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« backPage 379 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
hydrometeorologyHydrometeorologie {f}
hydrometer Aräometer {n}
hydrometerHydrometer {n}
hydrometer Säureprüfer {m}
hydrometerTauchwaage {f} [selten für: Hydrometer]
hydrometer Senkspindel {f}
hydrometerDichtespindel {f}
hydrometer Spindel {f} [kurz für: Dichtespindel, Senkspindel]
hydrometer for vinegarEssigspindel {f}
hydrometric hydrometrisch
hydrometric vaneFlügelradanemometer {n}
hydrometryHydrometrie {f}
hydromicaHydroglimmer {m}
hydromicrobiological hydromikrobiologisch
hydromicrobiologyHydromikrobiologie {f}
hydromorphologic hydromorphologisch
hydromorphological units <HMUs>hydromorphologische Einheiten {pl}
hydromorphologically hydromorphologisch
hydromorphology Hydromorphologie {f}
hydromorphoneHydromorphon {n}
hydromorphosis Hydromorphose {f}
hydromorphyHydromorphie {f}
hydromuscovite [(K,H3O)Al2(Si3Al)O10(H2O,OH)2] Hydromuskovit {m}
hydromyeliaHydromyelie {f}
hydronastic hydronastisch
hydronastyHydronastie {f}
hydronaut Tiefseefahrer {m}
hydronephrosisHydronephrose {f}
hydronephrosis Harnstauungsniere {f}
hydronephrosisWassersackniere {f}
hydronic heating Warmwasserheizung {f}
hydronium ionHydronium-Ion {n}
hydronium ion Wasser-Cluster-Ion {n}
hydronium ionsHydroniumionen {pl}
hydronium jarosite [(H3O)2Fe6(SO4)4(OH)12] Hydronium-Jarosit {m} [Karphosiderit]
hydroniumpharmacosiderite [(H3O)Fe4(AsO4)3(OH)4·4H2O]Hydroniumpharmakosiderit {m}
hydronomastics [treated as sg.] Hydronymie {f}
hydronym Hydronym {n} [Gewässername]
hydronymyHydronymie {f}
hydroparastatitesHydroparastaten {pl}
hydropathic hydrotherapeutisch
hydropathic establishment Wasserheilanstalt {f}
hydropathically hydropathisch
hydropathies [degrees of hydropathy] Hydropathien {pl} [Grade von Hydropathie]
hydropathyWasserheilkunde {f}
hydropathy Hydropathie {f}
hydropathy analysisHydropathie-Analyse {f}
hydropericardium Hydroperikard {n}
hydropericardiumHydroperikardium {n}
hydropericardium Herzwassersucht {f} [Hydroperikardium]
hydropericardiumHerzwasser {n} [ugs.] [Hydroperikardium] [Ansammlung größerer Flüssigkeitsmengen im Herzbeutelraum]
hydropericardiumHerzbeutelwassersucht {f} [veraltet in der Humanmedizin für: Hydroperikard]
hydroperoxide Hydroperoxid {n}
hydroperoxide groupHydroperoxidgruppe {f}
hydroperoxide lyase Hysoperoxid-Lyase {f}
hydroperoxide reductase Hydroperoxid-Reduktase {f}
hydrophilic wasserannehmend [Druckplatteneigenschaft]
hydrophilicwasseranziehend [Druckplatteneigenschaft]
hydrophilic wasserführend [Druckplatteneigenschaft]
hydrophilic wasserliebend
hydrophilic amino acidhydrophile Aminosäure {f}
hydrophilic channel hydrophiler Kanal {m}
hydrophilic core hydrophiler Kern {m}
hydrophilic creamhydrophile Creme {f}
hydrophilic domainhydrophile Domäne {f}
hydrophilic domains hydrophile Domänen {pl}
hydrophilic grouphydrophile Gruppe {f}
hydrophilic molecule hydrophiles Molekül {n}
hydrophilic molecules hydrophile Moleküle {pl}
hydrophilic residue hydrophiler Rest {m}
hydrophilic residueshydrophile Reste {pl}
hydrophilic side hydrophile Seite {f}
hydrophilically hydrophil
hydrophilicityhydrophile Eigenschaft {f}
hydrophilicityHydrophilie {f}
hydrophilids [family Hydrophilidae]Kolbenwasserkäfer {pl}
hydrophilids [family Hydrophilidae]Wasserfreunde {pl} [Wasserkäfer]
hydrophilids [family Hydrophilidae]Wasserkäfer {pl}
hydrophilite [CaCl2] Hydrophilit {m}
hydrophobiaHydrophobie {f}
hydrophobia Tollwut {f}
hydrophobiaWasserscheu {f}
hydrophobiaWutkrankheit {f} [veraltet]
hydrophobic wasserscheu
hydrophobicwasserabweisend [Druckplatteneigenschaft]
hydrophobic hydrophob
hydrophobic nicht wasserliebend
hydrophobic alkane chains hydrophobe Alkanketten {pl}
hydrophobic amino acid hydrophobe Aminosäure {f}
hydrophobic cementwasserabstoßender Zement {m}
hydrophobic cementwasserabweisender Zement {m}
hydrophobic cementhydrophober Zement {m}
hydrophobic core hydrophober Kern {m}
hydrophobic domain hydrophobe Domäne {f}
« hydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhygrhyme »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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