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English-German Dictionary

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hypocalcipexyHypokalzipexie {f}
hypocalciuria Hypokalzurie {f} [auch: Hypokalziurie]
hypocaloric hypokalorisch
hypocapnia Hypokapnie {f}
hypocapnic hypokapnisch
hypocarbiaHypokarbie {f}
hypocarnivore Hypokarnivore {m}
hypocarnivorous hypokarnivor
hypocaustHypokaustum {n}
hypocaust heatingHypokauste {f} [Hypokaustenheizung]
hypocaust heating [of the Romans] Hypokaustheizung {f} [der Römer]
hypocaust heating [of the Romans]römische Heizung {f}
hypocenter [Am.]Hypozentrum {n}
hypocenter [Am.]Herd {m} [Erdbebenherd]
hypocenter [Am.]Erdbebenherd {m}
hypocenter distance [Am.] Hypozentralentfernung {f}
hypocentre [Br.] Hypozentrum {n}
hypocentre [Br.] Erdbebenherd {m}
hypocentre [Br.]Herd {m} [Erdbebenherd]
hypocentre distance [Br.]Hypozentralentfernung {f}
hypocercy Hypozerkie {f}
hypocerebral ganglionHypocerebralganglion {n}
hypochileHypochil {n}
hypochileHinterlippe {f} [Hypochil]
hypochloraemia [Br.] Hypochlorämie {f}
hypochloraemic [Br.]hypochlorämisch
hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis [Br.]hypochlorämische metabolische Alkalose {f}
hypochloremia [Am.] Hypochlorämie {f}
hypochloremic [Am.] hypochlorämisch
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis [Am.] hypochlorämische metabolische Alkalose {f}
hypochlorhydria Hypochlorhydrie {f}
hypochlorite Hypochlorit {n}
hypochlorous hypochlorisch
hypochlorous acid [HOCl]hypochlorige Säure {f}
hypochlorous acid [HOCl] Hypochlorsäure {f}
hypochlorous acid [HOCl] unterchlorige Säure {f} [veraltend] [hypochlorige Säure]
hypochloruria Hypochlorurie {f}
hypocholesteremia [Am.] [rare]Hypocholesterinämie {f}
hypocholesterinaemia [Br.] Hypocholesterinämie {f}
hypocholesterinemia [Am.]Hypocholesterinämie {f}
hypocholesterolaemia [Br.]Hypocholesterolämie {f}
hypocholesterolemia [Am.] Hypocholesterolämie {f}
hypocholia Hypocholie {f}
hypochondria Hypochondrie {f}
hypochondriaMilzsucht {f} [veraltet] [Hypochondrie]
hypochondriacmilzsüchtig [veraltet] [hypochondrisch]
hypochondriac [female] Hypochonderin {f}
hypochondriac [person]Hypochonder {m}
hypochondriac region [Regio hypochondriaca] Hypochondrium {n}
hypochondriac tody [Todus mexicanus] Gelbflankentodi {m} [auch: Gelbflanken-Todi]
hypochondriacal hypochondrisch
hypochondriacal disorderhypochondrische Störung {f}
hypochondriasis Hypochondrie {f}
hypochondrium [Regio hypochondriaca] Hypochondrium {n}
hypochondrogenesis Hypochondrogenesie {f}
hypochondroplasia <HCH> Hypochondroplasie {f} <HCH>
hypochondry [dated] [hypochondriasis] Hypochondrie {f}
hypochord Hypochorda {f}
hypochordal hypochordal
hypochromasiaHypochromasie {f}
hypochromatismHypochromatismus {m}
hypochromia Hypochromie {f}
hypochromic hypochrom
hypochromic anaemia [Br.] hypochrome Anämie {f}
hypochromic anemia [Am.]hypochrome Anämie {f}
hypochromic effect hypochromer Effekt {m}
hypochromicityHypochromizität {f}
hypochylia Hypochylie {f}
hypocinesisHypokinese {f}
hypocitraturia Hypocitraturie {f}
hypocobalaminaemia [Br.]Vitamin-B12-Mangel {m}
hypocobalaminaemia [Br.]Hypocobalaminämie {f}
hypocobalaminemia [Am.] Vitamin-B12-Mangel {m}
hypocobalaminemia [Am.]Hypocobalaminämie {f}
hypocolius [Hypocolius ampelinus]Nachtschattenfresser {m}
hypocomplementaemia [Br.]Hypokomplementämie {f}
hypocomplementaemic [Br.] hypokomplementämisch
hypocomplementemia [Am.] Hypokomplementämie {f}
hypocomplementemic [Am.] hypokomplementämisch
hypocone Hypoconus {m}
hypoconidHypoconid {m}
hypoconulid Hypoconulid {m}
hypocorism Hypokorismus {m}
hypocorism [simplified name, (as if) formed through an infant's babbling] Lallname {m}
hypocoristiconHypokoristikon {n}
hypocoristiconHypokoristikum {n}
hypocorticism [hypoadrenocorticism]Hypokortizismus {m}
hypocotylHypokotyl {n}
hypocranial suture Hypocranialnaht {f}
hypocrenal Hypokrenal {n}
hypocrene (spring) Quellrinnsal {n} [Hypokrene]
hypocrenonHypokrenon {n}
hypocretin Hypocretin {n}
« hypehypehypeHyphhypnhypohypohypohypohypohypo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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