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English-German Dictionary

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hyperbolic cosecant <csch> Kosekans Hyperbolicus {m} <csch>
hyperbolic cosecant <csch> Cosekans Hyperbolicus {m} <csch>
hyperbolic cosine <cosh> Cosinus hyperbolicus {m} <cosh>
hyperbolic cosine <cosh>hyperbolischer Kosinus {m} <cosh>
hyperbolic cosine <cosh> Kosinus hyperbolicus {m} <cosh>
hyperbolic cotangent <coth> Cotangens hyperbolicus {m} <coth>
hyperbolic cotangent <coth>hyperbolischer Kotangens {m} <coth>
hyperbolic cotangent <coth> Kotangens hyperbolicus {m} <coth>
hyperbolic functionHyperbelfunktion {f}
hyperbolic function hyperbolische Funktion {f}
hyperbolic geometry hyperbolische Geometrie {f}
hyperbolic grouphyperbolische Gruppe {f}
hyperbolic manifoldhyperbolische Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
hyperbolic navigation Hyperbelnavigation {f}
hyperbolic navigationHyperbelortung {f}
hyperbolic paraboloid hyperbolisches Paraboloid {n}
hyperbolic plane hyperbolische Ebene {f}
hyperbolic rotationhyperbolische Drehung {f}
hyperbolic secant <sech> Sekans Hyperbolicus {m} <sech>
hyperbolic sine <sinh>Sinus hyperbolicus {m} <sinh>
hyperbolic sine <sinh> hyperbolischer Sinus {m} <sinh>
hyperbolic space hyperbolischer Raum {m}
hyperbolic surface hyperbolische Fläche {f}
hyperbolic tangent <tanh>Tangens hyperbolicus {m} <tanh>
hyperbolic tangent <tanh>hyperbolischer Tangens {m} <tanh>
hyperbolic trajectoryhyperbolische Bahn {f}
hyperbolic trianglehyperbolisches Dreieck {n}
hyperbolism Übertreiben {n}
hyperbolizationHyperbolisierung {f}
hyperboloid Hyperboloid {n}
hyperboloid of one sheet einschaliges Hyperboloid {n}
hyperboloid of two sheets zweischaliges Hyperboloid {n}
hyperboloid structure Hyperboloidkonstruktion {f}
hyperborean hyperboreisch [veraltet]
Hyperboreans Hyperboreer {pl}
hyperbrachycephalic hyperbrachyzephal
hyperbrachycephalic hyperbrachykephal
hyperbrachycranial hyperbrachykran
hyperbrachycranic hyperbrachykran
hyperbrachycrany Hyperbrachykranie {f}
hyperbulia Hyperbulie {f}
hyperbulia (übermäßige) Willensstärke {f}
hypercalcaemia [Br.] Hyperkalzämie {f}
hypercalcaemia [Br.] Hyperkalziämie {f}
hypercalcaemia [Br.] Hypercalcämie {f}
hypercalcaemic [Br.] hyperkalzämisch
hypercalcemia [Am.] Hyperkalzämie {f}
hypercalcemia [Am.]Hyperkalziämie {f}
hypercalcemia [Am.]Hypercalcämie {f}
hypercalcemic [Am.] hyperkalzämisch
hypercalcinuria [less frequent than: hypercalciuria, hypercalcuria] Hyperkalzurie {f}
hypercalciuria Hyperkalzurie {f}
hypercalcuria [hypercalciuria]Hyperkalzurie {f}
hypercapniaHyperkapnie {f}
hypercapnic hyperkapnisch
hypercarHypercar {n}
hypercardioid microphone Hyperniere {f} [Mikrophon]
hypercarnivoreHyperkarnivore {m}
hypercatalectic [prosody]hyperkatalektisch [überzählig] [Verslehre]
hypercellular hyperzellulär
hypercementosis Hyperzementose {f}
hyperchlorhydriaHyperchlorhydrie {f}
hypercholesterinaemia [Br.] [rare] Hypercholesterinämie {f}
hypercholesterolaemia [Br.] Hypercholesterolämie {f}
hypercholesterolaemia [Br.] Hypercholesterinämie {f}
hypercholesterolemia [Am.] Hypercholesterolämie {f}
hypercholesterolemia [Am.] erhöhter Serumcholesterinspiegel {m}
hypercholesterolemia [Am.]Hypercholesterinämie {f}
hyperchromatism Hyperchromatismus {m}
hyperchromic anaemia [Br.] hyperchrome Anämie {f}
hyperchromic anemia [Am.] hyperchrome Anämie {f}
hyperchromic effect hyperchromer Effekt {m}
hyperchromicityHyperchromizität {f}
hyperchyliaHyperchylie {f}
hypercinnabarite [HgS]Hypercinnabarit {m}
hypercoagulability Hyperkoagulabilität {f}
hypercoagulability [of blood]erhöhte Gerinnungsneigung {f} [des Blutes]
hypercoagulability [of blood] erhöhte Blutgerinnbarkeit {f} [Hyperkoagulabilität]
hypercoagulopathy Hyperkoagulopathie {f}
hypercolumn Hyperkolumne {f}
hypercommunication Hyperkommunikation {f}
hypercompact stellar system <HCSS>hyperkompaktes Sternsystem {n}
hypercompetitionHyperwettbewerb {m}
hypercomplementaemia [Br.] Hyperkomplementämie {f}
hypercomplementemia [Am.]Hyperkomplementämie {f}
hypercomplex number hyperkomplexe Zahl {f}
hypercondensation Hyperkondensation {f}
hyperconjugation Hyperkonjugation {f}
hypercontractile esophagus [Am.]hyperkontraktiler Ösophagus {m}
hypercontractile oesophagus [Br.] hyperkontraktiler Ösophagus {m}
hypercorrection Hyperkorrektur {f}
« hydrhydrhygrhymehypehypehypehypehypehypehype »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers