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hymenotomyHymenektomie {f}
hymie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [offensive]Itzig {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [veraltet]
Hymie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [offensive]Itzig {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [veraltet]
hymn Hymne {f}
hymn Komposition {f}
hymnKirchenlied {n}
hymn Choral {m}
hymn Hymnus {m}
hymn Loblied {n}
hymn geistliches Lied {n}
hymn Lied {n} [Kirchenlied]
hymn board Liedertafel {f} [Liedanzeige]
hymn bookKirchengesangbuch {n}
hymn book(kirchliches) Gesangbuch {n}
hymn bookHymnar {n}
hymn collection Hymnensammlung {f}
hymn composer Hymnenkomponist {m} [auch: Hymnen-Komponist]
hymn composer [female]Hymnenkomponistin {f} [auch: Hymnen-Komponistin]
hymn cycle Hymnenzyklus {m}
hymn of Bavaria Bayernhymne {f}
hymn of consolation [also often: Trostlied]Trostlied {n}
hymn of gladness Freudenhymne {f}
hymn of praiseLobeshymne {f}
hymn of praise Loblied {n}
hymn of praise Preislied {n}
hymn (of praise)Lobgesang {m}
hymn of thanksgivingDanklied {n}
hymn of thanksgivingDankchoral {m}
hymn sermon [also: hymn-sermon] Liedpredigt {f}
hymn singingHymnengesang {m}
hymn text Hymnentext {m}
hymn to Apollo Apollonhymnus {m}
Hymn to Shamash Schamaschhymnus {m}
Hymn to Zeus [Cleanthes] Zeushymnus {m}
hymn tune Kirchenliedmelodie {f}
hymn tune Choralmelodie {f}
[hymn and prayer book for the German-speaking Catholic dioceses (exc. Switzerland) since 1975] Gotteslob {n} <GL>
hymnal Gesangbuch {n}
hymnalKirchengesangbuch {n}
hymnal Hymnar {n}
hymnalsGesangbücher {pl}
hymnary Gesangbuch {n}
hymnary Hymnar {n}
hymnary Hymnarium {n}
hymnbook (kirchliches) Gesangbuch {n}
hymnbookKirchengesangbuch {n}
hymnbookGesangsbuch {n} [österr.]
hymnbook Choralbuch {n}
hymnic hymnisch
hymnic hymnenartig
hymnically hymnisch
hymnlike hymnenartig
hymnodistHymnenkomponist {m}
hymnodist [female] Hymnenkomponistin {f} [auch: Hymnen-Komponistin]
hymnodyHymnengesang {m}
hymnody Hymnik {f}
hymnodyHymnendichtung {f}
hymnographer Hymnograph {m}
hymnography Hymnographie {f}
hymnologistHymnologe {m}
hymnologist [female] Hymnologin {f}
hymnology Hymnologie {f}
hymnsHymnen {pl}
hymnwriterKirchenlieddichter {m}
hyoid hyoid
hyoid Zungenbein-
hyoid archHyoidbogen {m}
hyoid arch Zungenbeinbogen {m}
hyoid (bone) [Os hyoideum] Zungenbein {n}
hyoid (bone) fracture Zungenbeinfraktur {f}
hyoscine [C17H21NO4]Hyoscin {n}
hyoscine hydrobromide [scopolamine hydrobromide] [C17H21NO4.HBr] Hyoscinhydrobromid {n} [Scopolaminhydrobromid]
hyoscyamine [C17H23NO3] Hyoscyamin {n}
hyostrongylosis Hyostrongylose {f}
hyostyly Hyostylie {f}
hypaconitine [C33H45NO10] Hypaconitin {n}
hypacousia Hypakusis {f}
hypacusisGeräuschunterempfindlichkeit {f} [Hypakusis]
hypacusisHypakusis {f}
hypaesthesia [Br.]Hypästhesie {f}
hypaethral hypäthral
hypaethral temple Hypäthraltempel {m}
hypalbuminosis Hypalbuminose {f}
hypalgesia Hypalgesie {f}
hypallage [transferred epithet] Hypallage {f}
hypanthia Hypanthien {pl}
hypanthiumKelchbecher {m}
hypanthium Blütenbecher {m}
hypanthiumHypanthium {n}
hypanthium Achsenbecher {m}
Hypapante [Eastern Candlemas] Hypapante {f} [Fest der Begegnung]
hypar [hyperbolic paraboloid] hyperbolisches Paraboloid {n}
hyparchetype Hyparchetyp {m}
« hydrhydrhydrhydrhygrhymehypehypehypehypehype »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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