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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 383 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
hygrophily Hygrophilie {f}
hygrophobiaHygrophobie {f}
hygrophobic hygrophob
hygrophyteHygrophyt {m}
hygropsammon Hygropsammon {n}
hygroreceptor Hygrorezeptor {m}
hygroscopeFeuchtigkeitsanzeiger {m}
hygroscope Hygroskop {n}
hygroscopic feuchtigkeitsbindend
hygroscopicWasser anziehend
hygroscopic wasseranziehend
hygroscopic earthstar [Astraeus hygrometricus] (Gemeiner) Wetterstern {m}
hygroscopical Wasser anziehend
hygroscopicity Hygroskopizität {f}
hygroscopy Hygroskopie {f}
hygrothermal hygrothermisch
hygrothermal hygrothermal
hygrothermically hygrothermal
hygrothermically hygrothermisch
hygrotropical hygrotropisch
Hyksos [also: Hycsos]Hyksos {pl}
Hyksos capital [also: Hycsos capital] Hauptstadt {f} der Hyksos
Hyksos ruler Hyksosherrscher {m} [auch: Hyksos-Herrscher]
HylasHylas {m}
Hylas and the Nymphs [John William Waterhouse]Hylas und die Nymphen
hylbrownite [MgNa3P3O10·12H2O] Hylbrownit {m}
hylic materiell [Materie betreffend]
HyllusHyllos {m}
hylomorphismHylemorphismus {m}
hylomorphism Hylomorphismus {m} [seltener]
hylozoismHylozoismus {m}
hymen Jungfernhäutchen {n}
hymenHymen {n} {m}
hymen Ehe {f}
hymen [archaic] [marriage]Hochzeit {f} [Eheschließung]
hymen [archaic] [wedding song] Hochzeitsgesang {m}
hymen [archaic] [wedding song]Hymen {m} [altertümlich] [Hochzeitsgesang]
Hymen [Greek god of marriage ceremonies]Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit]
Hymen [Greek god of marriage] Hymenaios {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit]
hymen reconstruction surgery Hymenalrekonstruktion {f}
hymen reconstruction surgery Hymenrekonstruktion {f} [Operation]
Hymenaeus [Greek god of marriage] Hymenaios {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit]
Hymenaeus [Greek god of marriage] Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit]
hymenal atresia [Atresia hymenalis, Hymen imperforatus] Hymenalatresie {f}
hymeneal [literary] [nuptial] ehelich
hymenectomy Hymenektomie {f}
hymenial Hymenien-
hymenial cystidium Hymenialzystide {f}
hymenial cystidium Hymenialcystide {f}
hymenial layerHymenienschicht {f}
hymenial surface Hymenienoberfläche {f}
hymenial surface hymeniale Oberfläche {f}
hymenium Hymenium {n}
hymenium Fruchtschicht {f}
hymenophoral tramaHymenophoraltrama {n}
hymenophore Hymenophor {n} {m}
hymenophore Fruchtschichtträger {m} [Hymenophor]
hymenophore Hymeniumträger {m}
hymenophoreSporenlagerträger {m} [Hymenophor]
hymenoplasty [hymen reconstruction surgery]Hymenoplastik {f}
hymenoplasty [hymen reconstruction surgery] Hymenrekonstruktion {f}
hymenoplasty [hymen reconstruction surgery]Hymenalrekonstruktion {f}
hymenoptera {pl} [order Hymenoptera]Hautflügler {pl}
hymenoptera {pl} [order Hymenoptera] Hymenopteren {pl}
Hymenoptera collectionHymenopterensammlung {f} [auch: Hymenopteren-Sammlung]
Hymenoptera collection Hautflüglersammlung {f} [auch: Hautflügler-Sammlung]
Hymenoptera faunaHymenopterenfauna {f} [auch: Hymenopteren-Fauna]
Hymenoptera fauna Hautflüglerfauna {f}
Hymenoptera speciesHymenopterenart {f} [auch: Hymenopteren-Art]
Hymenoptera species Hautflüglerart {f} [auch: Hautflügler-Art]
hymenoptera venom allergy Insektengiftallergie {f}
hymenopteranHymenoptere {f}
hymenopteran Hautflügler {m}
hymenopteran familyHymenopterenfamilie {f}
hymenopteran familyHautflüglerfamilie {f}
hymenopteran fauna Hymenopterenfauna {f} [auch: Hymenopteren-Fauna]
hymenopteran faunaHautflüglerfauna {f}
hymenopteran genusHautflüglergattung {f}
hymenopteran genusHymenopterengattung {f} [fachspr.]
hymenopteran species Hymenopterenart {f} [auch: Hymenopteren-Art] [fachspr.]
hymenopteran speciesHautflüglerart {f} [auch: Hautflügler-Art]
hymenopterologist Hymenopterologe {m}
hymenopterologist [female] Hymenopterologin {f}
hymenopterologyHymenopterologie {f}
hymenopterous Hautflügler-
hymenopterous insect [order Hymenoptera] Hautflügler {m}
hymenopterous wingHautflügel {m}
hymenorrhaphy Hymenalrekonstruktion {f}
hymenorrhaphy Hymenorrhaphie {f}
« hydrhydrhydrhydrhydrhygrhymehypehypehypehype »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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