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hand stone Handstein {m}
hand stop Handzug {m} [Orgel, Cembalo]
hand stop Handregisterzug {m} [Orgel, Cembalo]
hand strapHandschlaufe {f}
hand support Handstütze {f}
hand supportHandabstützung {f}
hand surface Handoberfläche {f}
hand surgeon Handchirurg {m}
hand surgeryHandchirurgie {f}
hand switchHandschalter {m}
hand tally counter [handheld] Handstückzähler {m}
hand tap Handgewindebohrer {m}
hand therapyHandtherapie {f}
hand throttle Handgas {n}
hand time Handzeit {f}
hand time Zeit {f} für Handarbeit
hand timer Handzeitschalter {m}
hand to addressee only eigenhändig
hand to hand fight Handgemenge {n}
hand toolHandwerkzeug {n}
hand toolHandgerät {n}
hand toolsHandwerkzeuge {pl}
hand towel Händehandtuch {n}
hand towel heating element Handtuchheizkörper {m}
hand trainer [grip strengthener in various shapes and sizes] Handtrainer {m} [z. B. als Fingerhantel, Ring, Stern, Rolle]
hand tremorHandtremor {m}
hand trike [also: handtrike] Handtrike {n} [spezielles Handbike]
hand trowel Pflanzschaufel {f}
hand truckSackkarre {f}
hand truck [Am.]Sackrodel {f} [österr.]
hand valve Handventil {n}
hand vice [Br.] Handschraubstock {m}
hand vise [Am.] Feilkloben {m}
hand vise [Am.]Handschraubstock {m}
hand warmth Handwärme {f}
hand washHandwäsche {f} [Wäschestücke]
hand wash basinHandwaschbecken {n}
hand wash soapHandwaschseife {f}
hand washable handwaschbar
hand washing Händewaschen {n}
hand weaponHandwaffe {f}
hand weaving [also: hand-weaving]Handweberei {f}
hand weightsHandgewichte {pl}
hand welderHandschweißgerät {n}
hand wheelHandrad {n}
hand winch Greifzug ® {m}
hand winding Handaufzug {m} [Uhr-, Federwerk]
hand wing pumpHand-Flügelpumpe {f}
hand wing pumpHandflügelpumpe {f}
hand with seven digits Sieben-Finger-Hand {f}
hand with six digits Sechs-Finger-Hand {f}
hand workedhandgearbeitet
hand worked handgefertigt
hand woundHandwunde {f}
hand wringer [laundry wringer]Auswringmaschine {f} [manuell]
hand writingHandschrift {f}
hand X-ray image Handröntgenaufnahme {f}
(hand) brace [drill] Handbohrer {m}
(hand) bulb ear syringe Ohrenball {m} [Klistierspritze]
(hand) cardKarde {f} [Handkarde]
(hand) drilling hammerSchlegel {m} [alt] [Fäustel]
(hand) drilling hammer [Am.] Fäustel {m} [Hammer mit kurzem Stiel und schwerem Kopf]
(hand) ejector [revolver] Hülsenausstoßer {m} [Revolver]
(hand) gripperFingerhantel {f}
(hand) pallet truck Gabelhubwagen {m}
(hand) pallet truckHandhubwagen {m}
(hand) puppet Handpuppe {f}
(hand) sanitizer dispenserDesinfektionsmittelspender {m}
hand-and-a-half swordAnderthalbhänder {m}
hand-arm vibration syndrome <HAVS, HAV syndrome> Hand-Arm-Vibrationssyndrom {n} [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom]
handax [Am.] [spv.] Faustkeil {m}
handbag Handtasche {f}
hand-bag Handtasche {f}
handbagHandtaschl {n} [österr.]
handbag carrierHandtaschenträgerin {f}
handbag dog [coll.] Handtaschenhund {m} [ugs.]
handbag snatcherHandtaschenräuber {m}
handball Handball {m}
handball [football] Handspiel {n}
handball [football] Hand {f} [ugs.] [Handspiel]
handball [soccer] Hands {n} [österr., schweiz. für: Handspiel]
handball club Handballverein {m}
handball coach Handballtrainer {m} [auch: Handball-Trainer]
handball in self-defence [Br.] [unintentional handball in football / soccer]Schutzhand {f} [unabsichtliches Handspiel im Fußball]
handball player Handballspieler {m}
handball player [female]Handballspielerin {f}
handball skillsHandballtechniken {pl}
handball teamHandballmannschaft {f}
handball teamHandballteam {n}
handballer Handballer {m} [ugs.]
handballer [female]Handballerin {f} [ugs.]
handballing [sl.] Faustficken {n} [vulg.]
handbarrowTrage {f} [für Schüttgut, Mörteltrage]
handbarrowHandkarren {m}
hand-barrow Tragbahre {f} [für Stoffe, nicht Menschen]
handbarrow [obs.] [flat barrow with wheel] Schubkarre {f}
handbearing compassHandpeilkompass {m}
handbell Handglocke {f}
handbell choir Handglockenchor {m}
hand-bier Tragbahre {f}
« Hamlhammhamshandhandhandhandhandhandhandhand »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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