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hydrocalyx Hydrokalix {m}
hydrocarbon Kohlenwasserstoff {m}
hydrocarbon chain Kohlenwasserstoffkette {f}
hydrocarbon emission Kohlenwasserstoffemission {f}
hydrocarbon emissions Kohlenwasserstoffemissionen {pl}
hydrocarbon saturation Kohlenwasserstoffsättigung {f}
hydrocarbon side chainKohlenwasserstoffseitenkette {f}
hydrocarbon trapKohlenwasserstofffalle {f}
hydrocarbonsKohlenwasserstoffe {pl}
hydrocarbyl Kohlenwasserstoffrest {m}
hydrocast [oceanography] Wasserschöpfer {m} [Ozeanographie]
hydrocaulus Hydrocaulus {m}
hydrocele Wasserbruch {m}
hydrocele Hydrozele {f}
hydrocele testis Hodenwasserbruch {m}
hydroceles Wasserbrüche {pl}
hydrocephalic wasserköpfig
hydrocephalic mit einem Wasserkopf
hydrocephaliesWasserköpfe {pl}
hydrocephalus Wasserkopf {m}
hydrocephalus [water on the brain]Hydrozephalus {m} [Wasserkopf]
hydrocephalyWasserkopf {m}
hydrocerussite [Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2]Hydrocerussit {m}
hydrochemical hydrochemisch
hydrochemically hydrochemisch
hydrochemistryHydrochemie {f}
hydrochlorborite [Ca2B4O4(OH)7Cl·7H2O]Hydrochlorborit {m}
hydrochloric acid [HCl(aq)] [E-507]Salzsäure {f}
hydrochloric acid [HCl(aq)] [E-507]Chlorwasserstoffsäure {f}
hydrochloride Hydrochlorid {n}
hydrochlorides Hydrochloride {pl}
hydrochlorofluorocarbon <HCFC> teilhalogenierter Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff {m} <H-FCKW>
hydrochlorofluorocarbons {pl} <HCFCs> teilhalogenierte Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoffe {pl} <H-FCKW>
hydrochlorothiazide <HCTZ, HCT, HTZ>Hydrochlorothiazid {n} <HCTZ, HCT, HTZ>
hydrochorous hydrochor
hydrochoryHydrochorie {f}
hydroclimate Hydroklima {n}
hydroclimatic hydroklimatisch
hydroclimatically hydroklimatisch
hydrocodone [C18H21NO3] Hydrocodon {n}
hydrocoelHydrocoel {n}
hydrocolloidHydrokolloid {n}
hydrocolloid connection Hydrocolloid-Anschluss {m}
hydrocopterHydrokopter {m}
hydrocoralHydrokoralle {f}
hydrocortisoneHydrokortison {n}
hydrocortisoneHydrocortison {n}
hydrocortisone creamHydrocortisoncreme {f}
hydrocortisone gel Hydrocortisongel {n}
hydrocortisone ointmentHydrocortisonsalbe {f}
hydrocrack oilHydrocracköl {n}
hydroctyle [Hydrocotyle ranunculoides] Großer Wassernabel {m}
hydroctyle [Hydrocotyle ranunculoides]Hahnenfuß-ähnlicher Wassernabel {m}
hydroculture Hydrokultur {f}
hydrocyanic acidBlausäure {f}
hydrocyanic acid [HCN]Cyanwasserstoffsäure {f}
hydrocyclone Hydrozyklon {m}
hydrocystWasserzyste {f}
hydrodelhayelite [KCa2AlSi7O17(OH)2·6H2O]Hydrodelhayelit {m}
hydrodesulfurization [Am.]Hydrodesulfurierung {f} <HDS>
hydrodesulphurisation [Br.]Hydrodesulfurierung {f} <HDS>
hydrodesulphurizationHydrodesulfurierung {f} <HDS>
hydrodiuresisWasserdiurese {f}
hydrodresserite [BaAl2(CO3)2(OH)4·3H2O]Hydrodresserit {m}
hydrodynamic bearing hydrodynamisches Lager {n}
hydrodynamic brakeStrömungsbremse {f}
hydrodynamic clutch hydrodynamische Kupplung {f}
hydrodynamic fluid bearing hydrodynamisches Gleitlager {n}
hydrodynamic paradox hydrodynamisches Paradoxon {n}
hydrodynamical hydrodynamisch
hydrodynamically hydrodynamisch
hydrodynamic-numerical modelhydrodynamisch-numerisches Modell {n} <HNM>
hydrodynamics [treated as sg.] Hydrodynamik {f}
hydroecology Hydroökologie {f}
hydro-ecologyHydroökologie {f}
hydro-electric bathStanger-Bad {n}
hydroelectric capacity Wasserkraftkapazität {f}
hydroelectric dam hydroelektrischer Damm {m}
hydro-electric damhydroelektrischer Staudamm {m}
hydro-electric dam [also: hydroelectric dam]hydroelektrischer Damm {m}
hydroelectric energy Wasserkraft {f}
hydroelectric facility Wasserkraftwerk {n}
hydro-electric generator Wasserkraftgenerator {m} [ugs.]
hydroelectric plantWasserkraftwerk {n}
hydroelectric powerWasserkraft {f}
hydro-electric powerWasserkraft {f}
hydroelectric power hydroelektrische Energie {f}
hydroelectric power plantWasserkraftwerk {n}
hydroelectric power station [Br.]Wasserkraftwerk {n}
hydroelectric power station [Br.] Wasserkraftanlage {f}
hydroelectric turbine Wasserturbine {f}
hydroelectricityElektrizität {f} aus Wasserkraft
hydroelectricityHydroelektrizität {f}
« hyalhybrhybrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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