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« backPage 399 for words starting with H in the English-German dictionarynext page »
hypospermiaHypospermie {f}
hyposphagmaHyposphagma {n}
hyposphere Hyposphäre {f}
hyposplenia Hyposplenie {f}
hyposplenism Hyposplenismus {m}
hyposporangiate hyposporangiat
hypostases {pl}Hypostasen {pl}
hypostasisHypostase {f}
hypostatic gene hypostatisches Gen {n}
hypostatic pneumoniaStauungspneumonie {f}
hypostatic system statisch unterbestimmtes System {n}
hypostatic union [unio hypostatica]hypostatische Union {f}
hypostatic union [unio hypostatica] hypostatische Einigung {f}
hypostatization Hypostasierung {f}
hypostereomHypostereom {n}
hyposternum Hyposternum {n}
hyposthenuriaHyposthenurie {f}
hypostoichiometric unterstöchiometrisch
hypostomatic hypostomatisch
hypostome Hypostom {n}
hypostracum Hypostracum {n}
hypostyle hall Säulenhalle {f}
hypotaurodontism Hypotaurodontismus {m}
hypotaxis Hypotaxe {f}
hypotaxis Unterordnung {f}
hypotaxis Hypotaxis {f}
hypotelorismHypotelorismus {m}
hypotension niedriger Blutdruck {m}
hypotensionHypotonie {f}
hypotension [low blood pressure] Unterdruck {m} [niedriger Blutdruck]
hypotension <HT> Hypotension {f}
hypotension prediction index <HPI> [high blood pressure] Hypotension Prediction Index {m} <HPI> [hoher Blutdruck]
hypotensive hypotensiv
hypotensivean einem niedrigen Blutdruck leidend [attr.]
hypotensiveHypotoniker {m}
hypotensivean niedrigem Blutdruck Leidender {m}
hypotensive blutdrucksenkend
hypotensive [female]Hypotonikerin {f}
hypotensive [female] an einem niedrigen Blutdruck Leidende {f}
hypotensive agent blutdrucksenkendes Mittel {n}
hypotensive agentBlutdrucksenker {m} [ugs.]
hypotensive persons an niedrigem Blutdruck Leidende {pl}
hypotensive shock hypotoner Schock {m}
hypotenuse Hypotenuse {f}
hypotenuses Hypotenusen {pl}
hypothalami Hypothalami {pl}
hypothalamic [den Hypothalamus betreffend]
hypothalamic hormone Hypothalamushormon {n}
hypothalamus Hypothalamus {m}
hypothallial hypothallisch
hypothallusHypothallus {m}
hypothallus cellHypothallus-Zelle {f}
hypothecHypothek {f}
hypotheca Hypotheka {f}
hypothecal hypothekarisch
hypothecary hypothekarisch
hypothecary claimHypothekenforderung {f}
hypothecary credit Hypothek {f}
hypothecary credit Hypothekarkredit {m}
hypothecary debt Hypothekenschuld {f}
hypothecary security hypothekarische Sicherheit {f}
hypothecary valueBeleihungswert {m}
hypothecary valueLombardwert {m}
hypothecary value of buildingsBeleihungswert {m} von Gebäuden
hypothecated verpfändet
hypothecated lombardiert
hypothecated stock verpfändeter Bestand {m}
hypothecation Beleihung {f}
hypothecation Verpfändung {f}
hypothecation value Beleihungswert {m}
hypothenar hammer syndrome Hypothenar-Hammer-Syndrom {n}
hypothenar (prominence / eminence) [Hypothenar] Kleinfingerballen {m}
hypothermia Hypothermie {f}
hypothermia Unterkühlung {f}
hypothermic unterkühlt
hypothermic hypothermisch
hypothermic cardiac arrest hypothermer Herzstillstand {m}
hypothermic cardiac arrest <HCA>hypothermischer Herzstillstand {m}
hypotheses Hypothesen {pl}
hypothesis Hypothese {f}
hypothesisAnnahme {f}
hypothesis These {f}
hypothesis of party differenceParteiendifferenzhypothese {f}
hypothesis testHypothesentest {m}
hypothesis testing Hypothesentest {m}
hypothesis testing Hypothesenprüfung {f}
hypothesis testingHypothesenüberprüfung {f}
hypothesis-generating [e.g. hypothesis-generating approach] hypothesengenerierend
hypothetic zweifelhaft
hypothetical angenommen
hypotheticalkonstruiert [Fall]
hypothetical theoretisch
« hypnhypohypohypohypohypohypohypshystI   Iamh »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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