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English-German Dictionary

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Habsburg [attr.] [also: Hapsburg]Habsburger [indekl.]
Habsburg (Castle) Habsburg {f} [Burg]
Habsburg empire Habsburgerreich {n}
Habsburg Hereditary Lands [also: Habsburg hereditary lands]Habsburgische Erblande {pl}
Habsburg MonarchyHabsburgermonarchie {f}
Habsburg rule Habsburgerherrschaft {f}
habu [Protobothrops flavoviridis, syn.: Trimeresurus flavoviridis] Habu-Schlange {f}
habutai [also: habotai]Habutai {m}
Haby mustache [Am.] Habyschnurrbart {m} [auch: Haby-Schnurrbart]
háček [ ˇ ] Hatschek {n}
háček [ ˇ ]Háček {n} [ ˇ ]
hacendero [also less commonly: haciendero]Haziendero {m}
Hachiko: A Dog's Story [Lasse Hallström]Hachiko – Eine wunderbare Freundschaft
Hachimoji DNA Hachimoji-DNA {f}
Hachimoji RNAHachimoji-RNA {f}
Hachisuka's sunbird [Aethopyga primigenius] Graukehl-Nektarvogel {m}
hachoir Wiegemesser {n}
hachure Bergstrich {m}
hachure [area of hatching] Schraffierung {f} [Kartographie]
hachured schraffiert [bes. auf Landkarten]
hachuresSchraffierung {f}
Hachy Heuschlingen {n}
haciendaGrundbesitz {m}
haciendaHacienda {f}
hacienda Hazienda {f}
hack Hack {m}
hack Hacke {f}
hack Hieb {m}
hackTritt {m}
hacktrockener Husten {m}
hack Klepper {m}
hack [Am.] [coll.] Taxi {n} [schweiz. auch {m}]
hack [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [cab driver] Taxerer {m} [ugs.] [regional] [Taxifahrer]
hack [Br.] Ausritt {m}
hack [horse for ordinary riding]Reitpferd {n}
hack [horse rented out for riding]Mietpferd {n}
hack [mediocre journalist] [coll.]Schmierfink {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [sensationsheischender, oberflächlicher Journalist]
hack [non-committed person] Mitläufer {m}
hack [worn-out horse] alter Gaul {m}
hack day [coll.] [hackathon]Hack Day {m} [ugs.] [Hackfest, Hackathon]
hack lawyer Winkeladvokat {m}
hack sawBügelsäge {f}
hack saw Hubsäge {f}
hack saw blade Sägeblatt {n}
hack saw frameBügelsäge {f}
hack writer Lohnschreiber {m}
hack (writer) [pej.]Schreiberling {m}
hackamore gebisslose Zäumung {f}
hackathon [coll.] Programmiermarathon {m}
hackathon [coll.]Hackathon {m} [Kofferwort aus „Hack“ und „Marathon“]
hackathon [coll.]Hackfest {n} [ugs.] [Hackathon]
hackberry [genus Celtis]Nesselbaum {m}
hackberry [genus Celtis] Zürgelbaum {m}
hackberry [genus Celtis]Zürgelbaum {m}dingsbums
hackberry [Prunus padus]Gewöhnliche Traubenkirsche {f}
hackberry [Prunus padus]Ahlkirsche {f}
hackberry [Prunus padus] Sumpfkirsche {f}
hackberry [Prunus padus]Elsenkirsche {f}
hackbut Hakenbüchse {f} [hist. Schusswaffe]
hacked gehackt
hacked computer gehackter Rechner {m}
hacked datagehackte Daten {pl}
Hackensack (people) [Native American tribe]Hackensack {pl} [Indianerstamm]
hackerHacker {m}
hackerDatenpirat {m} [ugs.]
hacker [female]Hackerin {f}
hacker attackHackerangriff {m}
hacker attack Hacker-Attacke {f}
hacker groupHackergruppe {f}
hackers Hacker {pl}
hackers [female] Hackerinnen {pl}
Hackers [Iain Softley] Hackers – Im Netz des FBI
hackerspaceHackerspace {m}
hacker-spyHacker-Spion {m}
hackery [Ind.] [bullock cart] Ochsenkarren {m}
hackie [Am.] [coll.] Taxifahrer {m}
hacking hackend
hackingPromenadenreiten {n}
hacking [horse riding for pleasure or exercise] Ausreiten {n}
hacking attackHackerangriff {m}
hacking attack [rare] Hackangriff {m} [selten für: Hackerangriff]
hacking coughtrockener Husten {m}
hacking jacketReitjacke {f}
hackle Federbusch {m}
hackleHechel {f}
hackle[lange aufstellbare] Nackenfeder {f}
hackle Nackenfedern {pl} [bes. des Hahns]
hackle Nackengefieder {n} [bes. des Hahns]
hackle [for fly fishing]Hechel {f} [Vogelfedern zur Herstellung von Trockenfliegen beim Fliegenangeln]
hackle flykünstliche Fliege {f} (mit Federfüßen) [Köder beim Fischen]
hackleback [Scaphirhynchus platorynchus] (Gemeiner) Schaufelstör {m}
hackled orb weaver [family Uloboridae] Kräuselradnetzspinne {f}
hackled up gereizt
hackledmesh weavers [family Amaurobiidae]Finsterspinnen {pl}
hacklemesh weavers [family Amaurobiidae] Finsterspinnen {pl}
hackles [aufstellbare] Nackenhaare {pl} (eines Tieres)
hackles {pl} [erectile hairs along the neck and back of an animal] Nackenfell {n} [mit aufgestellten Haaren]
hackling [archaic]zerkleinernd
« gypsgyrah[lehabihabiHabshackHadehaemhaemhaem »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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