruch {m}
hydraulic spreader Rettungsspreizer {m}
hydraulic spreader hydraulischer Spreizer {m}
hydraulic stage Hydraulikstufe {f}
hydraulic stowingSpülversatz {m}
hydraulic structure Wasserbauwerk {n}
hydraulic structures Wasserbauten {pl}
hydraulic system Hydrauliksystem {n}
hydraulic systems {pl} Hydraulik {f}
hydraulic tankHydrauliktank {m}
hydraulic tappet Hydrostößel {m}
hydraulic test Wasserdruckprobe {f}
hydraulic test pump Abdrückpumpe {f}
hydraulic toolHydraulikwerkzeug {n}
hydraulic turbineWasserturbine {f}
hydraulic unit Hydraulikeinheit {f}
hydraulic valve Hydraulikventil {n}
(hydraulic) bomb jack (hydraulischer) Bombenheber {m}
(hydraulic) floor jack(hydraulischer) Wagenheber {m} [in Kfz-Werkstätten]
hydraulical hydraulisch
hydraulically actuated hydraulisch betätigt
hydraulically bound mixture hydraulisch gebundenes Gemisch {n}
hydraulically controlledhydraulisch geregelt
hydraulically operated hydraulisch betätigt
hydraulically operatedhydraulisch betrieben
hydraulically operated retractable landing gearhydraulisch betätigtes Einziehfahrwerk {n}
hydraulically-controlled pressure relief valve hydraulisch gesteuertes Druckentlastungsventil {n}
hydraulic-engineering wasserbaulich
hydraulic-jet propulsionWasserstrahlantrieb {m}
hydraulics [usually treated as sg.]Hydraulik {f}
Hydraulics is / are ...Die Hydraulik ist ...
hydraulic-setting cementhydraulisch abbindender Zement {m}
hydraulophone Hydraulophon {n}
hydrazine [derivate of hydrazine] Hydrazin {n} [Hydrazin-Derivat]
hydrazine [N2H4] Hydrazin {n}
hydrazoic acid [HN3] Stickstoffwasserstoffsäure {f}
hydremiaHydrämie {f}
hydrenchymaHydrenchym {n}
hydriaHydria {f}
hydrideHydrid {n}
hydride ion Hydrid-Ion {n} [auch: Hydridion]
hydride shiftHydridverschiebung {f}
hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata]Grundnessel {f}
hydro Wasserdruckprüfung {f}
hydro [Can.] [electricity from hydroelectric powerplant] Strom {m} [Elektrizität vom Wasserkraftwerk]
hydro [short for: hydroelectric power station]Wasserkraftwerk {n}
hydro bill [Can.] [electricity bill]Stromrechnung {f}
hydro energy Wasserkraft {f}
hydro extraction Wasserextraktion {f}
hydro generatorWasserkraftgenerator {m} [ugs.]
hydro plant [Am.] Wasserkraftanlage {f}
hydro pole [Can.] Strommast {m}
hydro potentialWasserkraftpotenzial {n}
hydro potentialWasserkraftpotential {n}
hydro power Wasserkraft {f}
hydro power Wasserenergie {f}
hydro tower [Can.] [coll.] [transmission tower] Strommast {m}
hydro turbine Wasserturbine {f}
hydroa Hydroa {f}
hydroacoustic hydroakustisch
hydroacousticsHydroakustik {f}
hydrobasaluminite [Al4(SO4)(OH)10·12-36H2O]Hydrobasaluminit {m}
Hydrobia neglecta [syn.: H. acuta neglecta, Obrovia neglecta] [brackish water snail] Übersehene Wattschnecke {f} [Brackwasserschneckenart]
Hydrobia neglecta [syn.: H. acuta neglecta, Obrovia neglecta] [brackish water snail]Verkannte Wattschnecke {f} [Brackwasserschneckenart]
hydrobiids [family Hydrobiidae] Wasserdeckelschnecken {pl}
hydrobiids [family Hydrobiidae]Wattschnecken {pl} [Wasserdeckelschnecken]
hydrobiids [family Hydrobiidae] Schnauzenschnecken {pl}
hydrobiids [family Hydrobiidae]Zwergdeckelschnecken {pl}
hydrobiids [family Hydrobiidae]Hydrobiiden {pl} [Wasserdeckelschnecken]
hydrobiologic hydrobiologisch
hydrobiologically hydrobiologisch
hydrobiologistHydrobiologe {m}
hydrobiologist [female] Hydrobiologin {f}
hydrobiology Hydrobiologie {f}
hydrobiomeHydrobiom {n}
hydrobiotite [K(Mg,Fe)6(Si,Al)8O20(OH)4·nH2O] Hydrobiotit {m} [Philadelphit]
hydroboracite [CaMgB6O8(OH)6·3H2O]Hydroboracit {m}
hydrobotany Hydrobotanik {f}
hydrobromic acid [HBr(aq)] Bromwasserstoffsäure {f}
hydrobromic acid [HBr(aq)]Hydrobromsäure {f}
hydrobromide Hydrobromid {n}
Hydrocalumit [Ca2Al(OH)6 [Cl1-x(OH)x]·3H2O] Hydrocalumit {m}
« husthyalhybrhybrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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