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hypophysis [Glandula pituitaria]Hirnanhangdrüse {f}
hypophysis [Glandula pituitaria] Hirnanhangsdrüse {f}
hypopigmentation Hypopigmentierung {f}
hypopituitarismHypophyseninsuffizienz {f}
hypopituitarismHypopituitarismus {m}
hypopituitarism Hypophysenunterfunktion {f}
hypopituitary crisis hypopituitäre Krise {f}
hypoplasia Hypoplasie {f}
hypoplasia of (the) fibula Hypoplasie {f} der Fibula
hypoplastic left heart syndrome <HLHS>hypoplastisches Linksherzsyndrom / Linksherz-Syndrom {n} <HLHS>
hypoplastic left heart syndrome <HLHS>Linksherzhypoplasie-Syndrom {n}
hypoplastic left heart syndrome <HLHS>Linksherzhypoplasiesyndrom {n}
hypoplastic right heart syndrome <HRHS> hypoplastisches Rechtsherzsyndrom / Rechtsherz-Syndrom {n} <HRHS>
hypoplastic right heart syndrome <HRHS> Rechtsherzhypoplasiesyndrom {n}
hypoplastic right heart syndrome <HRHS>Rechtsherzhypoplasie-Syndrom {n}
hypoplastically hypoplastisch
hypoplasticity Hypoplastizität {f}
hypopnea [Am.]Hypopnoe {f}
hypopnoea [Br.] Hypopnoe {f}
hypopotamal Hypopotamal {n}
hypopotamon Hypopotamon {n}
hypopotassaemia [Br.] Hypokaliämie {f}
hypopotassemia [Am.] Hypokaliämie {f}
hypoproduction Hypoproduktion {f}
hypoproduction Unterproduktion {f}
hypoproteinaemia [esp. Br.] Hypoproteinämie {f}
hypoproteinemiaHypoproteinämie {f}
hypoprothrombinaemia [Br.] Hypoprothrombinämie {f}
hypoprothrombinemia [Am.] Hypoprothrombinämie {f}
hypoptyalism Mundtrockenheit {f}
hypopygium Hypopygium {n}
hypopyon Hypopyon {n}
hyporelief Hyporelief {n}
hyporheic interstitial hyporheisches Interstitial {n}
hyporheic zonehyporheische Zone {f}
hyporhithral Hyporhithral {n}
hyporhithron Hyporhithron {n}
hyposalinityHyposalinität {f}
hyposecretion Hyposekretion {f}
hyposensibilisation therapy [Br.] Hyposensibilisierungstherapie {f}
hyposensibilization Hyposensibilisierung {f}
hyposensitivity of perception Wahrnehmungsunterempfindlichkeit {f}
hyposensitivity to sensory input Reizunterempfindlichkeit {f}
hyposmia Hyposmie {f}
hyposmolalityHypoosmolalität {f}
hyposomia Kleinwuchs {m}
hyposomniaHyposomnia {f}
hyposomnolence Hyposomnolenz {f}
hypospadiaHypospadie {f}
hypospadias Hypospadien {pl}
hypospadyHypospadie {f}
hypospermiaHypospermie {f}
hyposphagmaHyposphagma {n}
hyposphereHyposphäre {f}
hyposplenia Hyposplenie {f}
hyposplenism Hyposplenismus {m}
hypostases {pl} Hypostasen {pl}
hypostasis Hypostase {f}
hypostatic genehypostatisches Gen {n}
hypostatic pneumoniaStauungspneumonie {f}
hypostatic systemstatisch unterbestimmtes System {n}
hypostatic union [unio hypostatica] hypostatische Union {f}
hypostatic union [unio hypostatica] hypostatische Einigung {f}
hypostatizationHypostasierung {f}
hypostereom Hypostereom {n}
hyposternum Hyposternum {n}
hyposthenuria Hyposthenurie {f}
hypostoichiometric unterstöchiometrisch
hypostomal hypostomal
hypostomeHypostom {n}
hypostracumHypostracum {n}
hypostyle hypostyl
hypostyle hall Säulenhalle {f}
hypotactic hypotaktisch
hypotaurodontism Hypotaurodontismus {m}
hypotaxis Hypotaxe {f}
hypotaxisUnterordnung {f}
hypotaxis Hypotaxis {f}
hypotelorism Hypotelorismus {m}
hypotensionniedriger Blutdruck {m}
hypotension Hypotonie {f}
hypotension [low blood pressure]Unterdruck {m} [niedriger Blutdruck]
hypotension <HT> Hypotension {f}
hypotension prediction index <HPI> [high blood pressure] Hypotension Prediction Index {m} <HPI> [hoher Blutdruck]
hypotensive hypotensiv
hypotensivean einem niedrigen Blutdruck leidend [attr.]
hypotensiveHypotoniker {m}
hypotensive an niedrigem Blutdruck Leidender {m}
hypotensive [female] Hypotonikerin {f}
hypotensive [female]an einem niedrigen Blutdruck Leidende {f}
hypotensive agent blutdrucksenkendes Mittel {n}
hypotensive agentBlutdrucksenker {m} [ugs.]
hypotensive personsan niedrigem Blutdruck Leidende {pl}
hypotensive shockhypotoner Schock {m}
« hyphhypohypohypohypohypohypohypohystI   Iamh »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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