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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 394 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
hypnosisHypnose {f}
hypnosis in psychotherapy Hypnose {f} in der Psychotherapie
hypnotherapist Hypnotherapeut {m}
hypnotherapist [female] Hypnotherapeutin {f}
hypnotherapy Hypnotherapie {f}
hypnotherapy Hypnosetherapie {f}
hypnotherapyHypnosebehandlung {f}
hypnotherapy [hypnosis in psychotherapy]Hypnosepsychotherapie {f}
hypnotic hypnotisch
hypnotic hypnotisierend
hypnotic (agent)Hypnotikum {n}
hypnotic agentsHypnotika {pl}
hypnotic drugs Hypnotika {pl}
hypnotic medicineHypnotherapie {f}
hypnotic susceptibility Hypnotisierbarkeit {f}
hypnotic susceptibilityHypnoseempfänglichkeit {f}
hypnotic susceptibilityHypnosefähigkeit {f} [Hypnotisierbarkeit]
hypnotic trance hypnotische Trance {f}
hypnotic treatment hypnotische Behandlung {f}
hypnotics Hypnotika {pl}
hypnotisable [Br.]hypnotisierbar
hypnotised [Br.]hypnotisiert
hypnotising [Br.] hypnotisierend
hypnotismHypnotismus {m}
hypnotisms Hypnosen {pl}
hypnotist Hypnotiseur {m}
hypnotist [female] Hypnotiseurin {f}
hypnotist [female] Hypnotiseuse {f}
hypnotists Hypnotiseure {pl}
hypnotists [female] Hypnotiseurinnen {pl}
hypnotists [female] Hypnotiseusen {pl}
hypnotizabilityHypnotisierbarkeit {f}
hypnotizable hypnotisierbar
hypnotizing hypnotisierend
hypnozygote Hypnozygote {f}
hypo- unter-
hypo [coll.] [hypodermic injection]Spritze {f} [Injektion]
hypo eliminator Wässerungshilfe {f} [Filmentwicklung]
hypo neutralizerWässerungshilfe {f} [Filmentwicklung]
hypo- or agammaglobulinaemia [Br.] [Bruton agammaglobulinaemia]Hypo- oder Agammaglobulinämie {f}
hypo- or agammaglobulinemia [Am.] [Bruton agammaglobulinemia]Hypo- oder Agammaglobulinämie {f}
Hypo Real Estate (Bank) / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG ® Hypo Real Estate (Bank) {f} / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG ® {f} <HRE>
(hypo) clearing agent Wässerungshilfe {f} [Filmentwicklung]
hypoactive geringaktiv
hypoactive hypoaktiv
hypoactive sexual desire disorder <HSDD> sexuelle Hypoaktivität {f}
hypoactive sexual desire disorder <HSDD>hypoaktive Sexualtriebsstörung {f}
hypoactivity Hypoaktivität {f}
hypoacusis Hypoakusis {f}
hypoadrenalismHypoadrenalismus {m}
hypoadrenalism Nebennierenrindenunterfunktion {f}
hypoadreniaHypoadrenie {f}
hypoadrenocorticism Hypokortisolismus {m}
hypoadrenocorticism Hypokortizismus {m}
hypoaesthesia [Br.] Hypoästhesie {f}
hypoalbuminaemia [Br.] Hypoalbuminämie {f}
hypoalbuminaemia [Br.] Hypalbuminämie {f}
hypoalbuminemia [Am.] Hypoalbuminämie {f}
hypoalbuminemia [Am.] Hypalbuminämie {f}
hypoalimentation Hypoalimentation {f}
hypoalimentationHypalimentation {f}
hypoallergenic hypoallergen
hypobaric chamber Höhenkammer {f}
hypobaric chamberUnterdruckkammer {f}
hypobaric therapy Klimakammertherapie {f} [österr.] [hypobare Therapie]
hypobarism Hypobarismus {m}
hypobaropathy [altitude sickness]Hypobaropathie {f} [Höhenkrankheit]
hypobasidium Hypobasidie {f}
hypobathic hypobathisch
hypobetalipoproteinemia Hypobetalipoproteinämie {f}
hypobicarbonataemia [Br.]Hypobikarbonatämie {f}
hypobicarbonatemia [Am.]Hypobikarbonatämie {f}
hypoblastHypoblast {m}
hypoboric acid [B2H4O4, B2(OH)4]Hypoborsäure {f}
hypobranchial coelomhypobranchiales Coelom {n}
hypobranchial furrow Hypobranchialrinne {n}
hypobranchial furrowEndostyl {n}
hypobranchial gland [in many molluscs] Hypobranchialdrüse {f} [Sekretionsorgan vieler Mollusken]
hypobranchial groove Hypobranchialrinne {n}
hypobranchial groove Endostyl {n}
hypobranchial sacHypobranchialsack {m}
hypobranchial vessel Hypobranchialgefäß {n}
hypobromitesHypobromite {pl}
hypobromous acid [HBrO] hypobromige Säure {f}
hypobromous acid [HBrO] unterbromige Säure {f} [veraltet]
hypobromous acid [HBrO]Hypobromsäure {f} [hypobromige Säure]
hypocalcaemia [Br.] [milk fever (after calving)]hypokalzämische Gebärparese {f} [Milchfieber]
hypocalcaemia <HC> [Br.]Hypokalzämie {f} <HC>
hypocalcaemic [Br.]hypokalzämisch
hypocalcemia [Am.] [milk fever (after calving)]hypokalzämische Gebärparese {f} [Milchfieber]
hypocalcemia <HC> [Am.]Hypokalzämie {f} <HC>
hypocalcemic [Am.] hypokalzämisch
hypocalcificationUnterverkalkung {f}
hypocalcificationHypokalzifikation {f}
hypocalcification Hypocalcification {f} [Rsv.]
hypocalcipexy Hypokalzistie {f}
« hypehypehypehypeHyphhypnhypohypohypohypohypo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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