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English-German Dictionary

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hydrophobic domainshydrophobe Domänen {pl}
hydrophobic effecthydrophober Effekt {m}
hydrophobic grouphydrophobe Gruppe {f}
hydrophobic groupshydrophobe Gruppen {pl}
hydrophobic molecule hydrophobes Molekül {n}
hydrophobic molecules hydrophobe Moleküle {pl}
hydrophobic residuehydrophober Rest {m}
hydrophobic residues hydrophobe Reste {pl}
hydrophobic side hydrophobe Seite {f}
hydrophobic side chain hydrophobe Seitenkette {f}
hydrophobicallywasserabweisend [Druckplatteneigenschaft]
hydrophobically wasserscheu
hydrophobically hydrophob
hydrophobicity hydrophobe Eigenschaft {f}
hydrophobicity Hydrophobierung {f} [Ergebnis: Hydrophobizität]
hydrophobicityHydrophobizität {f}
hydrophobicity Hydrophobisierung {f} [seltener] [Hydrophobierung; Ergebnis: Hydrophobizität]
hydrophobing agent wasserabweisendes Mittel {n}
hydrophobing agent Hydrophobierungsmittel {n}
hydrophobisation [Br.]Hydrophobierung {f} [Vorgang: das Hydrophobieren]
hydrophobisation [Br.]Hydrophobisierung {f} [seltener] [Hydrophobierung; Vorgang: das Hydrophobieren]
hydrophobizationHydrophobierung {f} [Vorgang: das Hydrophobieren]
hydrophobizationHydrophobisierung {f} [seltener] [Hydrophobierung; Vorgang: das Hydrophobieren]
hydrophobophobia Hydrophobophobie {f}
hydrophobophobic hydrophobophob
hydrophoneHorchgerät {n}
hydrophone Hydrophon {n} [akustisches Messgerät]
hydrophoneHydrofon {n}
hydrophone compartment [also: hydrophone booth, hydrophone cabinet, hydrophone closet]Horchschapp {m} {n} [Seemannssprache]
hydrophone room [literally: listening room]Horchraum {m}
hydrophore Hydrophore {f}
hydrophysiology Hydrophysiologie {f}
hydrophyte Wasserpflanze {f}
hydrophyte Hydrophyt {m}
hydropic [spv.] [archaic.: dropsical]wassersüchtig
hydroplaneHöhenruder {n} [U-Boot]
hydroplane [seaplane]Wasserflugzeug {n}
hydroplane [speedboat]Gleitboot {n}
hydroplanes Wasserflugzeuge {pl}
hydroplaningAquaplaning {n}
hydropneumatic hydropneumatisch
hydro-pneumatical hydropneumatisch
hydropolypHydropolyp {m}
hydroponic container [Br.]Hydrokulturgefäß {n}
hydroponic plants Pflanzen {pl} in Hydrokultur
hydroponics [treated as sg.] Hydrokultur {f}
hydroponics [treated as sg.] Hydroponik {f}
Hydroporus palustris [species of water beetle]Sechsfleckiger Zwergschwimmer {m} [Schwimmkäfer]
hydropower Wasserkraft {f}
hydropower plant Wasserkraftanlage {f}
hydropower station [Br.]Wasserkraftwerk {n}
hydropower utilization Wasserkraftnutzung {f}
hydropsammon Hydropsammon {n}
hydropsy [archaic.: dropsy]Wassersucht {f}
hydropsychid larvaHydropsychidenlarve {f}
hydropsychids [family Hydropsychidae, order Trichoptera]Hydropsychiden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
hydroptic [archaic.: dropsical]wassersüchtig
hydroptilids [family Hydroptilidae, order Trichoptera]Hydroptiliden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
hydropyrochlore Hydropyrochlor {m}
hydroquinone [also: quinol] [C6H6O2] Hydrochinon {n} [auch: Chinol]
hydrorhiza Hydrorhiza {f}
hydroromarchite [Sn3O2(OH)2]Hydroromarchit {m}
hydroscarbroite [Al14(CO3)3(OH)36·n H2O] Hydroscarbroit {m}
hydrosereHydroserie {f} [Verlandungssukzession]
hydroshield [in tunnelling] Hydroschild {n} [beim Tunnelbau]
hydrosilylationHydrosilylierung {f}
hydroskeleton Hydroskelett {n}
hydrosphere Hydrosphäre {f}
hydrosphereWasserhülle {f} der Erde
hydrostable hydrostabil
hydrostatic hydrostatisch
hydrostatic balance hydrostatisches Gleichgewicht {n}
hydrostatic equilibrium hydrostatisches Gleichgewicht {n}
hydrostatic head Wassersäule {f}
hydrostatic machine hydrostatische Maschine {f}
hydrostatic paradox [Pascal's paradox]hydrostatisches Paradoxon {n}
hydrostatic pressurehydrostatischer Druck {m}
hydrostatic pressureSchweredruck {m}
hydrostatic pressure Gravitationsdruck {m}
hydrostatic pressure testhydrostatische Druckprüfung {f}
hydrostatic pressure testingAbdrücken {n}
hydrostatic (state of) stresshydrostatischer Spannungszustand {m}
hydrostatic system Hydrostatanlage {f}
hydrostatic test Wasserdruckprüfung {f}
hydrostatic testHydrostatiktest {m} [selten statt: hydrostatischer Test]
hydrostatic test (of the lungs) Lungenschwimmprobe {f}
hydrostatic test pumpAbdrückpumpe {f}
hydrostatic transmission Hydrogetriebe {n}
hydrostatics [treated as sg.] Hydrostatik {f}
hydrosyringomyelia Hydrosyringomyelie {f}
hydrotalcite [Mg6Al2(CO3)(OH)16·4H2O] Hydrotalkit {m}
hydrotheca Hydrotheca {f}
hydrothecaHydrotheka {f}
hydrotheologyHydrotheologie {f}
hydrotherapeutic treatmenthydrotherapeutische Behandlung {f}
hydrotherapeuticsWasserheilkunde {f}
hydrotherapeuticsHydrotherapeutik {f}
« hydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhygrhymehype »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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