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English-German Dictionary

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hypogean unterirdisch
hypogean unterirdisch wachsend
hypogeanunterirdisch lebend
hypogenesisHypogenese {f}
hypogenesis Unterentwicklung {f}
hypogenetic hypogenetisch
hypogenetic unterentwickelt
hypogenitalismHypogenitalismus {m}
hypogeumHypogäum {n}
hypogeusia Hypogeusie {f}
hypogeusia verminderte Geschmacksempfindung {f}
hypoglossal canal [Canalis (nervi) hypoglossi] Hypoglossuskanal {m}
hypoglossal canal [Canalis (nervi) hypoglossi] Unterzungennervenkanal {m}
hypoglossal nerve <CN XII, CNXII, XII> [Nervus hypoglossus] [twelfth cranial nerve] Unterzungennerv {m} <XII>
hypoglossal nerve <CN XII, CNXII, XII> [Nervus hypoglossus] [twelfth cranial nerve]Nervus hypoglossus {m}
hypoglycaemia [Br.] Hypoglykämie {f}
hypoglycaemia [Br.] Unterzuckerung {f}
hypoglycaemia [Br.] Unterzucker {m} [ugs.]
hypoglycaemia unawareness [Br.] Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmensstörung {f} [seltener] [Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmungsstörung]
hypoglycaemia unawareness [Br.]Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmungsstörung {f}
hypoglycaemic [Br.] hypoglykämisch
hypoglycaemic [Br.]unterzuckert
hypoglycaemic coma [Br.]hypoglykämisches Koma {n}
hypoglycemia [Am.]Unterzuckerung {f}
hypoglycemia [Am.] Hypoglykämie {f}
hypoglycemia [Am.]Unterzucker {m} [ugs.]
hypoglycemia unawareness [Am.] Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmensstörung {f} [seltener] [Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmungsstörung]
hypoglycemia unawareness [Am.] Hypoglykämie-Wahrnehmungsstörung {f}
hypoglycemic [Am.] hypoglykämisch
hypoglycemic [Am.]unterzuckert
hypoglycemic coma [Am.] hypoglykämisches Koma {n}
hypognathous hypognath
hypogonadismHypogonadismus {m}
hypograph Hypograph {m}
hypohidrosis Hypohidrose {f}
hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia <HED> hypohidrotische ektodermale Dysplasie {f} <HED>
hypoid gear Hypoidrad {n}
hypoid oilHypoidöl {n}
hypoinsulinismHypoinsulinismus {m}
hypoiodous acid [HIO] hypoiodige Säure {f}
Hypoionian hypoionisch
hypokalaemia [Br.] Hypokaliämie {f}
hypokalaemic periodic paralysis <HPP> [Br.] periodische hypokaliämische Lähmung {f}
hypokalemia [Am.] Hypokaliämie {f}
hypokalemic periodic paralysis <HPP> [Am.]periodische hypokaliämische Lähmung {f}
hypokinesia Hypokinese {f}
hypokinesisHypokinese {f}
hypokinesisHypokinesie {f}
hypokinetic hypokinetisch
hypokinetic diseaseBewegungsmangelkrankheit {f}
hypolimnic hypolimnisch
hypolimnion Hypolimnion {n} [Gewässerkunde]
Hypolydian mode hypolydischer Modus {m}
hypomagnesaemia [Br.]Hypomagnesiämie {f}
hypomagnesaemia syndrome [Br.]Magnesiummangelsyndrom {n}
hypomagnesemia [Am.] Hypomagnesiämie {f}
hypomagnesemia syndrome [Am.]Magnesiummangelsyndrom {n}
hypomania Hypomanie {f}
hypomanic episode hypomanische Phase {f}
hypomastia Hypomastie {f}
hypomenorrhea [Am.] [decreased menstrual flow] Hypomenorrhoe {f} [zu schwache Menstruationsblutung]
hypomenorrhoea [Br.] [decreased menstrual flow] Hypomenorrhoe {f} [zu schwache Menstruationsblutung]
hypometabolism Hypometabolismus {m}
hypomimia Hypomimie {f}
hypomineralizationHypomineralisation {f}
hypomineralization Mineralienmangel {m}
Hypomixolydian hypomixolydisch
hypomnesia Hypomnesie {f}
hypomnesisHypomnesie {f}
hypomnesisMerkfähigkeitsstörung {f}
hypomobility Hypomobilität {f}
hypomorph kurzbeiniger Mensch {m}
hypomotility Hypomotilität {f}
hypomyelination Hypomyelinisierung {f}
hyponasal speech [Rhinophonia clausa] geschlossenes Näseln {n}
hyponasality Hyponasalität {f}
hyponatraemia [Br.]Hyponatriämie {f}
hyponatraemia [Br.] Hyponaträmie {f}
hyponatraemia [Br] [sodium deficiency]Natriummangel {m} [Hyponatriämie]
hyponatremia [Am.] Hyponatriämie {f}
hyponatremia [Am.] Hyponaträmie {f}
hyponatremia [Am.] [sodium deficiency] Natriummangel {m} [Hyponatriämie]
hyponatremic syndrome Salzmangelsyndrom {n}
hyponeural hyponeural
hyponeustic hyponeustisch
hyponeuston Hyponeuston {n}
hyponychial hyponychial
hyponychiumHyponychium {n}
hyponym Unterbegriff {m}
hyponym Hyponym {n}
hyponymic hyponymisch
« hypeHyphhypnhypohypohypohypohypohypohypshyst »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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